A view from Scotland

OPINION: Niven Rennie, President of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents, reflects on last week's Police Superintendents' conference south of the border
OPINION: Niven Rennie, President of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents, reflects on last week's Police Superintendents' conference south of the border
ANALYSIS: Rose Dowling, founder of Leaders Unlocked, looks at the work of Youth Commissions across five police forces
ANALYSIS: Olivia Pinkney, Sussex Police's Deputy Chief Constable and NPCC lead for Children and Young People, examines police responsibilities when children sext
ANALYSIS: Ben Estep, of the Centre for Justice Innovation, introduces the Centre's new toolkit for for practitioners involved in, or considering creating, youth diversion schemes
OPINION: Dr Rick Muir, Director of the Police Foundation, considers whether the designation of police powers to civilians can help the police adapt to changing demand
IN THE NEWS: Michelle Newell reviews the week’s key policing news, both national and local - including stories from Essex, Cumbria and the West Midlands.
ANALYSIS: Simon Bullock examines "Continuity with Change", the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners' (APCCs') submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review 2015 (CSR15).
OPINION: Matthew Ellis, the Staffordshire PCC, looks at how police can "harness the power of digital technology"
ANALYSIS: Warwickshire PCC Ron Ball examines issues for policing associated with the creation of Combined Authorities
NEWS BRIEF: Chief Supt Irene Curtis, President of the PSAEW, will deliver her speech later this week to the Association's Annual Conference
ANALYSIS: Devon & Cornwall OPCC provides an analysis of the implications of the Government's funding proposals for future force mergers
ADVERTORIAL: The latest information on the Emergency Services Show, taking place at the NEC in Birmingham on 23 and 24 September.
REPORT: Download the latest report covering policing and police and crime commissioner activity during August.
IN THE NEWS: Michelle Newell reviews the week’s key policing news, both national and local - including stories from Avon & Somerset, Dyfed-Powys and Merseyside.
ANALYSIS: Andy Champness, Chair of the Association of Policing and Crime Chief Execs (APACE), examines his "day job" as Chief Executive of West Mercia OPCC
ANALYSIS: Dr Timothy Brain considers the ramifications of the Avon & Somerset Chief Constable's misconduct case
NEWS: Tim Young of Frontline Consulting summarises PCPs' recent 4th Annual Conference
ANALYSIS: GMP ACC Ian Wiggett, the national lead for systems thinking, examines what is meant by 'demand management' in policing
NEWS BRIEF: The Government Digital Service presents work on "Government as a Platform" taking a cross-government view of criminal justice - including detailed mapping.
OPINION: Surrey Deputy PCC Jeff Harris on the merit of police officers apologising when a mistake has been made
OPINION: Northamptonshire PCC Adam Simmonds sets out his views
OPINION: Serving police inspector "Nathan Constable" provides his view on recent stop-and-search developments
OPINION: Dyfed-Powys PCC Christopher Salmon argues for a change in mindset in dealing with police reform