Global progressive policing

SERIES: Policing and the pandemic  (Page 3)

Emergency services collaboration Covid

Emergency services survey to chronicle COVID-19 collaboration and support workforce transformation

Policing and the pandemic
SUBSCRIBE 20th August 2020

Keith Potter, Editor, Policing Insight

FEATURE: COVID-19 has represented a major challenge to the emergency services, but has also led to an acceleration in collaborative working; now a new survey aims to capture and share successful collaborations, as a foundation for future workforce transformation

John Scott QC large

Policing the pandemic: How Scotland’s IAG led the way on human rights under emergency coronavirus powers

Policing and the pandemic
SUBSCRIBE 5th August 2020

John Scott QC – Solicitor Advocate

ANALYSIS: The speed with which coronavirus legislation was introduced, and its reach, led to calls for additional human rights-based scrutiny of the emergency powers. Solicitor Advocate John Scott QC, who chaired Scotland's independent advisory group on the issue, explains how the group was established and operated, some of the lessons learned, and how Scotland led the way.

thematic picture coronavirus policing

Policing the pandemic: Was UK law enforcement prepared for COVID-19?

Policing and the pandemic
REGISTER 3rd August 2020

Benoit Guerin, senior researcher, Institute for Government

ANALYSIS: Police forces and public services around the world prepare for crises such as COVID-19 – but was UK policing ready for the pandemic? Benoit Guerin, senior researcher at the Institute for Government, sets out the findings of a new report which explores forces' readiness and response to the coronavirus, and highlights lessons learned.

Mark Evans OCC
Policing beach in lockdown

Securing voluntary compliance with behaviours that will prevent the spread of COVID-19

Policing and the pandemic
SUBSCRIBE 29th June 2020

Professor Nick Tilley, Jill Dando Institute, UCL

UCL COVID-19 SERIES: Professor Nick Tilley, UCL Jill Dando Institute, and Professor Ray Pawson, Leeds University, examine the factors impacting behaviour during the pandemic and suggest a way forward to securing voluntary compliance to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

thematic picture coronavirus policing
Nick Evans

Policing a pandemic: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on law enforcement agencies

Policing and the pandemic
SUBSCRIBE 22nd June 2020

Dr Zoha Waseem, Jill Dando Institute, UCL

UCL COVID-19 SERIES: Internationally, police forces are having to enforce and respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Dr Zoha Waseem and Julian Laufs from the Department of Security and Crime Science at the Jill Dando Institute UCL examine the impact policing the pandemic is having on police forces and their staff.

UK Customs control at the French border

Border farce? Concerns raised over how the UK’s new quarantine laws will be policed

Policing and the pandemic
SUBSCRIBE 17th June 2020

Andrew Staniforth, Policing Insight

Insight: The UK introduced new quarantine laws for those entering the UK earlier this month. Policing Insight contributor Andrew Staniforth explores the nature of these new restrictions and the ability of Border Force and the police to enforce them.

Why heavy-handed policing won’t work for lockdowns in highly unequal countries

Policing and the pandemic
SUBSCRIBE 15th June 2020

Prof Karl Roberts, WHO Health Security, Law Enforcement and Policing Consultant

Analysis: As the world comes to terms with the impact of Covid-19, Professor Karl Roberts, Professor Alex Broadbent and Professor Benjamin Smart examine how some African countries have policed the lockdown.

James Slessor

New era: Public safety agencies must learn to embrace this ‘never normal’ environment

Policing and the pandemic
SUBSCRIBE 15th June 2020

James Slessor, MD Accenture Police Services

Analysis: Accenture Public Safety Managing Director James Slessor explores how public safety agencies responded to the pressures created by the pandemic and how agencies need to search out and embrace sustainable ways of working in what is now a 'never normal' environment.

Charlie Norman

Are we ready for the biggest ever overhaul of mandatory vehicle safety requirements?

Policing and the pandemic
OPEN 9th June 2020

Charlie Norman, Managing Director, DriveTech

INNOVATION: In the third of a series of articles, DriveTech's Charlie Norman explores a new white paper on proposed changes to new cars sold in the UK from 2024. He argues current rules on a driver’s readiness to be on the road are in need of a comprehensive review. More complex vehicles on more crowded roads, with reduced levels of roads policing, may explain why improved safety equipment hasn’t had the desired impact. 

“Policing and Covid-19” coverage: Where next for Policing Insight?…

Policing and the pandemic
OPEN 28th May 2020

Bernard Rix - Publisher, Policing Insight/PolicingTV

ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Publisher, Bernard Rix, sets out how Policing Insight will continue to report on the national, regional and international policing responses to the pandemic, and renews his invitation to those others with policing insight on Coronavirus to get in touch, wherever they may be in the world.

Mike Richmond (ANZPAA)
Liz Aston

Covid-19: Implications for policing from a Scottish perspective

Policing and the pandemic
OPEN 18th May 2020

Dr Liz Aston, Edinburgh Napier University

ANALYSIS : The implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for policing are far-reaching. Dr Liz Aston, Director of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR), explores some of them further, particularly from a Scottish perspective.

Police procurement in a time of crisis: How a fresh approach can hold a fragile supply chain together

Policing and the pandemic
SUBSCRIBE 18th May 2020

Bernard Rix - Publisher, Policing Insight/PolicingTV

OPINION: The global pandemic has illustrated that policing does not operate in a vacuum when it comes to delivering public services. Policing Insight's Publisher Bernard Rix looks at how one supplier worked with UK police forces, the Police ICT Company and the National Police Technology Council to ensure previously office-based work could be rapidly undertaken by police officers and staff in their own homes.

Tom Nolan
police on bikes

Coronavirus: Why we must tackle hard questions about police power

Policing and the pandemic
OPEN 7th May 2020

Professor Ian Loader - University of Oxford

Opinion: With some daily headlines in Britain focused on the use of police powers in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Professor Ian Loader from the University of Oxford considers the role of the police and how effective the current police response has been.
