Weekly Media Monitor summary

IN THE NEWS: Our new-look Weekly Review, drawing on our popular Media Monitor database, picks up the key news stories and reports of the week, and explains why they matter to you.
IN THE NEWS: Our new-look Weekly Review, drawing on our popular Media Monitor database, picks up the key news stories and reports of the week, and explains why they matter to you.
OPINION: Last week we explored the PFEW's campaign to to reduce prejudice against police officers with tattoos. Serving police officer Gareth Stubbs argues that these kinds of attitudes represent the power of groupthink, and argues for the importance of diversity of thought in policing.
NEWS: Transport for London is providing British Transport Police with an additional £3.4m in funding to ensure a visible policing presence as the new Night Tube starts running this weekend. Martin Hoscik examines the plans.
ANALYSIS: Last week, the Daily Mail published a story claiming Chief Constables were raking in huge salaries and benefits at the public expense. Cate Moore explores the story behind the headlines, and finds little true investigation and even less accuracy - and warns that a race to the bottom benefits nobody.
ANALYSIS: Should the Scottish Government go ahead with its planned integration of the British Transport Police (BTP) into Police Scotland? Kath Murray looks at the implications of the proposal - and warns that the case for integration needs to be made much clearer.
OPINION: Should police forces take a more relaxed approach to recruiting those with tattoos? The Police Federation of England and Wales says yes, and is leading a campaign to overcome 'old-fashioned' attitudes. Steve Bax of the PFEW explores the issue.
ANALYSIS: The 101 service for non-urgent calls to the police has come under increasing pressure in many forces across the country. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that many calls aren't about issues the police can deal with. After analysing data from hundreds of thousands of 101 calls, Michael Sanders and Simon Ruda of the Behavioural Insights Team argue that just a six second ring time could slash inappropriate calls, and free up the 101 service for those who need to get through.
OPINION: Why is it that PTSD in some forces will result in an injury retirement, in others a resignation and in the worst cases prosecution? Gill Scott-Moore of the Police Dependents' Trust talks about what's changed in the way police deal with mental health issues, the research the Trust has commissioned, and the work that still needs to be done.
IN THE NEWS: Our new-look Weekly Review, drawing on our popular Media Monitor database, picks up the key news stories and reports of the week, and explains why they matter to you.
OPINION: The first hundred days of a new PCC are overwhelmingly busy and full of meetings and helpful advice. But few of these will directly address the most important aspects of making a success of the job. Karen Drury looks at the relationships, and the necessary managing of conflict, needed to keep the show on the road.
OPINION: David Jamieson, PCC for the West Midlands, argues that the proposed model for the new mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority is weak and not fit for purpose, and calls for the CA to pause, reflect, and review the role.
OPINION: The latest NFU report on rural crime showed marked variations in some crime types and between local force areas. But which interventions are working? Nick Alston, former Essex PCC and now Chair of the newly launched Policing Institute for the Eastern Region, calls for more research into what works to reduce rural - and other - crime.
OPINION: The Curtis Review on the use of targets in policing was published in December 2015, but little actual change appears to have taken place. Simon Guilfoyle revisits the debate and calls once more for the fundamental transformation of performance management in the police service.
OPINION: Armed police officers have made headlines again, this time for shopping in Morrisons. Police blogger and serving officer 'Nathan Constable' outlines the the security threat and the professionalism of armed officers, and argues for a grown-up debate about armed response.
EXCLUSIVE: New PCC for Cheshire, David Keane, blogs about his 100-day listening exercise, and why the police need to be based in the heart of the community - not in police stations.
OPINION: Police Now, the Graduate Leadership Development Programme for the police, has been controversial in some quarters. Emma Williams of Canterbury Christ Church University lays out her thoughts after spending a day with the scheme, and argues that talented serving officers also need access to high quality training.
IN THE NEWS: Our new-look Weekly Review, drawing on our popular Media Monitor database, picks up the key news stories and reports of the week, and explains why they matter to you.
NEWS BRIEF: Bernard Rix, Chief Executive of CoPaCC, announces a lunchtime workshop on 14th September in London. This event, hosted by leading lawyers Field Fisher, will explore the likely local impact of Brexit on policing and security stakeholders. Save the date!
ANALYSIS: Controversial predictive tools for offender management are increasingly being used in the US to determine sentencing. Marion Oswald (Winchester University) and Jamie Grace (Sheffield Hallam University) examine the use of algorithmic risk assessment tools, and call for an open debate in the UK about where the red lines should be.
OPINION: How should 'blue light' services communicate with the people they serve? Dan Slee examines the work that comms teams in the Fire and Rescue Services have been doing to get their life-saving messages across, and what lessons there are for other public services.
OPINION: Ian Blackhurst, Executive Director for Solutions, Northgate Public Services argues that criminals don’t respect force borders or system silos, and neither should digital evidence.
EXCLUSIVE: Lord Willy Bach, the first serving parliamentarian to be elected as a Police and Crime Commissioner, talks about the learning curve for PCCs, appointing a deputy, and why 'blue light' mergers could leave the Fire Service as the poor relation.
OPINION: Iain Britton, Head of the Centre for Citizens in Policing at the Institute for Public Safety Crime and Justice, reflects on the national Citizens in Policing Summit at the Palace Hotel, Manchester on Thursday 21 July.