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OPINION: Police blogger "Nathan Constable" argues against a requirement for all police officers to be degree educated
OPINION: Police blogger "Nathan Constable" argues against a requirement for all police officers to be degree educated
OPINION: Lancashire Constabulary's project lead for innovation and collaboration, Rob Flanagan, argues in favour of "disruptive innovation" in policing
OPINION: Gavin Thomas, Vice President of the Police Superintendents of England and Wales, looks at policing in a digital world
REPORT: Download the latest report covering policing and police and crime commissioner activity during September.
IN THE NEWS: Michelle Newell reviews the week’s key policing news, both national and local - including stories from Notting Hill, Northern Ireland and Bedfordshire
ANALYSIS: Bernard Rix, CEO of CoPaCC, reviews publication by OPCCs of Freedom of Information requests and their responses
ANALYSIS: As the College of Policing's Excellence in Policing conference starts in Ryton, policing blogger Gareth Stubbs reflects on the growing role of demand management
ANALYSIS: NINE have "Declared", six say they're not standing, five say they're 'Undecided", whilst one's now Interim Mayor. And no comment from the remaining 23.
OPINION: Gavin Hales, Deputy Director of the Police Foundation, provides a modern slant on the parable of the blind men and the elephant
OPINION: Kent PCC Ann Barnes reflects on this Sunday's event to mark police bravery and sacrifice
ANALYSIS: Serving police officer "Nathan Constable" examines the significant challenge for policing of dealing with a growing number of missing person reports
OPINION: How should policing adapt to meet its current, substantial challenge? Charlotte Pickles of the Reform think tank identifies key areas of focus.
ANALYSIS: MayorWatch's Martin Hoscik casts his expert eye over the welcome awaiting London's new Mayor from the Metropolitan Police
IN THE NEWS: Michelle Newell reviews the week’s key policing news, both national and local - including stories from Bedfordshire, Bath and Belfast
ANALYSIS: Stuart Hyde QPM examines crime recording rules and identifies changes that could make the investigation of cybercrime and fraud much more effective
OPINION: Police Federation Chair Steve White on why police integrity is best served by the Police Federation asking tough questions of the Government
OPINION: Superintendent Alun Morgan of South Wales Police reflects on a night shift command duty.
NEWS BRIEF: Bernard Rix, CoPaCC CEO and Publisher of PolicingInsight.com, introduces further significant enhancements to Policing Insight's Media Monitoring service
NEWS BRIEF: The Home Affairs Committee is to conduct an inquiry into ‘Reform of the Police Funding Formula’. This inquiry comes shortly after the Public Accounts Committee published a report into the "Financial sustainability of police forces in England and Wales"
NEWS BRIEF: Bernard Rix, CoPaCC CEO and Publisher of PolicingInsight.com, introduces significant enhancements to Policing Insight's Media Monitoring service
OPINION: Kent PCC Ann Barnes takes a look at the Home Office's police funding consultation, which closed this week.
OPINION: Former Special Constable and police staff member Christine Townsend looks at the impact of traumatic cases on those within policing
IN THE NEWS: Michelle Newell reviews the week’s key policing news, both national and local - including stories from London, Scotland, Nottingham and Staffordshire