“Mind the Gap”: Predicting the impact of police withdrawal from communities

OPINION: PC Rory Geoghegan, a frontline Police Constable in the Metropolitan Police, considers the positive effect of community policing
OPINION: PC Rory Geoghegan, a frontline Police Constable in the Metropolitan Police, considers the positive effect of community policing
NEWS: Lord Bew, Chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, addresses an audience gathered to mark the launch of CoPaCC's "OPCC Transparency" Quality Mark
OPINION: Lee Simpson and Max Worth of Deloitte report on a five-force event to produce "mind-blowing apps"
OPINION: Dorset PCC Martyn Underhill provides his perspective on HMIC's Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy (PEEL) Report, published last week
NEWS: Policing Insight launches our directory of police force and governing body information
OPINION: Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Martin Hewitt responds to the RCA's independent report, "Safer together: Policing a global city in 2020"
ANALYSIS: Roy Wilsher, Hertfordshire's Chief Fire Officer and Chief Exec of Hertfordshire OPCC, examines some of the challenges ahead of further fire and police collaboration
OPINION: ACC Ian Wiggett of Greater Manchester Police argues that policing needs to adopt a 'common voice' on its overall capacity and capability to manage risk
NEWS BRIEF: Five forces rated outstanding, 29 as good, 8 as requiring improvement and one - Humberside - as inadequate.
NEWS BRIEF: Temporary Chief Constable Gareth Morgan will continue to lead the Constabulary while a recruitment process takes place.
ANALYSIS: MayorWatch's Martin Hoscik examines views on the likely impact on the Met Police of the RSA's recent independent report
ANALYSIS: Anthony Painter, the RSA's Director of Policy and Strategy, provides an author's perspective on the RSA's independent review of the Metropolitan Police
ANALYSIS: Steve Finnigan writes an open letter to the people of Lancashire on the subject of police cuts
OPINION: Bedfordshire PCC Olly Martins calls for those concerned about dwindling police strength to lobby their Member of Parliament
OPINION: Lancashire Constabulary's project lead for innovation and collaboration, Rob Flanagan, argues in favour of "disruptive innovation" in policing
ANALYSIS: MayorWatch's Martin Hoscik casts his expert eye over the welcome awaiting London's new Mayor from the Metropolitan Police
OPINION: Kent PCC Ann Barnes takes a look at the Home Office's police funding consultation, which closed this week.
OPINION: Jim Mallen, Chair of Bedfordshire Police Federation, sets out why police volunteers "will not provide better policing; this will provide cheaper policing".
ANALYSIS: Rose Dowling, founder of Leaders Unlocked, looks at the work of Youth Commissions across five police forces
ANALYSIS: Olivia Pinkney, Sussex Police's Deputy Chief Constable and NPCC lead for Children and Young People, examines police responsibilities when children sext
OPINION: Matthew Ellis, the Staffordshire PCC, looks at how police can "harness the power of digital technology"
ANALYSIS: Warwickshire PCC Ron Ball examines issues for policing associated with the creation of Combined Authorities
ANALYSIS: Devon & Cornwall OPCC provides an analysis of the implications of the Government's funding proposals for future force mergers