Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98361 total results. Showing results 18021 to 18040 «898899900901902903904905906Next ›Last » Police funding package for 2024/25 ‘extremely disappointing’, says PFEW The Police Federation for England and Wales (PFEW) has described the police funding package for 2024/25 as “extremely disappointing” and the “worst financial support forces have received in recent years”. Police Professional 15/12/2023 News APCC response to deaths being linked to street drugs stronger than heroin Following data from the National Crime Agency showing that 54 deaths have been linked to synthetic opioids since June 2023, APCC Addictions & Substance Misuse Leads, Dorset PCC David Sidwick and Durham PCC Joy Allen, said: “We are deeply saddened by the reported deaths caused by Synthetic Opioids in the UK in the last six months. We take the dangers and risks posed by these drugs, which can be up to 1,000 times stronger than heroin, very seriously Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 15/12/2023 News City council approves $12.2 million police budget CANADA: On Wednesday night, Moose Jaw City Council approved the Moose Jaw Board of Police Commissioners budget for 2024. Discover Moose Jaw (Canada) 15/12/2023 News Peel Police Services Board extends Chief Nishan Duraiappah’s contract to 2028 CANADA: The Peel Police Services Board today announced the extension of Chief Nishan Duraiappah’s contract to 2028. Blue Line (Canada) 15/12/2023 News Province boosts YRP’s Operation Auto Guard, drive to stamp out car thefts CANADA: The York Regional Police will receive $900,000 from the Provincial Government over the next five years to help the local police service pump the brakes on a rash of auto thefts. Blue Line (Canada) 15/12/2023 News Garda felt like ‘sitting duck’ during patrol car attack, court hears REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An experienced Garda said he felt like a "sitting duck" after being trapped and set upon in his patrol car during a terrifying attack in Co Donegal. Breaking News (Republic of Ireland) 15/12/2023 News ‘I’m not going to lie, it was scary’ – gardaí on duty during Dublin riots REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Members of An Garda Síochána have spoken about their experiences being on duty in Dublin city centre during the rioting on 23 November. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 15/12/2023 Feature, Opinion Minister for Justice Helen McEntee welcomes attestation of new 151 Garda members REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, has welcomed the attestation of 151 members of An Garda Síochána at the Garda College, Templemore, today. Government of Ireland 15/12/2023 News Food for thought: The need for nutrition understanding and champions in policing The continuously rotating shift patterns worked by many officers and staff within policing can have a significant negative impact on both dietary habits as well as wider health and wellbeing; nutritional therapist Anna Earl, who works with UK police wellbeing service Oscar Kilo, believes there’s much more that both forces and officers can do to address the challenges, as she explained to Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 15/12/2023 Analysis, Feature, Interview Report on the Criminal Justice Alliance’s super-complaint – Section 60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 and independent community scrutiny of stop and search In May 2021 we received a super-complaint from the Criminal Justice Alliance (CJA) HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 15/12/2023 Report Police must apply safeguards and improve scrutiny to minimise harm when using stop and search The police must do more to minimise harm when using their stop and search powers and to better understand the effectiveness of these powers, a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 15/12/2023 News Police must apply safeguards and improve scrutiny when using stop and search, report says The police must do more to minimise harm when using their stop and search powers and to better understand the effectiveness of these powers, a new report has found. Police Professional 15/12/2023 News Experts identify ‘massive operational challenges’ with police use of facial recognition Parliamentary committee hears evidence from a range of sources, with conflicting views put forward on the legal mandate for the technology’s use and the role of transparency in doing so Public Technology 15/12/2023 News Police super-complaints: police use of stop and search powers Super-complaint from the Criminal Justice Alliance about the police’s use of ‘suspicion-less’ stop and searches and the scrutiny of all stop and search powers. Home Office 15/12/2023 Report Guernsey’s police, border force and fire service to be reviewed Guernsey's police, border force and fire service will be reviewed to look at how efficiently they operate. Home Affairs President Deputy Rob Prow said his committee had asked for it in an effort to find "longer term" financial savings. He said there was "no question of redundancies" but all elements of the services would be evaluated. BBC 15/12/2023 News Northern Ireland police data breach ‘caused by many factors’ A major data breach at the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) was caused by a combination of factors and a lack of proactive action to ensure security, according to a newly published report on the incident. 15/12/2023 News Police watchdog refuses to back use of stop and search without suspicion HMIC finds forces fail to follow safeguards and leaders cannot explain disproportional stops of black people The Guardian 15/12/2023 News Police watchdog refuses to back use of stop and search without suspicion HMIC finds forces fail to follow safeguards and leaders cannot explain disproportional stops of black people The Guardian 15/12/2023 News Home Office should include s.60 in Annual Data Requirement, says super complaint report A joint investigation has taken place on a super complaint regarding the use of S.60 and independent community scrutiny of stop and search. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/12/2023 News West Yorkshire Police cash boost will not plug gap – deputy mayor A £40m cash boost for West Yorkshire Police will do "nothing" to close its funding gap, the politician in charge of the county's policing has said. BBC 15/12/2023 News «898899900901902903904905906Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events