Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98646 total results. Showing results 95801 to 95820 «478747884789479047914792479347944795Next ›Last » ‘Recovery is possible’ – personal advice from the Victims’ Commissioner to other victims Victims' Commissioner 18/3/2016 Report 12 lessons for PCC – or “Commissioner” – candidates from the National Briefing Day The Liberal Democrat's PCC candidate for Cheshire, Neil Lewis, reflects on his day at the PCC candidates' National Briefing organised by CoPaCC Policing Insight 18/3/2016 Opinion, UK PCC Elections PEEL Police Legitimacy – An inspection of Warwickshire Police HMIC found that Warwickshire Police was developing an ethical culture. However it had more to do to provide sufficient wellbeing and welfare support for its staff, and to ensure that complaints and misconduct were properly assessed and free of bias. Warwickshire OPCC 18/3/2016 Report PEEL Police Effectiveness – An inspection of Warwickshire Police Overall Warwickshire Police is judged to require improvement at keeping people safe and reducing crime. Warwickshire OPCC 18/3/2016 Report Performance Summary (Warwickshire) October – December 2015 This report covers the third quarter of the performance year and shows a developing picture of force performance across a broad range of data. Staffordshire OPCC 18/3/2016 Report Bedfordshire PCC candidate says ‘cops must not be scared to offend’ Bedfordshire News 18/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Report on the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner The purpose of this report is to provide members of the Panel with an update on the key activities that have taken place since the panel last met on 3rd February 2016. Warwickshire OPCC 18/3/2016 Report Warwickshire Rape Investigations Update. The purpose of this report is to update the PCC on the investigation of rape and the attrition rate in Warwickshire. Warwickshire OPCC 18/3/2016 Report Assistant Chief Constable recruitment Scottish Police Authority (SPA) 18/3/2016 News Four arrested in Police Federation fraud inquiry The Guardian 18/3/2016 News Stakeholder Engagement Task and Finish Group Final Report This report assesses the effectiveness of engagement with stakeholders by the Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). Warwickshire OPCC 18/3/2016 Report PCC will not stand for re-election Gwent OPCC 18/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Report of the Planning and Performance working group. Warwickshire OPCC 18/3/2016 Report PCC Candidates’ National Briefing: ‘Outstanding’ feedback 'Outstanding' and 'Excellent': feedback from PCC candidates following this week's National Briefing day organised by CoPaCC Policing Insight 18/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections Police and Crime Panel confirm Merseyside Police’s next Chief Constable Merseyside OPCC 18/3/2016 News Mass stop and search by police doesn’t reduce crime, says study The Guardian 18/3/2016 Analysis, Feature Do initiatives involving substantial increases in stop and search reduce crime? Assessing the impact of Operation BLUNT 2 18/3/2016 Report Foreign criminals make job difficult, claims Met chief The Times - Subscription at source 18/3/2016 News Police Federation investigated over fraud allegations BBC 18/3/2016 News Surrey PCC in row with Theresa May as he demands apology BBC 18/3/2016 News, UK PCC Elections «478747884789479047914792479347944795Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events