Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98590 total results. Showing results 88601 to 88620 «442744284429443044314432443344344435Next ›Last » Greater Manchester PCC – End Of Term Review As the Commissioner’s Term of Office comes to an end in May 2017, this report covers work completed in Greater Manchester during the full term of office from November 2012 to April 2017. Greater Manchester Police OPCC 3/5/2017 Report Northamptonshire Police recruits new ACC A chief superintendent has left his force after 26 years to become Northamptonshire Police’s new assistant chief constable. Police Professional 3/5/2017 News Labour ‘committed to devolving policing’ Labour is firmly committed to devolved policing, according to its general election campaign chairman in Wales. BBC 3/5/2017 News Emergency services’ may be left unable to share radios for 6 months Problems in the procurement of an ambitious new radio communication system for the emergency services, means that Ambulance, Police and Fire services risk being left unable to communicate with each other for six months in 2020, the Commons Public Accounts Committee has warned. Digital Health 3/5/2017 News Gloucestershire Chief insists it’s “business as usual” as the force faces blue light merger Temporary Chief Constable Rod Hansen says he wants to "enjoy" being chief. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/5/2017 News Second group of direct entrants graduate, at cost of £147k per recruit One third of tiny cohort dropped out before the end of the course Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/5/2017 News Two officers land major Cleveland Police roles – including officer who dodged speeding ticket Force appoint two new Assistant Chief Constables who top cop thinks will help move the force forward Gazette Live 3/5/2017 News Met Police accused of ‘severe’ security breach after handing over addresses of London’s 30,000 gun owners The Met Police has been criticised for handing over the addresses of 30,000 London gun owners to a third party for a marketing campaign. The Standard 3/5/2017 News Local knowledge: A typology of Neighbourhood Policing – and an appeal for your insights Since the end of the Neighbourhood Policing Programme (NPP) in 2009, the work of neighbourhood teams across the country has significantly diverged. The Police Foundation are undertaking a major project to track these developments, and are looking for police officer and staff insights into what's been happening neighbourhood policing in your area. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/5/2017 Analysis Theresa May will vow to ring-fence the £12bn police budget for the next five years, says Amber Rudd Theresa May will vow to ringfence the £12 billion police budget for the next five years, Home Secretary Amber Rudd signalled yesterday. The Sun 3/5/2017 News Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Policing Salary: £38,535 to £48,775. Closes: 29th May 2017 University of Huddersfield 3/5/2017 Jobs New Assistant Chief Constable appointed We are pleased to announce the appointment of James (Jim) Andronov, as the Force's new ACC. Northamptonshire Police 3/5/2017 News Labour defends Diane Abbott over stumbling interview Party says shadow home secretary’s confusion over funding pledge was uncharacteristic slip-up from effective media performer The Guardian 3/5/2017 News Diane proves fuzzy on police in line of dutiful questioning Election sketch by Patrick Kidd The Times - Subscription at source 3/5/2017 Feature, Opinion With metro mayors we are electing a very different type of politician Dr Jo Casebourne is programme director at the Institute for Government The Times - Subscription at source 3/5/2017 Feature, Opinion Metro mayors can show power of new ideas Westminster politicians will be watching the regions for inspiration as once-derided roles are filled this week The Times - Subscription at source 3/5/2017 Feature, Opinion ‘Make banned drivers resit their test’ Banned drivers should have to resit their test before being let back behind the wheel to improve standards of driving and combat a surge in road rage, according to peers and former MPs. The Times - Subscription at source 3/5/2017 News Fly-tipping epidemic costs taxpayers £600 million a year Fly-tipping and other waste crimes have risen to record levels, costing the country £600 million a year, because of a loophole that allows criminals to set up as licensed rubbish collectors. The Times - Subscription at source 3/5/2017 News Reality Check: Are there 20,000 fewer police? BBC 2/5/2017 Analysis, Feature Do changes to PACE threaten to undermine support for vulnerable detainees? Concerns have been raised that changes to PACE Code C could have a detrimental effect on vulnerable people in custody at a time when the police service is working to improve its treatment of those suffering mental health problems. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/5/2017 Analysis «442744284429443044314432443344344435Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events