Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98590 total results. Showing results 88581 to 88600 «442644274428442944304431443244334434Next ›Last » London anti-terror raid police criticised for not wearing body cameras Lawyer for woman shot in Willesden operation voices concern that counter-terrorism unit did not record it on video The Guardian 4/5/2017 News Italy votes on giving protection to ‘respond with force’ householders Italy's Parliament is preparing to vote on a new self-defence law to protect citizens caught up in "murder in the house" cases. Police Professional 4/5/2017 News Forensic science regulator warns of digital standards ‘car crash’ Dr Tully says many forensics bodies seeking accreditation are unlikely to meet the digital deadline later this year Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/5/2017 News Staying in Europol after Brexit not a cut-ÂandÂ-paste job says director British head of EU agency says he hopes a grownÂup approach will be taken in negotiations Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/5/2017 News General Election fact watch: Is crime really rising under the Tories? The Standard 4/5/2017 Analysis, Feature GMP fined after victims’ interviews DVDs go missing Greater Manchester Police has been fined after three DVDs containing footage of interviews with victims of violent or sexual crimes got lost in the post. ITV News 4/5/2017 News Digital policing lead hopes to ‘rationalise’ funding ACC Richard Berry says there is an "opportunity" to approach funding differently after the General Election Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/5/2017 News Violent crime ‘moving into homes’ More violence is happening behind closed doors in people's homes, documents obtained by the BBC Scotland reveal. BBC 4/5/2017 News Chief Constable announces two senior appointments to join Police Scotland Chief Constable Phil Gormley has announced two senior appointments to join Police Scotland. James Gray has been confirmed as Chief Financial Officer and Jude Helliker as Director of People and Development. The Edinburgh Reporter 4/5/2017 News Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner raises concerns over response times after policing changes in St Helens The Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner has vowed to closely monitor emergency response times after concerns were raised over the length of time officers are taking to respond to some calls outs in St Helens. St Helens Star 4/5/2017 News Metropolitan Police to hit massive IT overspend The Metropolitan Police Service is set to massively overspend on IT as it attempts to improve digital policing Computer Weekly 4/5/2017 News Predictive policing: The Holy Grail of police efficiency, or a series of opaque algorithms threatening individual and community rights? With the ever-present pressures on police resources and the need for chiefs and forces to be doing as much (if not more) with less, the appeal of data analytics and predictive policing is stronger than ever. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/5/2017 Analysis Teach pupils how to survive a terror attack, says police chief Children must be taught in school what to do in a terror attack as they used to learn to be wary of strangers, says a top police chief. Mail Online 4/5/2017 News London schools urged to install metal detectors to help stop knife crime Police say ‘knife arches’ can help prevent attacks, as number of under-25s stabbed to death this year in capital reaches 17 The Guardian 4/5/2017 News Over 3,000 terror tip-offs to police in two months Police received over 3,000 tip-offs by the public about possible terrorist activity in the last two months. The National Police Chiefs' Council said a significant number of calls had been made after the Westminster attack. BBC 3/5/2017 News More Wiltshire Police officers are set to receive Taser training Wiltshire Police will train more officers to use Taser stun guns as violent crime in the county rises, the chief constable has announced. Salisbury Journal 3/5/2017 News National awards success for Dyfed-Powys Police projects Dyfed-Powys Police has been named as the silver winner of the 2017 ‘Police Project of the Year’ Award and bronze winner of the ‘Transforming Through Technology’ Award by iESE (Improvement and Efficiency Social Enterprise) at a ceremony which took place in London recently. Tenby Observer 3/5/2017 News Official forensic regulator calls for increase to legal aid funding Dr Gillian Tully warns ever more complex digital-based evidence is making it harder for defence lawyers to subject charges to proper scrutiny The Guardian 3/5/2017 News Commissioning Update and Long Term Commissioning Intentions Annex 1 See page 63-77 Norfolk OPCC 3/5/2017 Report Norfolk Police and Crime Plan 2016/17 See page 63-77 for police and crime plan Norfolk OPCC 3/5/2017 Report «442644274428442944304431443244334434Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events