Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98748 total results. Showing results 77421 to 77440 «386838693870387138723873387438753876Next ›Last » Maximising the Security and Safety of Citizens By Strengthening the Connection Between the Police and the Communities They Serve. This paper provides a discussion on the objectives, approach and findings of the EU H2020 funded UNITY project. The project aims to strengthen the connection between the police and the communities they serve by providing a suite of ICT tools to improve collaboration, cooperation and information sharing between LEAs (Law Enforcement Agencies) and the communities they serve. The paper defines the underlying concept of community policing, before moving into a discussion about the developed ICTs and the empirical research underpinning their development and the subsequent approach used to test them. Within, we build upon the theoretical notion that ICTs in isolation do little to break down existing cultural, socio-economic and other embedded factors that contribute to absences in collaboration between citizen groups and the police. Instead, ICTs are an important mechanism at can be used to reinforce existing cultures of collaboration and trust, providing an additional vector through which citizens can make a contribution in their local communities, and through which police can be made contextually aware of local crime issues. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 24/10/2018 Research article Integrated Concept For the Training of Trainers Within Police Cooperation of the EU Member States This publication concerns presentation of outcomes of the training of trainers conducted during the implementation of the Twinning Light Project “Setting up the SIRENE Office: Strengthening capacities of SIRENE operators and end users of the Schengen Information System II (CRO SIRENE)“ funded by the EU. This international assistance and support project was implemented throughout 2016 by the Lithuanian Police in cooperation with the beneficiary administration – the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia. This research is aimed at making readers familiar with the system and integral parts of qualification improvement process in a police organisation. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 24/10/2018 Research article A Virtual Platform to Train Cross-National Police Teams in Team Collaboration and Police Interviewing Although transnational police collaboration has become increasingly important to effectively fight those crimes that cross borders, training in the necessary skills to achieve good cross-national collaboration and investigation is currently lacking. Indeed, organising trainings with police trainees from different countries is very expensive, time-consuming, and logistically challenging. Therefore, the European Commission is funding the Horizon2020-project ‘LAW-TRAIN’, in which a virtual training platform is being developed which allows police officers (and judicial authorities) from different countries to train together from their respective locations in the preparation for, and the conduct of, a police interview with a virtual suspect within the context of a transnational investigation. The current contribution will describe the goals and features of this training, the actual training trajectory, and the innovative role of the virtual trainer in achieving a standardized and automated training for police officers all across Europe and beyond. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 24/10/2018 Research article Home Office defends refusal to appoint independent ‘spycops’ inquiry panel Lawyer lambastes retired judge's 'primitive understanding' of core issues. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/10/2018 News Pension squeeze to send policing ‘back to the 1970s’, chiefs warn And then there was 'no internet, social media, mobile phones driving the changing nature of crime'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/10/2018 News Scots police officers ‘run ragged, overwhelmed and unable to take breaks’ The Scottish police union boss claimed cops were routinely having to stay beyond their working hours due to being overworked. Daily Record 24/10/2018 News Hull police boss: ‘Cost of pension changes could lead to 320 job losses’ Under new government proposals, police forces have been asked to contribute more to their employee pension schemes Hull Live 24/10/2018 News Police boss supports calls for change in law on revenge porn A report calling for a change in the law on revenge porn has won backing from North Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan. The Press (York) 24/10/2018 News Birmingham’s police chief: This is why we’re getting so many carjackings – and I want action to stop it Chief Constable Dave Thompson's comments came as two thugs were jailed for their part in a series of violent car jackings Birmingham Live 24/10/2018 News Developing and Testing A Community Policing Social Network in European Cities This paper presents the outcomes of the first trials of the INSPEC2T system (Inspiring CitizeNS Participation for Enhanced Community PoliCing AcTions). The project is funded by the European Commission’s research agenda to bridge the gap between Community Policing as a philosophy and as an organisational strategy, capitalizing on the use of Social Media and Mobile Apps. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 24/10/2018 Research article Merseyside Police could lose another 300 officers if pension bill approved Pension changes could “swing a wrecking ball” through the already stretched police budget Liverpool Echo 24/10/2018 News Merseyside Police could lose another 300 officers if pension bill approved Pension changes could “swing a wrecking ball” through the already stretched police budget Liverpool Echo 24/10/2018 News Overworked police too busy for toilet breaks Historical child abuse and anti-terrorism operations are causing sections of Police Scotland to become stretched and officers “run ragged”. The Times - Subscription at source 24/10/2018 News Domestic violence damages the state as well as victims Since becoming prime minister, Theresa May has put tackling violence against women and girls at the centre of her domestic agenda. Ending trafficking, domestic abuse and sexual violence is something we can all agree on, whichever side of the aisle we sit. The Times - Subscription at source 24/10/2018 Feature, Opinion Police officers use controversial spit hoods 13 times a week in London, data shows Police officers are using controversial spit guards more than 13 times a week in custody cells in London, new data has revealed. The Standard 23/10/2018 News APCC Chair, Mark Burns-Williamson writes directly to the Chancellor about the significant impact of the unfunded police pension changes, recently announced. A letter has been sent to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the RT Hon Philip Hammond MP, on behalf of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) raising concerns about the huge impact of the recent announcements around employer pension contributions for Policing. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 23/10/2018 News MPs criticise ‘piecemeal’ sexual abuse legislation The Government is failing to tackle sexual harassment outside the workplace, according to an inquiry by the Women and Equalities Committee. Police Professional 23/10/2018 News New tech app allows city cops to ‘click and collect’ criminals West Midlands Police can now ‘click and collect’ criminals, thanks to a new technology to help police find offenders while on patrol. I am Birmingham 23/10/2018 News A teenager was left paralysed and police lied. His family deserve justice My constituent Julian Cole has been in a vegetative state for five years. The truth of what happened must be revealed says Dawn Butler, Labour MP for Brent Central. The Guardian 23/10/2018 Feature, Opinion 220 police officers from North East streets could be cut due to Government pension bill, Dame Vera Baird warns Northumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Dame Vera Baird, has written a letter to the Home Secretary urging him to take action Chronicle Live (North East) 23/10/2018 News «386838693870387138723873387438753876Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events