Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 96968 total results. Showing results 73001 to 73020 «364736483649365036513652365336543655Next ›Last » CCTV in all taxis to deter sex attacks A new crackdown will also feature tougher criminal record checks and a national database for drivers The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 10/2/2019 News Top officer urges tech giants to help save young lives Britain’s most senior child protection police officer warns today that lax controls on dating apps are “facilitating child abuse” and calls on the tech giants to implement strict age verification software in order to save young lives. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 10/2/2019 News Time for social media to face up to the age of responsibility Social media companies are so adept at producing addictive cravings among their consumers that they have been forgiven too often for pumping out abusive and harmful content. The tech giants have consistently sheltered their vast profits behind a veneer of concern but without altering their behaviour. After our revelations about Molly Russell, who committed suicide at 14, Instagram last week pledged to ban graphic self-harm images. The time for excuses and evasion is over. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 10/2/2019 Feature, Opinion Met police chief: ‘I’m a bit different’ Metropolitan Police commissioner Cressida Dick believes being "a bit different" has encouraged others who "feel different" to join the force. BBC 10/2/2019 News Bosses who gamble with workers’ pensions will end up behind bars When hard-working Brits hand over a chunk of their pay cheque every month so they can look forward to a decent retirement, they are expecting bosses to look after it. The Sunday Telegraph - Subscription at source 9/2/2019 Feature, Opinion Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion vows to improve policing across West Mercia after £13million budget boost ‘We will improve policing’ – that’s the pledge from the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia after plans were confirmed to increase his budget by £13million. Bromsgrove Standard 9/2/2019 News Improving Police Officer and Justice Personnel Attitudes and De-Escalation Skills: A Pilot Study of Policing the Teen Brain This pilot study assessed whether police officers and juvenile justice personnel reported improved attitudes toward youth and knowledge about de-escalation skills after attending Policing the Teen Brain, a training created to prevent arrests by improving officer-youth interactions. Pre- and post-intervention surveys asked about participant attitudes toward adolescents, adolescence as a stressful stage, and punishing youth in the justice system. Among the 232 participants, paired sample t-tests indicated significant differences between mean pre- and post-survey responses on nearly all survey subscales. A hierarchical regression model significantly predicted improvement in knowledge, with educated, female participants most likely to improve knowledge of de-escalation skills. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation - Registration at source 9/2/2019 Research article Staffordshire PCC defends £1.4m office cost Staffordshire's Police and Crime Commissioner has defended the £1.4 million cost of his office amid calls for him to stand down. Express & Star 9/2/2019 News Knife crime: 1,000 young victims hospitalised last year More than 1,000 10 to 19-year-olds were admitted to hospital with knife wounds in 2017/18. BBC 9/2/2019 News Towns with no bobby on the beat resort to private security patrols As police cuts bite and the local bobby becomes an increasingly rare sight on the street, communities are filling the gap by hiring security guards and organising their own patrols. The Times - Subscription at source 9/2/2019 News Fed-up West Midlands police chief reveals cars most commonly targeted by criminal gangs David Jamieson, West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, vows to reveal vehicle theft stats in the region for each brand every six months Mail Online 8/2/2019 News Police Scotland sets up Brexit emergency planning centre Emergency services to work with government agencies and councils to test readiness The Guardian 8/2/2019 News Almost every force takes maximum precept increase Almost all forces will benefit from an increase in the council tax precept to the maximum cap allowed under enormous financial pressures, with one police and crime commissioner (PCC) saying he has been placed in an “almost untenable situation”. Police Professional 8/2/2019 Analysis, Feature Professor Dame Carol Black announced as independent reviewer of drugs The wide-ranging review will look into ways drugs fuel serious violence. Home Office 8/2/2019 News HMICFRS’s proposed 2019/20 policing inspection programme and framework HMICFRS has launched a consultation which welcomes views on our proposed policing inspection programme for the coming year. The consultation is open until Monday 11 March 2019. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 8/2/2019 News George Hamilton on Brexit standby: Planning and partnership with other law enforcement ‘all good’ Although chief admits diary turned upside down by 'distraction' of reality of UK exiting EU. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/2/2019 News Force which axed PCSOs hires civilians to guard crime scenes Norfolk says a review shows this duty can be performed without a policing warrant. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/2/2019 News Extra 41 police officers after tax rise bid approved – but unions say it doesn’t go far enough Union chiefs have said a planned council tax rise to fund extra officers is a positive start, but it does not go far enough. Wiltshire and Swindon councillors yesterday granted Police and Crime Commissioner Angus Macpherson permission to increase council tax by on average £24 a year. The 13 per cent rise is expected to fund an extra 41 police officers this year along with two members of staff tackling cyber crime. This is Wiltshire 8/2/2019 News Renewed concerns about police response to shoplifting spark calls for retailers to do more Police and Crime Commissioner Barry Coppinger said the force had changed the way it was responding to shoplifting Teesside Live 8/2/2019 News Editor’s Viewpoint: Tough times ahead for next police chief The restoration of the Policing Board following an absence of two years, after the Secretary of State introduced new legislation to allow it to operate again, is a welcome development. However, the information revealed at yesterday's meeting will make uncomfortable reading for whoever takes over as Chief Constable from present incumbent George Hamilton. Belfast Telegraph 8/2/2019 Feature, Opinion «364736483649365036513652365336543655Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events