Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97868 total results. Showing results 64621 to 64640 «322832293230323132323233323432353236Next ›Last » PEEL: Police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy 2018/19 – group 3 force press releases HMICFRS has today published our findings for the third, and final, group of forces inspected in the PEEL 2018/19 assessment. This group of 14 reports completes a full annual cycle of inspections of the 43 forces in England and Wales, following previous publications in May and September 2019. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 7/2/2020 News Nearly 200 more police officers to be recruited in Leicestershire Police and crime commissioner Lord Willy Bach’s latest budget was approved this week and will see an increase in the amount of money spent policing the city, county and Rutland grow for the first time in a decade. Leicestershire Live 7/2/2020 News Noticeable differences between police and the service they provide The public receives inconsistent service from their local police forces, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has said in a report published today. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 7/2/2020 News Police Scotland sent out guide listing Extinction Rebellion with neo-Nazis Scottish counter-terrorism officers sent out a controversial guide listing Extinction Rebellion and Greenpeace alongside neo-Nazi groups within the past few weeks, despite widespread condemnation of the document. The Guardian 7/2/2020 News Crimes unreported as public lose faith in police Victims are no longer reporting some crimes to police because so many offenders are never brought to justice. BBC 7/2/2020 News Crime victims face postcode lottery over police response after years of cuts, watchdog finds Crime victims face a postcode lottery governing the response by police after years of budget cuts, a watchdog has found. The Independent 7/2/2020 News Failing police ‘rumbled’ by weary public Police have been “rumbled” by the public for their failure to investigate everyday crimes such as car theft and burglary, a watchdog has said. The Times - Subscription at source 7/2/2020 News The public are giving up on police solving crimes, warns watchdog The public has given up on the police solving crimes, an official report warns on Friday, as it says officers have been "rumbled" for failing to investigate offences including burglary and theft. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 7/2/2020 News Police officers can no longer ignore the crimes people care about The frustrations felt by people over the failure of the police to investigate what many regard as serious crimes have been regularly reported in this newspaper. They include forces that only attend burglaries in even-numbered homes, assuming they bother to turn up at all. Car crime, shop-lifting and vandalism are unlikely to be investigated. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 7/2/2020 Feature, Opinion Victims have stopped reporting crimes because they know police won’t bring offenders to justice, say cops The public has “rumbled” that cops often lack the capacity to probe crimes, say police chiefs. The Scottish Sun 7/2/2020 News PEEL spotlight report: Diverging under pressure – Overview of themes from PEEL inspections 2018/19 Like previous PEEL spotlight reports, this report gives an overview of the themes from the 2018/19 PEEL (police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy) inspections. With the publication of the final 14 force reports from our third tranche of inspections, this report reflects on findings from all 43 force inspections to draw together national themes in policing. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 7/2/2020 Report ‘Crimes not reported’ as public lose confidence in police The police watchdog has warned that public confidence is being damaged with officers “rumbled” for struggling to investigate crimes – such as burglary – and by stop and search, which is ten times more likely to target black people than white. The Guardian 7/2/2020 News Dangerous offenders: politicians are crying wolf on control measures Monitoring dangerous individuals is complex and expensive work and lack of adequate resources across the criminal justice piece has not helped, writes former Met Chief Superintendent and borough commander Ellie O'Connor. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/2/2020 News Durham Constabulary now live with Policing’s new identity service Durham Constabulary has become the second UK police force to go into live operation with policing’s nationally supported identity service that will help ensure the right people can access the right information at the right time. National Enabling Programmes 6/2/2020 News Wanting to save the planet does not make you a terrorist Firstly, I want to make it absolutely clear that being a law-abiding supporter of Extinction Rebellion (XR), Greenpeace or any other lawful protest group would not make you of any interest to any part of policing, let alone Counter Terrorism Policing. Counter Terrorism Policing 6/2/2020 Feature, Opinion Government to be challenged in court over Prevent reviewer Legal action from Rights Watch (UK) comes amid spate of terror attacks in London The Guardian 6/2/2020 News Terror offenders due to be freed ‘told they will not be’ – lawyer Terror offenders who were due to be released from prison in the next two months are being told they will not be let out under planned new laws. BBC 6/2/2020 News College of Policing replace POLKA good practice sharing forum Ageing technology platform shut down to make way for Police ICT Company's Knowledge Hub Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/2/2020 News Terror police’s Extinction Rebellion ‘risk report’ sent out a year ago Counter-terrorism chiefs ordered a formal assessment of whether Extinction Rebellion was a national security threat one year ago and then sent a secret report about the group to police forces, the Guardian has learned. The Guardian 6/2/2020 News Senior figures have called for an end to the stigma of mental health Police organisations and leaders have called on everyone in policing to play a part in the welfare of their colleagues and ask: “Are you OK?” Police Professional 6/2/2020 News «322832293230323132323233323432353236Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events