Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97868 total results. Showing results 64601 to 64620 «322732283229323032313232323332343235Next ›Last » A question of fairness? Examining the force-level relationship between police officer numbers and the 20,000 uplift When the policy to increase (‘uplift’) police officer numbers in England and Wales by 20,000 was first announced last year it was greeted with guarded optimism but also arguments about how to allocate the extra officers to police forces. The main division has been between ‘more of the same’, using the existing funding formula, and ‘levelling up’, allocating more officers to forces that had seen funding and officer numbers cut the most under austerity. The Police Foundation 7/2/2020 Analysis, Feature Public would be horrified by how few police are available to respond to crimes, senior cop leader says People would be horrified by how few police are available to respond to crimes, a senior cop leader said yesterday. The Sun 7/2/2020 News Exclusive: Keeping pupils in education until age 18 is contributing to rising crime, police chief says Chief Constable calls for a review into the policy as he urges minister to consider link with explosion in violent crime among youngsters The Telegraph 7/2/2020 News Evaluating the Effectiveness of A Police Department’s Early Intervention System Police departments around the country are implementing Early Intervention Systems (EIS) to identify officers who may be exhibiting problematic or unprofessional behaviors. The goal of EIS is to minimize officer misconduct and increase officer accountability. To evaluate whether EIS can actually differentiate “problem” from “non-problem” officers, we analyzed the performance of officers from incident reports of police–citizen interactions. Using a blind scoring method, we evaluated performance from 1000 police reports; 500 randomly selected reports from EIS-flagged officers (treatment group) and 500 randomly selected reports from non-flagged officers (control group). Six hundred and sixty-seven reports contained relevant performance data. The interval-level metrics used to score officer performance were developed by Vila and colleagues (2016, 2018) to assess performance—expressed as a percentage—across a range of police–citizen encounters. Journal of Experimental Criminology - Registration at source 7/2/2020 Research article I have decided to stand for re-election as Surrey’s Independent Police and Crime Commissioner More details on my campaign website LinkedIn 7/2/2020 News Fear Factor Government plans to use polygraphs – more commonly known as lie detectors – to monitor terrorists have raised concerns about their accuracy. But studies show that, regardless of their actual effectiveness, the fear they create can sometimes lead to spontaneous confessions. Police Professional reports. Police Professional - Subscription at source 7/2/2020 Analysis, Feature The background to the pay demand The full document sets out the background, including the boundaries for negotiations set out by Home Secretary Priti Patel. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/2/2020 News Police leaders demand 5% pay rise to avoid ‘catastrophic failure’ The Police Federation and Police Superintendents' Association have set out their joint pay demand in their formal submission today to the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB) with a warning that settling for less would lead to a “catastrophic failure” to resource the police service. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/2/2020 News Strong message from Chief Constable to offenders who abuse police officers, staff and volunteers Offenders who subject police officers and staff to sickening abuse are being told their behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. North Yorkshire Police 7/2/2020 News ‘No hope’ of reaching police recruitment target ‘without £24k starting salary’ Groups warned that without a rise in minimum pay, the wave of new recruits could face earning just 15p per hour above the national living wage. Express & Star 7/2/2020 News Policing situation is ‘soul-destroying’ for officers ‘Police officers are as frustrated as victims that they are no longer able to provide the service they once could’ - that’s the response of the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) to the latest report by the police watchdog. PoliticsHome 7/2/2020 News DIY Fraud Investigation and Access to Justice: A Case Study Access to justice for fraud victims remains an enduring problem in the UK. Law enforcement agencies have limited capacity and capabilities for delivering criminal justice. Civil justice is so expensive that it is only an option for those with deep pockets or lucky enough to find competent professionals who are willing to work under a conditional fee arrangement (no-win-no-fee). This article describes the progress of a fraud case from a victim’s perspective through both the criminal and civil justice systems in the UK. The experiences describe incompetence in law enforcement, dishonesty and incompetence amongst lawyers and other professionals, and fractured, self-centred justice systems that poorly serve the public in England and Wales. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 7/2/2020 Research article Ministry of Justice, HM Prison & Probation Service Improving the prison estate HM Prison & Probation Service (HMPPS) is the executive agency of the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry) responsible for managing the prison estate in England and Wales. The Ministry is responsible for allocating HMPPS’s budget, balancing financial pressures across its portfolio which also includes, among other areas: courts and tribunals; legal aid; and youth justice. In 2018-19, HMPPS spent around £1.69 billion to operate prisons and £184 million on capital spending, comprising of £113 million on maintenance and £71 million on constructing prisons and reorganising the estate. The prison estate comprises 117 prisons, of which 104 are publicly operated. [pdf] National Audit Office (NAO) 7/2/2020 Report Improving the prison estate Since 2015, against a backdrop of worsening living conditions for prisoners, HMPPS (Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service) has changed the way in which it maintains prisons and launched a programme to improve the condition and suitability of prison accommodation. It opted to contract out facilities management, create 10,000 new-for-old prison places and change its estate to better meet the needs of prisoners. National Audit Office (NAO) 7/2/2020 News NAO criticises prisons’ maintenance ICT The National Audit Office (NAO) has said that the ICT system for facilities management in prisons is contributing to their poor performance. 7/2/2020 News Prison population figures: 2020 OFFICIAL STATISTICS; Latest prison population figures for 2020. Ministry of Justice (MoJ) 7/2/2020 Report Rape victims to benefit from government funding boost PRESS RELEASE; Victims of rape and sexual assault across England and Wales will be helped by a 50 per cent funding boost for specialist support services, the government has announced. Home Office 7/2/2020 News APCC victim leads back sexual abuse and sexual violence awareness week “Whilst there is always more we can do, PCCs have made significant improvements to local support services for victims, and there is some good work with partners across different regions. However, at a national level we are very concerned that the much-needed National Rape Review lacks leadership, momentum, resources and independence. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 7/2/2020 News Inspectorate positive on forces, but more work to do on serving victims HMICFRS, in their most recent PEEL Spotlight report, conclude that whilst most forces are deemed either good or outstanding, there is more work to do in offering a consistent service to victims and improving investigations. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 7/2/2020 News Fingerprints of Scots born abroad ‘routinely’ taken Claims that police officers are “routinely” fingerprinting British citizens who were born overseas are to be investigated by Scotland’s justice secretary. The Times - Subscription at source 7/2/2020 News «322732283229323032313232323332343235Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events