Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98633 total results. Showing results 54741 to 54760 «273427352736273727382739274027412742Next ›Last » Accidental data deletion could hamper police investigations for three months Policing minister Kit Malthouse tells MPs that 209,550 offence records, including DNA and fingerprints, were deleted The Telegraph - Subscription at source 8/2/2021 News Manchester Arena Inquiry: Policing issues ‘identified before attack’ Greater Manchester Police was told of shortcomings in its terror response plans months before the Manchester Arena attack, an inquiry has heard. BBC 8/2/2021 News Violence and vulnerability Wor with offenders the current trends in violence and patterns of vulnerability among children and young people. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/2/2021 News Dyfed Powys first to graduate degree officers with two-year diploma Dyfed -Powys police is the first in the country to pass out graduates with the new diploma in policing. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/2/2021 News Treasury offers choice to officers discriminated against by reforms Police leaders and lawyers leading the giant pension claim are reviewing the Government's latest settlement offer. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/2/2021 News Police ‘overwhelmed’ by tide of online child abuse Law enforcement agencies are being “overwhelmed” by the number of cases of online child sexual abuse they are having to deal with, the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) lead for child protection has said. Police Professional 8/2/2021 News Home Office to plough extra £35m into tackling serious violence Communities are to be given access to a fund worth more than £35 million to help tackle serious violence and prevent young people from getting mixed up in such crimes. Police Professional 8/2/2021 News NI Chief Constable will not stand down: ‘quitting is the easy thing’ The chief constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) said he has no intention of resigning following claims from both sides of the political divide that there is a crisis of confidence in the force. Police Professional 8/2/2021 News Sex offenders are more afraid of self-styled vigilante paedophile hunters than the police, top officers warn – as detectives are filmed for the first time posing as child abusers to snare predators Paedophiles feel more threatened by online vigilante groups than the police, senior officers have claimed. Mail Online 8/2/2021 News Covid-19: ‘Lockdown won’t stop our children being exploited’ A mother has spoken of how her son disappeared after getting caught up in a "county lines" drugs trade amid threats to his life. She urges parents to look out for signs that their child could be being groomed by criminal gangs during lockdown. BBC 8/2/2021 News Nationwide police clampdown on mobile phone use begins today All UK police forces will today begin a clampdown on mobile phone use while driving which will run until February 21st. VisorDown 8/2/2021 News Policing By Social Skills: the Importance of Empathy and Appropriate Emotional Expressions in the Recruitment, Selection and Education of Danish Police Officers Motivated politically by an interest in a friendlier, more service-minded police force, the Danish police have changed profoundly in recent decades. With a relatively low crime rate, strong democratic traditions, and exceptionally high levels of trust in the police, Denmark offers an interesting case for examining how a service-minded police force is created. The ideal, professional Danish police officer is supposed to engage in equal dialogue with citizens. When recruiting and educating police officers, considerable emphasis is placed on assessing and developing social skills, empathy in particular. Analysing interviews, fieldwork and documents, focussing on recruitment, selection, education and the assessment of Danish police recruits, the article explores how the shift towards service-mindedness is sought achieved, as well as some of the challenges and tensions involved in pursuing this ideal. Theoretically, the analysis draws on Hochschild’s concepts of feeling rules and emotional labour together with Illouz’s perspectives on the demands for communicative and emotional skills in modern working life. These let us understand modern policing as regulated and performed through emotional and embodied practices. Policing and Society - Registration at source 8/2/2021 Research article Ethnic Bias in Restorative Processes? An Analysis of Access to the Police-Based National Danish Vom-Programme In this article, possible ethnic bias in access to the national Danish police-based Victim Offender Mediation (VOM) programme is investigated. The analyses of this project show that the VOM personnel informants believe that ethnic minority offenders are underrepresented in this VOM programme. Also, numerous examples of essentialist views on ethnicity and culture emerge among police personnel in the interview and observation data. Yet interestingly, the national VOM participation rates in penal cases analysed for this article show that while young male ethnic minority immigrants are underrepresented in VOM some years, young male ethnic minority descendants are actually overrepresented in VOM meetings. Police Journal - Registration at source 8/2/2021 Research article We analysed almost 500,000 police reports of domestic violence: Mental health was an issue Dr George Karystianis and Professor Tony Butler of the University of New South Wales have used data mining techniques to analyse almost half a million police reports of domestic violence, revealing that mental health issues play a key role in the crime for both victims and perpetrators. Policing Insight 8/2/2021 Analysis, Feature Tech giants are responsible for online child abuse, Chief Constable says Chief Constable Simon Bailey has said the internet is not a safe space for children and has urged parents to monitor their youngsters online The Telegraph - Subscription at source 8/2/2021 News Paedophiles more scared of online vigilantes than of us, say police Paedophiles are more afraid of online vigilante groups than they are of the police and the strategy of arresting sex offenders is failing to stem a tidal wave of abuse, senior officers have warned. The Times - Subscription at source 8/2/2021 News Sheep found as police raid Bacup drinking party Police have admitted they were startled to find two sheep at an illegal drinking party in Lancashire overnight. BBC 7/2/2021 News Police failings led to deaths of 31 women at hands of domestic abusers Police and other agencies’ failure to tackle domestic violence led to the deaths of 31 women, a report reveals amid calls for abusers to be treated like terrorists. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 7/2/2021 News Covid-19 cluster found at Brussels’ 101 police centre BELGIUM: Many employees of the Communication and Information Centre (CIC) of the Brussels-Capital Region, which hosts the police’s 101 hotline, are in quarantine after testing positive for Covid-19. According to the federal police, which announced the announcement on Saturday in a press release confirming earlier media reports, this will not affect people trying to seek emergency assistance. The Brussels Times (Belgium) 7/2/2021 News Black and blue: the secret lives of BAME police officers In 1990, BAME police officers gathered to discuss racism at work, sharing what each had thought were uniquely harrowing experiences. They explain how things have improved – and got worse The Guardian 7/2/2021 News «273427352736273727382739274027412742Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events