Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 54661 to 54680 «273027312732273327342735273627372738Next ›Last » Influence, Infrastructure, and Recentering Cybercrime Policing: Evaluating Emerging Approaches to Online Law Enforcement Through A Market For Cybercrime Services We document and evaluate emerging policing strategies that are reshaping how centralised law enforcement agencies deal with online cybercrime markets. The first of these we term infrastructural policing, drawn from law enforcement campaigns to disrupt international drug markets and involving targeting the administrators who maintain the infrastructure supporting cybercrime markets. The second, we term influence policing, a strategy drawn from counter-radicalisation involving the delivery of highly targeted messaging campaigns to potential customers. We illustrate these with a study of the online market for Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, conducting a longitudinal analysis of five years of time series attack data to establish the effect of interventions. While arresting and sentencing key players had little lasting effect on DoS attacks (due to jurisdictional issues which the Internet poses), after infrastructure administrators were targeted with takedowns there was a significant reduction in attacks and a dramatic reshaping of market structure. Policing and Society 10/2/2021 Research article Regular Police Officer Perspectives on the Special Constabulary: An Exploratory Study A substantial body of research engaging volunteer Special Constables has reflected the importance for them of relationships and integration with their Regular, paid police officer colleagues. This article looks at this professional relationship from the other side, drawing upon 1,382 responses to an online survey of Regular police officers undertaken across five police forces in England and Wales. Findings point to gaps in confidence in the adequacy of recruitment, training, and initial practice competency and scepticism on leadership and strategic direction. More positive findings reflect valuing the contribution and perceptions of positive relationships. This article identifies the need for police forces to engage and involve Regular officers more constructively with the Special Constabulary. The research has a broader relevance for cultural engagement and integration across the diversity of roles in the ‘police family’, both paid and volunteer. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 10/2/2021 Research article ‘Getting on With the Job’: A Systematised Literature Review of Secondary Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Policing Within the United Kingdom (UK) The aim of this review is to identify and critically examine existing research relating to secondary trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) within UK police officers. A systematised literature review was conducted which identified 20 studies in police officers from Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. These studies comprised of terrorist incidents, mass disasters, general policing duties and officers working in rape and child abuse investigations. Key themes emerged regarding understanding the impact of trauma, the influence of police culture and understanding coping mechanisms. It also found a number of methodological limitations within the studies which are likely to have impacted on the results. This review highlighted that trauma in UK policing is still not understood and there is a stigma associated with officers seeking help. Recognising the impact of trauma on police officers and how trauma has affected them is crucial to ensure an effective and compassionate workforce which delivers a better service to the public. It is hoped that this review will address gaps in existing knowledge within the literature, consider implications for practice, as well as recommendations to be taken forward in this crucial area of research. Police Journal 10/2/2021 Research article Trust and Confidence in Police Officers and the Institution of Policing: the Views of African Americans in the American South The relationship between the police and African Americans has been beset by a lack of trust for decades. Improving this relationship is important to scholars, practitioners, and citizens; as a result, we examine in this study African Americans’ trust and confidence in the police. Using trust questions found in the literature, we interviewed 77 African Americans in Durham, NC, to assess their views about the police. We found that for the police to earn the trust of African Americans, the police should treat African Americans equitably, invest in community policing, and respect African Americans. Although some respondents do not believe that their relationship with the police could be repaired, this is a small percentage of respondents, less than 5%. Crime and Delinquency - Registration at source 10/2/2021 Research article How getting a degree while you work as a PC is a ‘perfect opportunity’ Three police constable degree apprenticeship officers at Nottinghamshire Police – one of the first forces to run this entry route – tell us how the PCDA helped them to further their education while working in force and gaining a range of experience. College of Policing 10/2/2021 News How the police constable degree apprenticeship equips you for the future The police constable degree apprenticeship can help you grow your confidence in a variety of ways, especially by gaining support from your team who understand the challenge of studying while working as an officer. College of Policing 10/2/2021 Feature Digital summit success Our biggest event to date saw the NEP team facilitate this year’s Police Digital Summit – a virtual first for this annual gathering. National Enabling Programmes 10/2/2021 News Police encourage dog owners to take extra precautions Police are urging dog owners to take reasonable security measures to keep their pets safe. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 10/2/2021 News Police Advisory Board for England and Wales: annual report, 2019 to 2020 19th annual report of the Police Advisory Board for England and Wales. Home Office 10/2/2021 Report Police grant allocations: 2021 to 2022 CONSULTATION OUTCOME; This provisional report sets out the aggregate amount of grants proposed for the police in England and Wales for 2021 to 2022. It also includes the proposed amount of grant for each local policing body. Home Office 10/2/2021 Report Threat of 10-year jail term for UK travellers who hide journeys ‘disproportionate’ Backlash against government plans to jail those who conceal journeys from Covid hotspots The Guardian 10/2/2021 News Racism in sport: UK’s first dedicated football hate crime police officer on tackling abuse In the last few weeks, barely a day has gone by without racist abuse being targeted at a high-profile footballer, among them Reece and Lauren James, Marcus Rashford, Axel Tuanzebe, Romaine Sawyers and Alex Jankewitz. BBC 10/2/2021 News Policing in the pandemic: The impact of COVID-19 on global human trafficking The economic impact of COVID-19 is set to significantly increase levels of extreme poverty, and with them the volume of vulnerable people likely to fall prey to people trafficking; Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at the effect of the pandemic on the trade in humans, and the latest efforts to target this transnational crime. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/2/2021 Analysis, Feature Police cast doubt on threats against Northern Irish port staff The suspension of Brexit checks at Northern Irish ports is mired in confusion after the police insisted that workers had not been threatened. The Times - Subscription at source 10/2/2021 News Lady Brittan says police ‘lacked moral spine’ on botched inquiry The wife of Lord Brittan has accused Scotland Yard of a “culture of cover-up” over its botched inquiry into false rape allegations that resulted in her home being searched weeks after his death. The Times - Subscription at source 10/2/2021 News ASIRT launches probe into alleged unlawful police database searches of Lethbridge MLA CANADA: CALGARY -- The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT) has launched an investigation into potentially unauthorized uses of police databases by members of the Lethbridge Police Service. CTV News (Canada) 9/2/2021 News Two of Toronto Police Service’s highest-ranking female officers departing for other jobs CANADA: Two high-ranking female officers with the Toronto Police Service will be leaving the department for new opportunities, the Toronto Police Services Board confirmed Tuesday. In a statement, the board said two deputy chiefs, Barbara McLean and Shawna Coxon, who are two of the highest ranking female officers in the police service, are leaving their positions for new jobs. CP24 (Canada) 9/2/2021 News Government approves four nominees to the Policing Authority REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Government has approved the appointment of four new nominees to the Policing Authority. The independent statutory body, which was established in 2016, oversees the performance of An Garda Síochána. It holds monthly meetings with the Garda Commissioner and provides reports and advice to the Minister for Justice. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 9/2/2021 News ‘Increasing’ number of gardaí seek help for mental health issues REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: New figures show that 16 gardaí were off sick from work, on average, due to mental health issues every month during 2020, new figures show. Garda HQ said an “increasing” number of gardaí were looking for help in relation to mental health issues – and said this reflected a greater openness and acceptance within the organisation of mental health concerns. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 9/2/2021 News Government appoints two Deputy Garda Commissioners REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Ms Anne Marie McMahon and Dr Shawna Coxon appointed following open competition The government has today approved the appointment of two Deputy Commissioners in An Garda Síochána following their nomination by the Policing Authority. Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, welcomed the appointments of Ms Anne Marie McMahon of An Garda Síochána and Dr Shawna Coxon of the Toronto Police Service to the posts Department of Justice and Equality (Ireland) 9/2/2021 News «273027312732273327342735273627372738Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events