Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 54641 to 54660 «272927302731273227332734273527362737Next ›Last » Codeword scheme launched to help domestic abuse victims Thousands of pharmacies across the UK are taking part in the Ask for ANI scheme, which allows victims of domestic abuse to secretly signal that they need help. College of Policing 11/2/2021 News Warwickshire joins hunt for a new Chief Constable Warwickshire joins hunt for a new Police making it the fifth force to lose its leader. Martin Jelly is standing down early. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/2/2021 News Northants set to double number of neighbourhood officers Northamptonshire police is set to double its number of neighbourhood officers in a 'major investment of resources in visible, effective local crime fighting'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/2/2021 News Devon and Cornwall DCC announces retirement Devon and Cornwall Police Deputy Chief Constable Paul Netherton is to retire in May after a 30-year career. Police Professional 11/2/2021 News Former GMP special constable placed on barred list A former Greater Manchester Police (GMP) special constable who sent a topless photograph of himself to a 14-year-old girl has been placed on the police barred list. Police Professional 11/2/2021 News Short-term funding hampering police organised crime squads, HMICFRS finds Short-term funding for Regional Organised Crime Units (ROCUs) has had a “significant detrimental effect” on how they work, inspectors have found. Police Professional 11/2/2021 News HMICS written submission to the Justice Sub-Committee, February 2021 HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland has sent a written submission to the Justice Sub-Committee in respect of the consultation on how effective the Justice Sub-Committee on Policing has been in meeting its remit "to consider and report on the operation of the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 as it relates to policing", February 2021 HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 11/2/2021 News Further £35m for PCC-led Violence Reduction Units in 2021/22 The Government has announced a further £35.5 million to help Violence Reduction Units (VRUs) across the country tackle serious violence and prevent young people being drawn into it. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 11/2/2021 News Why the arrest of ‘Asia’s El Chapo’ might be a hollow victory The arrest of one of the world’s most wanted alleged drugs lords has sparked debate around strategies to best tackle organised crime and minimise the harm caused to communities; Dr John Coyne, Head of Strategic Policing and Law Enforcement Program at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, explains the need for a more nuanced approach, rather than simply decapitating OC groups. Policing Insight 11/2/2021 Feature, Opinion JCC Circular 4 of 2021 – Public Service Pension Schemes: changes to the transitional arrangements to the 2015 schemes – Government response to Consultation Public service pension schemes: changes to the transitional arrangements to the 2015 schemes Government response to consultation. Scottish Police Federation (SPF) 11/2/2021 News Judge-led inquiry to be held after malicious prosecutions cost taxpayer £24m Lord Advocate James Wolffe has confirmed that a judge-led inquiry is to be held into why two men were subject of a malicious prosecution relating to the sale of Rangers. Holyrood Magazine 11/2/2021 News Covid: Prisoners like ‘caged animals’ in lockdown jails Prisoners in England's jails have been locked in their cells for more than 90% of the day to keep them safe from Covid-19, the prisons watchdog says. BBC 11/2/2021 News Crime commission processes in child sexual abuse material production and distribution: A systematic review AUSTRALIA: This review synthesises empirical studies from the past decade investigating child sexual abuse material (CSAM) production and distribution to gain insight into crime commission processes involved in these crimes. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 11/2/2021 Research article ‘Getting on with the job’: A systematised literature review of secondary trauma and PTSD in policing within the UK The aim of this review is to identify and critically examine existing research relating to secondary trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) within UK police officers. A systematised literature review was conducted which identified 20 studies in police officers from Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. These studies comprised of terrorist incidents, mass disasters, general policing duties and officers working in rape and child abuse investigations. Key themes emerged regarding understanding the impact of trauma, the influence of police culture and understanding coping mechanisms. It also found a number of methodological limitations within the studies which are likely to have impacted on the results. This review highlighted that trauma in UK policing is still not understood and there is a stigma associated with officers seeking help. Recognising the impact of trauma on police officers and how trauma has affected them is crucial to ensure an effective and compassionate workforce which delivers a better service to the public. It is hoped that this review will address gaps in existing knowledge within the literature, consider implications for practice, as well as recommendations to be taken forward in this crucial area of research. The Police Journal: Theory Practice and Principles 10/2/2021 Analysis, Feature Chief Paul Pazen discusses Denver’s multi-layered mental health response USA: Chief Paul Pazen spoke with PERF Executive Director Chuck Wexler about Denver’s three-tiered approach to addressing mental health issues: First, every Denver police officer is certified in Crisis Intervention Team response. Second, Denver has a strong “co-responder” program, in which certified mental health professionals ride with police officers and provide a joint response to mental health calls. Third, a new Support Team Assisted Response (STAR) program sends a mobile crisis response team, rather than police officers, to low-level mental health calls for service when there is no weapon present or indication that violence may occur. Police Executive Research Forum 10/2/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Data retention laws: Australian police given new metadata recommendations AUSTRALIA: Law enforcement agencies were told to follow the rules after it emerged all of those investigated had accessed Aussies’ data without authorisation. (Australia) 10/2/2021 News Tasmania’s police union fears suicide toll climbing, compensation cases spike AUSTRALIA: Tasmania Police is in the grip of a mental health crisis, with at least six attempted suicides and another four serving officers who have taken their own lives in the past four years, the police union says. ABC News (Australia) 10/2/2021 News Short-term funding hampering police organised crime squads, HMICFRS finds Short-term funding for Regional Organised Crime Units (ROCUs) has had a “significant detrimental effect” on how they work, inspectors have found. Police Professional 10/2/2021 News Warwickshire Police Chief Constable Martin Jelley retires After 33 years in policing the Chief Constable of Warwickshire Police, Martin Jelley, has today (Wednesday) announced his retirement. The Courier (Leamington Spa) 10/2/2021 News Dame Cressida Dick may go within year in wake of Operation Midland fiasco Dame Cressida Dick may step down as Metropolitan Police Commissioner within a year amid the continuing furore over her force’s handling of the catastrophic Operation Midland inquiry. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 10/2/2021 News «272927302731273227332734273527362737Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events