Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98397 total results. Showing results 53321 to 53340 «266326642665266626672668266926702671Next ›Last » Police have long had a haphazard, lax response to domestic violence within the ranks USA: A commissioner under fire and a trooper in jail underscore departments’ struggles with domestic abuse Boston Globe (USA) 19/3/2021 Feature Edmonton police use of force up by 9.8 per cent in 2020 over 2019 numbers CANADA: Use of force by city police officers over the past year rose by 9.8 per cent when compared to 2019, shows data presented to the Edmonton Police Commission Thursday. Edmonton police officers used force when dealing with the public 2,642 times, up from 2,407 in 2019. Insp. Trevor Hermanutz, with the EPS professional development branch, said officers used a reportable use of force in less than one per cent of the close to 370,000 calls to police across the city in 2020. Edmonton Journal (Canada) 19/3/2021 News Saskatoon police body cameras could build trust, but caution required: surveillance expert CANADA: Saskatoon police hope to have cameras strapped to roughly 40 officers’ chests by early 2022. One of the project goals is to build public trust in city police, after tensions over police brutality came to a boiling point across the globe this summer. Global News (Canada) 19/3/2021 News Man who threw vomit and urine in officer’s face gets community order Officers arrested man and gave him a bowl in the police vehicle after he said he felt unwell. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/3/2021 News Warwickshire signs £2m a year deal to secure forensic services Warwickshire has secured its forensic science services in a £2m deal with West Midlands Police. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/3/2021 News Police Scotland to receive £10m for low emission vehicles The Scottish government is to provide £10 million extra funding to help Police Scotland “accelerate its plans to transition to a sustainable ultra-low emission vehicle (ULEV) fleet”. Police Professional 19/3/2021 News Forces agree £2m forensics collaboration deal Warwickshire Police has agreed a £2 million a year deal with West Midlands Police to provide it with forensic services. Police Professional 19/3/2021 News Shots fired at MPS officers Detectives are appealing for information and witnesses after a firearm was reportedly discharged in the direction of plain-clothed officers in North West London. Police Professional 19/3/2021 News Scotland, UK governments tackle biometrics ethics with new Commissioners, report Government pursues ethical course amid increase in biometrics use 19/3/2021 News Pressure on Priti Patel to explain her advice to police on Sarah Everard vigil Memo says ministers were ‘supportive’ of police stance on gatherings The Independent 19/3/2021 News Police chiefs ‘wasted £10m on surveillance planes that DON’T work in built-up areas and are unable to land at most airfields’ Police splashed £10million on four airplanes that proved useless for operations, it has been claimed. The National Police Aviation Service (NPAS) decided to replace helicopters with four Vulcanair P68 aircraft costing £2.5million each. But the fixed-wing planes are not agile enough for urban areas and cannot even land at most airfields because the runways are too short. Mail Online 19/3/2021 News Adapting to the pandemic: How crime investigation has changed during COVID The impact of COVID-19 has included changing crime volumes and trends, with forces having to adapt rapidly and implement new ways of working; Policing Insight’s Ian Wiggett spoke to Cheshire Constabulary’s DCS Gareth Lee and DCI Adam Ross about some of the challenges of tackling and investigating crime during the pandemic, and how the experience could drive lasting change. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/3/2021 Analysis, Feature Widow of PC Harper to tell her story in new ITV documentary The widow of Police Constable Andrew Harper will share the story of her fight for justice with Sir Trevor McDonald in a new documentary to be screened on ITV later this year. Police Professional 19/3/2021 News Officer who helped lead roll out of tasers announces retirement Officer who helped lead roll out of tasers announces retirement Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/3/2021 News Naxalone officers not at risk of prosecution says drugs lead ACC No potential for prosecution or PIRC inquiry for officers using naxalone, says Police Scotland's assistant chief constable. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/3/2021 News Serena Kennedy confirmed as Merseyside Police’s first female chief Polcie and Crime Panel confirm outgoing PCC's preferred candidate. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/3/2021 News City of London Police become the first UK force to move to cloud modern management City of London Police is the first UK force to deliver new devices to officers and staff using modern cloud management - a transformational connectivity approach which removes the need to have to take a device into an office or station. This is possible due to the force complying with NEP National blue prints and security risk management controls - and in turn exploiting Microsoft technology. National Enabling Programmes 19/3/2021 News Exploring the Impact of Body-Worn Video on the Everyday Behaviours of Police Officers The use of body-worn video in Police Forces in England and Wales is not new. On the whole, evaluations have been positive, although, there is little evidence regarding how beneficial the cameras can be in terms of how they impact on the everyday behaviours of police officers. This article looks at how the implementation of BWV into one police force in England impacted on the behaviour of those officers who wore the technology. While the dominant view is positive, concerns as to privacy infringements and the use of BWV footage as a potential tool for supervisory surveillance emerged. Police Journal 19/3/2021 Research article Law change shows ever-growing appreciation of Specials The new bill which will allow special constables to be protected by the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has demonstrated the positive shift in the way the role is now viewed. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 19/3/2021 News Emotional Reactivity and Police Expertise in Use-of-Force Decision-Making Given the vast amount of evidence showing the substantial influence of emotion on decision-making, we examined emotionality—a person’s emotional reactivity to a stimulus—in police use-of-force decision-making between a sample of expert (n = 42) and novice (n = 36) officers. Officers observed body-worn camera footage and described the course of action they would take, the kinds of information they paid attention to, and their assessment of the situation. Natural language processing techniques were used to detect measures of valence, arousal, and dominance from officer responses. Linear mixed-effects models indicated that responses from experts were more positively valenced, more dominant, and less arousing compared with responses from novices. In other words, the ability to react and assess situations calmly, with a greater sense of control, and less negatively seems to be linked with the production of accurate, effective, and efficient behaviors that mark expert policing. These results shed light on the ways in which expert and novice officers understand and experience stimuli involved in use-of-force decision-making. Practical implications for use-of-force training and future directions are discussed. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 19/3/2021 Research article «266326642665266626672668266926702671Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events