Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98381 total results. Showing results 53201 to 53220 «265726582659266026612662266326642665Next ›Last » Police release images of Bristol riot suspects as violence breaks out again Detectives have released the first images of suspects they are seeking over the riots in Bristol in which 21 police officers were injured on Sunday. The Times - Subscription at source 24/3/2021 News Kill the Bill Bristol protests: Police action at demo Police have arrested several protesters at a second night of protests in Bristol. BBC 24/3/2021 News Minister McEntee publishes General Scheme of Garda Operating Model Bill REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, has today published the General Scheme of the Criminal Justice (Garda SÃochána Operating Model) Bill, following approval by Government this morning. This is a short technical bill to facilitate the full roll out of the new Garda Operating Model. The new model, announced by the Garda Commissioner in August 2019, introduces major changes to the structures of An Garda SÃochána by providing more front-line GardaÃ, increased Garda visibility, and a wider range of policing services for people in their local area. Government of Ireland 24/3/2021 News Meth convictions hit a record high but police suggest numbers could be higher NEW ZEALAND: Criminal charges for methamphetamine have hit record numbers but police say the figures could be higher still as they are using discretion to keep people out of courts. Changes to the Misuse of Drugs Act in 2019 encouraged police to use discretion when people were caught with drugs for personal use and said a health approach – rather than prosecution – should be considered unless prosecution was in the public interest. Stuff (New Zealand) 24/3/2021 News Aboriginal people found to be far more likely to be refused bail than others in NSW AUSTRALIA: Study of bail decisions between 2015 and 2019 finds Aboriginal defendants 20.4% more likely to be refused bail by police The Guardian 23/3/2021 News ‘Back to basics’: Shane Patton unveils policing plan AUSTRALIA: Victoria’s top cop Shane Patton has revealed his plan to strengthen the public’s trust in and respect for the force. Herald Sun (Australia) - Subscription at source 23/3/2021 News Cutting crime, supporting our police, putting victims first AUSTRALIA: The Northern Territory Labor Government is bringing in a significant suite of new measures to cut crime, keep the community safe and put victims first. The measures will include tougher than ever consequences for breach of bail – this means if a young person commits a serious breach while on bail, their bail will be automatically revoked and they will be taken into custody. Police will also be given more powers to tackle youth crime through expanded options to apply Electronic Monitoring. The package will include legislative and non-legislative measures to reduce youth crime through targeting repeat offenders in the Northern Territory. There are practical consequences to these policies and that is why the Government will also be allocating $5 million for additional new youth remand infrastructure. This will allow for an increase of young offenders on remand. Northern Territory Government (Australia) 23/3/2021 News Police chief vows to bring thugs to justice as 500 extremists blamed for riot FIVE hundred "serial" demonstrators hell-bent on violence were blamed yesterday for the "Kill the Bill" riot that left 20 police wounded. Express 23/3/2021 News Police smash suspected catalytic converter theft gang in series of dawn raids Hundreds of police officers have taken part in dawn raids across the south east in a major operation to smash a network of suspected catalytic converter thieves. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 23/3/2021 News Diversion schemes: listening to the police on what works Jon Yates explains how the Youth Endowment Fund will provide support for investigations that are already delivering diversion schemes in England and Wales. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/3/2021 Feature Response to crowds of Rangers fans was proportionate, says adviser An independent adviser to Police Scotland has said that the force acted 'proportionatley' after Rangers fans broke lockdown rules to celebrate winning the Socttish Premiership. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/3/2021 News ‘Less than a fifth’ of police officers and staff have received Covid-19 jab Fewer than 20 per cent of police officers and staff in England and Wales have received their Covid-19 vaccine, it has been claimed. Police Professional 23/3/2021 News Former Merseyside Police officer not guilty of assault following custody suite incident A former custody sergeant has been found not guilty of assault after an incident that left a man with two broken teeth. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 23/3/2021 News PFEW supports College’s comprehensive review The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) will join other key policing organisations to help shape the future outcome of a comprehensive review of the College of Policing (CoP). Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 23/3/2021 News Police officer accused of strangling woman, punching her and hitting her with belt denies discrediting the force A Kent Police officer accused of strangling a woman as well as punching and hitting her with a belt has denied discrediting the police. Mail Online 23/3/2021 News Do You Hear What I Hear?: A Comparison of Police Officer and Civilian Fairness Judgments Through Procedural Justice Procedural justice theory posits that people care at least as much about how a decision was made as they do about the outcome. Although policymakers and researchers argue that procedural justice-based interventions can improve police-civilian interactions, little research has examined how authorities evaluate decision-making processes. This research examined whether police officers and civilians evaluate fairness in police-civilian encounters through the same mechanisms. 69 police officer and 113 civilian participants, recruited through Qualtrics professional panels and Amazon’s Mechanical Turk respectively, read a vignette describing a police-civilian interaction in which the civilian explained why they violated the law (procedural justice) or were interrupted by the officer (procedural injustice) and made evaluations of the interaction. Multiple-group analyses using bootstrapping revealed that both police officers and civilians rated the procedural justice condition as more fair because they rated the officer as more respectful and trustworthy and because they perceived the civilian had more voice than in the procedural injustice condition. Further, direct and indirect pathways through respect were not present when police officer pathways were allowed to vary, suggesting police may rely on social information differently than civilians. Psychology Crime and Law 23/3/2021 Research article PCC Review: Few surprises in part one ‘stock take’, but local government and fire reforms could bring major change Following the Home Secretary’s confirmation last week of the recommendations of part one of the police and crime commissioner review, Paddy Tipping, Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, spoke to Policing Insight Editor Keith Potter about the implications of the review for PCCs, and what the second stage of the process could mean. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/3/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Do Effects of Arrest on Recidivism Vary By Neighborhood? A Contextual Analysis of the Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment Does the effect of arrest for misdemeanor domestic assault on suspect recidivism vary by characteristics of the neighborhood in which the individual suspect resides? This analysis combined 1990 Census data for Milwaukee with data on 1133 domestic assault suspects randomly assigned in 1987–1988 to arrest vs. warning in the Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment (Sherman 1992). Outcomes were measured by the prevalence of one or more new arrest for misdemeanor domestic assault in the 6 months after the randomly assigned response to the presenting incident. The analysis compared models using only individual-level suspect characteristics to models that combined individual data with Census tract characteristics relevant to community stakes in conformity and social disorganization. The models show substantial effects of structural characteristics of community context that moderate arrest effects on recidivism. Arrested suspects with medium individualstakes in conformity show an 18% reduction in the prevalence of repeat domestic assault, but arrestees who live in Census tracts with medium levels of communitystakes in conformity show a one-third (32%) greater likelihood to repeat domestic assault than suspects in those medium stakes Census tracts who were not arrested. Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing - Registration at source 23/3/2021 Research article Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the UK's National Police Library. You do not need to be a member of the UK College of Policing to access its library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/3/2021 News Police targets redux The shocking killing of Sarah Everard has brought renewed focus on the importance of raising detection rates for sexual offences and other crimes. As ministers prepare to unveil a new ‘outcomes framework’ for police forces, Crest Advisory chief executive Harvey Redgrave asks whether this could be an opportunity to tackle the problem. Police Professional 23/3/2021 Feature «265726582659266026612662266326642665Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events