Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98735 total results. Showing results 38981 to 39000 «194619471948194919501951195219531954Next ›Last » Advocates criticise decision not to ask Queensland police boss to face domestic violence inquiry AUSTRALIA: The decision not to ask the head of Queensland police to give evidence at the state’s commission of inquiry into the force’s response to domestic violence has been labelled “inexplicable” and a “missed opportunity” by experts and advocates in the field. The Guardian 5/8/2022 News Mental Health: What is the true value the Government places on policing? As the findings from the pay review body are made public with some stark submissions on mental health, our Wellbeing Lead Belinda Goodwin delves into what more must be done from proactive support to funding. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 5/8/2022 News Sydney man sentenced after $241 million worth of meth found in cans of coconut milk AUSTRALIA: A Sydney man, 22, has been sentenced to six years’ jail in the NSW District Court today (5 August, 2022) for importing about 700 litres (288 kilograms) of liquid methamphetamine with an estimated street value of over $241 million concealed inside cans of coconut milk. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 5/8/2022 News Police fail to keep details of controversial interviewing model secret NEW ZEALAND: Police and Crown Law have failed to keep secret details of a controversial interviewing model that was used in a case where a false confession was extracted from a murder suspect. Stuff (New Zealand) 5/8/2022 News, Video Spike in Taranaki homicide investigations will deplete resources, former top cop says NEW ZEALAND: Taranaki police have launched their second homicide inquiry in less than a week - the fifth such investigation for the region in six months. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 5/8/2022 News Crown and police lose legal fight over interviewing technique in Lois Tolley murder case NEW ZEALAND: Crown lawyers and the police have lost a legal fight to keep secret the contentious interviewing technique used in the failed prosecution of the Lois Tolley murder case. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 5/8/2022 News Ian Hopkins was paid £377,000 in his final year before being forced out as chief constable of GMP, accounts show The former chief was paid £217,000 in 'termination benefits' on top of £160,000 in wages, according to published financials Manchester Evening News 5/8/2022 News Greenwich shooting: Man airlifted to hospital after armed police incident A man has been taken to hospital after being shot by police in south-east London. BBC 5/8/2022 News How Concentrated Are Police on Crime? a Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Concentration of Police Presence and Crime Research Question: What were the spatiotemporal patterns of police patrol in a major European city across the pre-COVID year of 2019, how did these patterns change over time, and to what extent did the concentrations of patrol correspond to concentrations of crimes? Data: We analyzed more than 77 million GPS signals from 130 police patrol cars showing where and when police patrols were present in police districts and street segments. We also plotted location, time and days of the week of the locations, and times of more than 50,000 recorded crimes. Methods: We calculated concentration ratios within both crimes and patrols relative to their distributions in time and space. We then compared the concentration ratios for crime to the concentration ratios for patrols. We concluded the analysis by comparing the extent to which concentrations of crime and patrol locations and times were overlapping. Findings: We found that police patrols, much like crime, were concentrated on a small proportion of street segments. Yet spatiotemporal police presence is unrelated to local levels of crime and crime concentration. Relative to temporal crime concentrations, police patrols were substantially under-concentrated from 1500 to 0100 h, all day on Fridays, and the entire months of June, July, August, and December. There was very little overlap in patrol concentrations with crime concentrations. Conclusions: After three decades of research showing crime prevention benefits of patrol concentrations on micro-level crime concentrations, police in one European city concentrate patrol presence at locations, times, days, and months where crime is not concentrated. Whether this conclusion can be reached in other cities will depend on replications of this study, both in Europe and other continents. Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing 5/8/2022 Research article Wiltshire Police needs to improve ‘inconsistent’ child protection arrangements, says HMICFRS Wiltshire Police’s child protection arrangements do not consistently provide “a good enough response” to effectively safeguard children,” according to a report by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS). Police Professional 5/8/2022 News Warwickshire Police must do more to give “consistently good service for child protection”, says report Warwickshire Police needs to ensure there is “appropriate and effective supervision” of child protection arrangements, according to a report by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS). Police Professional 5/8/2022 News Are Current Drug Driving Enforcement Strategies Achieving the Desired Effect? Drug Users’ Perceptions of Drug Driving Legislation and Enforcement in Queensland This study examined how illicit drug users perceived roadside drug testing (RDT) in Queensland, a jurisdiction that enforces a zero-tolerance enforcement strategy to drug driving. Fifty-two illicit drug users were interviewed, and thematic analysis was used to identify emerging themes. The results showed that exposure to RDT and apprehension certainty were reportedly low. The targeted regime of RDT had dichotomous implications towards apprehension certainty, due to the familiarity with the testing procedures. Participants also reported mixed experiences with testing accuracy, in that some offenders reported testing negative just following use, while others who reportedly regulated their driving tested positive, despite not having recently used. Next, participants reported engaging in punishment avoidance behaviours that aimed to evade police exposure and suspicion, and to mask the presence of drugs in their saliva. The combination of avoidance behaviours and perceptions of one’s ability to circumnavigate RDT impacted on participants’ apprehension certainty. Due to their experiences, the majority of (cannabis) users agreed that RDT approaches were discriminatory and unjust, due to the zero-tolerance policy, the testing of presence over impairment, and the lack of policing towards other drugs. These perceived limitations were noted to potentially increase user offending in some circumstances and suggested that there may be a dissonance between the intended aim of RDT and the outcome on drug user behaviours. The findings of this study may hold implications for future research in identifying limitations in the current evidence and help inform policing procedures and policy surrounding future drug testing approaches. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 5/8/2022 Research article Amanda Blakeman set to become first female Chief Constable of North Wales Police. Amanda Blakeman is set to become the first ever female Chief Constable of North Wales Police with a remit to increase the force’s “visibility and improve performance.” North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin has announced Ms Blakeman, the current Deputy Chief Constable of Gwent Police as his preferred candidate as the region’s new Chief Constable. 5/8/2022 News ‘Every Ticket Tells a Story’: Understanding ethnic disproportionality in FPNs issued for breaching coronavirus restrictions Reports on the use of Covid-19 FPNs from the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) have highlighted disproportionality in relation to age, gender and ethnicity. Data to June 2021 indicate that the rate at which FPNs were issued to individuals from Black, Asian and Other ethnic backgrounds was between 1.8 and 2 times higher than for White individuals. This report provides an analysis of 32 interviews conducted with serving police officers about their experiences of issuing Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for breaches of COVID-19 “lockdown” regulations. The research aimed to explore the circumstances in which FPNs were being issued to shed light on any potential explanations as to why a disproportionate number of FPNs were issued to individuals from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds. N8 Policing Research Partnership (N8PRP) 5/8/2022 Research article The Influence, Saliency, and Consistency of Environmental Crime Predictors: A Probability Score Matching Approach to Test What Makes a Hot Spot Hot Environmental criminological research includes several perspectives that explain how characteristics of the environment can lead to crime. This study simultaneously integrated these different perspectives, including crime generators and attractors and environmental disorder indicators, to determine the most influential, salient, and consistent predictors of micro-level crime hot spots in Indianapolis, Indiana. Hot spot and control units were compared based on the presence of spatially joined crime generators and attractors and environmental disorder indicators recorded via remote systematic social observation using Google Street View. The results indicate that crime generators and attractors tend to vary in significance, influence, saliency, and consistency across crime types. Alternatively, the presence of decay in hot spots may be the most prominent and stable environmental feature. Environmental criminology has placed an increased focus on crime generators and attractors, though, it may be time to assess the theoretical and practical importance of other criminogenic environmental elements like decay. Justice Quarterly 5/8/2022 Research article New national data shows Guelph crime severity continuing to drop CANADA: New data released this week proves Guelph remains a safe community for our citizens. Guelph Police Service 5/8/2022 News ‘My son would be here’: Peel residents call on Peel police to institute recommendations in Marc Ekamba inquest verdict CANADA: Ann-Marie White has a lot of questions about what happened on Jan. 7, 2020 — the night her son Jamal Francique was shot by a Peel police officer. Toronto Star (Canada) 5/8/2022 News ‘Guns and Gangs’ enforcement strategy a new way to tackle spread of gun violence CANADA: As the sprawl of street gangs continues to migrate outwards from the Greater Toronto Area, with often tragic consequences (as has occurred on Manitoulin Island recently), law enforcement agencies have united to enhance their capacity to implement a Guns and Gangs Enforcement Strategy across Ontario. Blue Line (Canada) 5/8/2022 News Victim of domestic violence reveals how going through the court system was ‘torture’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: As ‘Nicola’ read out her survivor statement last Monday, across town, in Swords District Court, another woman, Sarah*, was giving her survivor statement after her ex-partner Paul* admitted 10 breaches of a safety order. Sunday World (Republic of Ireland) 5/8/2022 Feature, Opinion €8.4m of cocaine flown by private plane into Co Longford seized, two arrested REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Cocaine worth €8.4 million, which was flown into Co Longford on a private plane, has been seized. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 5/8/2022 News, Video «194619471948194919501951195219531954Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events