Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98659 total results. Showing results 27221 to 27240 «135813591360136113621363136413651366Next ›Last » Research highlights need for greater value on community policing to win the trust of BAME groups in Scotland Research exploring the policing of BAME communities in Scotland – part of a series of studies on ‘seldom-heard groups’ published by Police Scotland, the Scottish Institute for Policing Research and the Scottish Police Authority – has called for more value to be placed on community policing, a trauma-informed approach to improve understanding of people’s previous experience, and greater cultural awareness training, as Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/6/2023 Analysis, Feature Garda reservists facing ‘hostility or neglect’ as numbers drop – McDowell REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A former Justice Minister, who set up the Garda Reserve, has said members of the group have faced 'hostility or neglect'. Senator Michael McDowell was speaking as the number of reservists fell to an all-time low. At the end of March, the number of reservists stood at 371 - less than a quarter of what it was in 2014. newstalk (Republic of Ireland) 1/6/2023 News Figures show road fatalities are rising again post-pandemic 2022 saw an 8.8-percent increase in road deaths compared with 2021. 1/6/2023 News Why does the Prevent counter-terrorism strategy ignore Northern Ireland? Earlier this month, my organisation, the Counter Extremism Project put on an event to examine how to maintain the momentum of our national counter-radicalisation security strategy ‘Prevent’. The event was a response to an independent government review, which found this strand of our counter-terrorism plan severely wanting. CapX 1/6/2023 Feature ‘Not everybody can do this job’: a qualitative inquiry into emotional labour from RCMP detachment services assistants Many police organisations employ and rely on public servants to complete specialised tasks with their organisations. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) regularly hires public servants known as Detachment Services Assistants (DSAs) to take on various support roles. As part of DSAs’ many clerical and administrative responsibilities, these workers must often perform emotional labour across different job tasks, which in turn, can be a personal yet occupationally mandated source of stress and strain. In the current study, we draw from semi-structured interviews with DSAs (n = 54) to investigate the different situations in which DSAs undertake emotional labour, the various styles of emotional labour DSAs perform, and the negative toll emotional labour places on DSAs in their workplace. Our research aims to contribute to the broader emotional labour literature on policing and the niche police literature on public servants, a form of civilian staff, employed by the RCMP Policing and Society - Subscription at source 1/6/2023 Research article Exposure to intimate partner violence and the physical and emotional abuse of children: Results from a national survey of female carers AUSTRALIA: Drawing on a large sample of female carers living in Australia (n=3,775), this study aims to document and explore children and young people’s experiences of abuse in the past 12 months. Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 1/6/2023 Research article Mansfield Council provides access to safety app Mansfield District Council has allocated funding to give women and girls free access of the Hollie Guard Extra personal safety phone app. 1/6/2023 News Police Association: A fall in prosecutions doesn’t mean a fall in crime NEW ZEALAND: The Police Association says a fall in prosecutions doesn't mean a fall in crime. The number of people charged with non-traffic offences has halved since 2009. Herald analysis has found between 2017 and 2022, the total number of people charged and convicted for all offences dropped by a quarter. NewstalkZB (New Zealand) 1/6/2023 News Police initiative to tackle racism accused of being racist An initiative to tackle racism in policing in England and Wales is itself facing allegations of racism from some of the ethnic minority staff involved. BBC 31/5/2023 News Nudist complains about police officer who arrested him Richard Collins claims he was ‘harassed’ and ‘assaulted’ after being ordered to get dressed The Telegraph - Subscription at source 31/5/2023 News Met Police officer drags Just Stop Oil protester along road A Met Police officer dragged a Just Stop Oil protester along a west London road during a demonstration. BBC 31/5/2023 News Police Scotland staff experience negative consequences for calling out sexism The Scottish Police Authority has released a report on Sex Equality and Tackling Misogyny Police Oracle - Subscription at source 31/5/2023 News Cambridgeshire police cut web chat service to boost 999 call handling A police force has begun a trial to increase its emergency call handling by reducing its 24 hour web chat service. BBC 31/5/2023 News UK spies to be investigated over claims they were complicit in torture of CIA prisoner Investigatory powers tribunal to examine complaint brought by Mustafa al-Hawsawi, who was tortured while detained by CIA The Guardian 31/5/2023 News West Mercia ex-police officer charged in crime victim inquiry An ex-police officer has been accused of attempting to pursue an inappropriate sexual or emotional relationship with a victim of crime. BBC 31/5/2023 News Garda bodycam controversy as Greens attempts to block introducing facial recognition technology REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Tensions are continuing to build in the coalition as the Green Party once again attempts to block facial recognition technology (FRT) being introduced as part of legislation for Garda body cams. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 31/5/2023 News QLD’s expanded hate crimes bill greeted with fears of misuse AUSTRALIA: Queensland's Labor government has introduced a new hate crimes bill that would increase the maximum prison sentence for bigoted public acts made against a person’s race, religion, sexuality, or gender identity from half a year to three years. It was the legislation’s other provisions that produced fears of its passage becoming a ‘slippery slope’ to abuse, however. Australasian Lawyer (Australia) 31/5/2023 News Alan Turing Institute publishes framework for automated analytics in in security and law enforcement The Alan Turing Institute has published a framework for the use of automated analytics in security and law enforcement. Its Centre for Emerging Technology and Security (CETaS) has produced the framework in the findings of a research report on the proportionality of the technology, Privacy Intrusion and National Security in the Age of AI. 31/5/2023 News Is Labour really soft on crime? The numbers reveal a surprising story NEW ZEALAND: Amid growing reports of ram raids and brazen robberies by teens too young to face prosecution, Opposition parties have accused the Labour Government of being “soft on crime”. Is it true? NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Subscription at source 31/5/2023 Analysis, Feature Police Scotland officers describe culture of sexism and victim-blaming Sexism and misogyny within the ranks of Police Scotland is “massively under-reported”, with those who do come forward made to feel they have “a target on their back” and a culture of victim-blaming favouring perpetrators, according to those in the force. The Guardian 31/5/2023 News «135813591360136113621363136413651366Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events