Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98893 total results. Showing results 25681 to 25700 «128112821283128412851286128712881289Next ›Last » New APCC chair pledges to ‘clean up policing’ The new chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) has pledged to “clean up policing and reset police-public relations”. Police Professional 12/7/2023 News Extra borrowing ruled out for police and public sector pay rises A Treasury minister has said there will be no extra borrowing to pay for public sector wage rises and increases must not risk fuelling inflation. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/7/2023 News Nazir Afzal: West Midlands Police sorry for car stinger error A police force has apologised over a mistake which led to a former chief prosecutor's car tyres being burst during a police stop. BBC 12/7/2023 News Newly-refurbished police horse unit named after late groom The Police Scotland facility has been officially opened by outgoing Chief Sir Iain Livingstone. Police Oracle 12/7/2023 News AC Matt Jukes on the National Security Act As the National Security Act achieves Royal Assent, the Head of Counter Terrorism Policing Matt Jukes reflects on how the Act will provide policing with the powers it needs to protect national security. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/7/2023 Feature, Opinion Peel police receive initial 64 recommendations to address systemic racism CANADA: Using race-based data, policies tailored to eliminating racial discrimination, a system to monitor police conduct and a multi-year action plan are among dozens of recommendations in an initial plan to address systemic racism and discrimination within Peel Regional Police. Toronto Star (Canada) 12/7/2023 News Pride march in Sudbury scrapped due to concerns about police role CANADA: Fierte Sudbury Pride cancelled its march scheduled for Saturday as part of Pride Week following statements issued by Black Lives Matter Sudbury calling on the organization to “decentre” police within their programming. Blue Line (Canada) 12/7/2023 News Police and industry collaboration is key to adopting tech advances in public contact The public contact report that arose from Cityforum’s round table on the subject earlier this year highlighted the importance of collaboration between policing and private industry on introducing of new technology into the sector; Martin Taylor of cloud communications specialists Content Guru believes such partnerships are crucial if policing is to maximise the benefits of tech advances in an area that’s a top priority for the public. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/7/2023 Feature, Innovation, Opinion Over-representation of Indigenous persons in adult provincial custody, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 CANADA: In 2019/2020 and 2020/2021, Indigenous persons in Canada were incarcerated at a much higher rate than non-Indigenous persons. Statistics Canada 12/7/2023 Report Call for ‘more time’ on policing bills REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There are fresh calls for more time to examine major policing bills going through the Oireachtas. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 12/7/2023 News Garda CCTV a priority for new Tipp Chair REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Newly elected Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council, Ger Darcy, has voiced the frustration of people in Roscrea, Borrisokane and Littleton at the ongoing struggle to successfully install Garda CCTV systems. Offaly Live 12/7/2023 News New Bill to strengthen laws around consent and character references in court published by Minister McEntee REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, has secured Government approval to publish a wide-ranging new Bill that strengthens the law around sexual offences and improves protections for victims of sexual offences and of human trafficking. Government of Ireland 12/7/2023 News Race, Ethnicity and Basic Law Enforcement Training Non-Completion: A National-Level Examination of Police Academies Calls for the diversification of policing to better mirror communities served date to 1960s-era national commissions and continue to the present. Largely ignored in efforts to diversify policing is the role of race/ethnicity and completion of academy-based training of police recruits. This study used data collected from 615 U.S. basic law enforcement training (BLET) academies during 2018 to examine the correlates of BLET non-completion, including academy-level counts of racial/ethnic group membership of recruits, academy regional location, affiliation, stress of the training model used, and required weeks of BLET for state-level certification. Multivariate negative binomial regression modeling indicated that compared to non-completion counts of White non-Hispanic recruits, except for Asian non-Hispanic group members, the expected change in non-completion counts for members of all other racial/ethnic groups significantly increased holding all other variables in the model constant at their means. Implications for diversifying policing are discussed and recommendations made for further research. Police Quarterly - Subscription at source 12/7/2023 Research article The Intersection of Masculinity and Mental Health in Police Organizational Culture Developing research indicates a relationship between hegemonic masculinity and adverse mental health outcomes. This link is particularly important for police officers who work in a male-dominated occupation with significant exposure to trauma and greater rates of mental health disorders than the general population. Through surveys with patrol officers from five Canadian police agencies (n = 238), this study explored the relationship between masculinity contest cultures (MCCs) and well-being outcomes. The study suggested that MCCs could be damaging to well-being through work-life balance (rs = -.25, p Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Subscription at source 12/7/2023 Research article The impact of race, gender, and demeanor on receiving leniency during traffic stops Research on racial disparities in traffic stops has produced mixed results, with some studies finding Black and Hispanic drivers are more likely to be ticketed than White drivers and others concluding they are not. However, there is limited research assessing whether the driver’s race, gender, or demeanor has the largest impact on receiving leniency. To fill this gap in the literature, I compare the effect of a driver’s race, gender, and demeanor on the probability of receiving leniency for traffic violations. Black and Hispanic drivers were less likely to receive leniency than White drivers. However, the driver’s demeanor had the largest impact on the probability of receiving leniency. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 12/7/2023 Research article Evaluation of a Mental Health Liaison Program at a Small Police Department Police officers typically are the first responders to a mental health crisis call. Often, they do not have the required training or tools to deal with these types of calls. This problem is exacerbated in small police departments, which often have fewer resources than large police departments. Alternative programs are needed in smaller police agencies to assist with these issues that officers are facing. This study uses a mixed methods approach to evaluate a recently developed mental health liaison internship program implemented in a small police department in Pennsylvania, exploring whether the program affected police morale and calls for service. Qualitative data from officer interviews indicated officers had a positive perception of the mental health liaison. Compared to the year before the internship program started, emergency calls for service for emotionally disturbed persons increased by 47% during the year the internship program was implemented, although this could be due to citizens trying to connect with the mental health liaison. Additionally, these calls were concentrated in four main addresses, comprising 30% of the emergency calls for service for emotionally disturbed persons in 2021 and 2022. These findings are discussed in light of the extant literature. Overall, the internship program provided an experiential learning opportunity for the student, assisted the small police department and improved officer morale. Journal of Criminal Justice Education 12/7/2023 Research article Chief constable: ‘We won’t keep cutting crime if PCs can’t afford to be cops’ BJ Harrington QPM said colleagues have reported promising police constables were quitting despite the fact that they have great future prospects for promotion to sergeant and beyond. Officers were leaving to become taxi drivers or train drivers, or are leaving the UK altogether for better prospects abroad, said Mr Harrington. Police Professional 12/7/2023 News Viper taskforce strikes: One serious criminal nabbed every day in gang blitz AUSTRALIA: Victoria’s anti-gang police squad has arrested one serious criminal a day, taken dozens of guns off the streets and stripped organised crime syndicates of more than $1.4 million in cash since its creation last year. Police launched the Viper taskforce in July last year after a series of shootings across metropolitan Melbourne stoked fears a gangland war was about to break out. The Age (Australia) 12/7/2023 News More than a dozen firearms licences revoked in north Wales More than a dozen firearms licences were revoked by police in north Wales last year, new figures show. Across England and Wales, a record number of licences were removed from firearms users, with the British Association for Shooting and Conservation praising the vetting process for catching unsuitable gun owners. Cambrian News 12/7/2023 News Manchester University chancellor ‘will make formal complaint’ after police wrongly target car in bungled sting A top lawyer whose car was wrongly targeted in a bungled police sting says he will make a formal complaint after the incident - which left his son 'traumatised.' Manchester Evening News 12/7/2023 News «128112821283128412851286128712881289Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events