Global progressive policing

The International Association of Women Police (IAWP) Annual Recognition Program – nominations closing soon!


The International Association of Women Police (IAWP) offers annual recognition for female and male officers in various categories. Submission can be made online using the electronic nomination form. Nominations close at midnight EST on February 28th so please hurry and make your nominations!

The Awards, supported by Policing Insight, are highly competitive for this international recognition. These are a prestigious honor for the recipient and the employing law enforcement organization. Award recipients are honored during the IAWP Annual Training Conference and prominently featured in social media and Women Police magazine.

There are no extensions of time granted for award submission. Entries can be submitted by the candidate’s supervisor, employer, the President of an IAWP Affiliate or an IAWP Board member, but not by the candidate themselves. Candidates can only be entered for one category.

2024 Award Recipients (Chicago conference Sept, 24)

2024 Award Recipients (Chicago conference Sept, 24) L- R SSP Riffat Haider Bokhari, Pakistan, Excellence in Performance; SSP Eunae Lee, Korea – Leadership Award; Lt Antigona Citaku Dibrani, Kosovo – Community Service Award; Sheriff Paul Miyamoto, USA – Male support to women; Lt Col Mariia Yatsenko, Ukraine – Bravery; Major Wafaa Alhosani, UAE – Prevention of Violence Against Women; Constable Joanna Stryczula, Canada – Diversity and Inclusion; Lt Col Desirie Limbo, Philippines – International Officer of the Year; Ms Karen Boggs, USA – Police Civilian of the Year; Det Sgt Keri Alldritt, UK – Mentoring and coaching award

Categories and Citations

Officer of the year

To be awarded to a female police officer who distinguishes herself by her exemplary conduct and achievements in more than one area of policing and over a period of time that has a significant impact on her agency and /or area of responsibility.

Civilian of the year

To be awarded to a female civilian staff member of a law enforcement agency who by her exemplary conduct has made an outstanding achievement to support, promote, improve and enhance policing, law enforcement and/or the criminal justice profession.


To be awarded to a female police officer who distinguishes herself by an exemplary act of bravery or heroism, on or off duty, and at risk of her own personal safety or in the face of danger and in the execution of her duty.


To be awarded to a female police officer who distinguishes herself by demonstrating a continuing long term commitment to leadership using exceptional personal skills, leading teams and team building, developing others, organizational skills and administration that has an outstanding positive impact within her agency or area of responsibility.

Community service

To be awarded to a female police officer who distinguishes herself by her exemplary actions to improve public safety, reduce crime and criminal behavior, reduce anti-social behavior or foster better relationships between Police and the local community.

Excellence in performance

To be awarded to a female police officer who distinguishes herself by her exceptional policing skills that have a significant impact in her agency or area of responsibility. Such as the arrest of a prolific criminal, detection of multiples offences, improved road safety or improved Policing performance.

Mentoring and coaching

To be awarded to a female police officer who distinguishes herself by her support, assistance and development of women in law enforcement by focusing on their career aspirations, their ongoing personal development and/or producing training programs or policies which enhance the role of women in policing.

Male award in support of the UN ‘HeForShe’ campaign

Award to recognize a male police officer or male civilian employed by a law enforcement agency or police force, who has made a significant contribution and commitment to the advancement of women in policing.

Prevention and detection of violence against women

To be awarded to a female police officer who distinguishes herself by her exceptional policing skills to prevent and/or detect offenses of violence against women, including human trafficking.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The award will be presented to a female officer who distinguishes herself by promoting the intersectionality between Gender Responsive Policing and the role of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), and by actions demonstrating a genuinely collaborative approach towards equality including the formulation of strategies, recommendations or policies to promote, educate, and personify the values of diversity and inclusion in police leadership and policing in general.


To be bestowed upon an individual member to recognize substantial and significant contributions to women police and the International Association of Women Police over a period of years and especially during milestones of the organization. The honor is meant to ensure the recording, recognition, and appreciation for outstanding and dedicated service to IAWP.

Heritage Award recipients represent the legacy of the IAWP. They are the historical memory of an organization that continues to grow. By virtue of participating in its history and having a resolve that the organization evolve, these leaders confront core goals and serve as tangible evidence to the rest of us of the honor it is to serve the IAWP.

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions to assist with submission process.


Contact IAWP Awards Chair, Linda Mayberry, at [email protected] for details.

IAWP Awards graphic

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