The Nordic Police Research Seminar
19th Aug 2025 to 21st Aug 2025
Malmö University, Niagara
August 19 – 21, 2025
The Nordic Police Research Seminar is an interdisciplinary conference that brings together researchers in different fields of science but has a common focus on issues related to the police organization, operations and training. Police research in the Nordics has grown during the 21st century and there is a continuing need to base police work and police training on the best available knowledge. Most Nordic countries have academicized police training, and police research and police science plays a decisive role in the continued development of both the profession and education.
Previous conferences have brought together around 200 researchers and professionals from all over the Nordics and offer a platform to give an overview of where police research stands today, exchange and spread experiences in different areas with bearing on the organization and operations of the police.
A special theme for the conference in Malmö 2025 is the challenges faced by the society regarding the development of serious and deadly violence with links to criminal groups and the increase in youths joining gangs, but also with an increase in organized crime with international links.
An urgent question is how the police, in cooperation with other actors in both the judiciary, social services and local and civil society, can handle this development. The development of serious violence and organized crime affects the development of society in general, criminal policy development, insecurity and fear of crime in society and the working conditions and safety of police officers and other actors. This development also places demand on well-researched police training so that newly trained police officers are prepared for the society they will work in.
Other themes include police culture, police education, crime prevention, criminal investigation, special sessions for pdh candidates and “other”.
Welcome to submit your abstract and please join us in Malmö 19-21 August 2025!