Oliver Laurence, a former police officer, is the Managing Director of the Public Safety Foundation. He dedicated a significant part of his policing career in the South Australian and Queensland police services in operational uniformed roles, primarily in Indigenous Communities. Following a 12-year career, he transitioned to being one of the two professional standards leads for Australia’s offshore border processing centres on the island of Nauru. Following this offshore experience, he ventured into the private sector as a Corporate Investigation and Private Client Expert, in 2018 he was awarded UK Investigator of the Year after securing the release of an Australian expat facing death row in Singapore. In 2019, Oliver took the reins of I-OnAsia’s London office, a Hong Kong-based Corporate Investigations firm. Notably, he’s led several high-stakes investigations, including the ongoing case of a kidnapped Indian businessman in Antigua. Additionally, Oliver is a sought-after policing commentator on news channels, shedding light on a myriad of crime and investigation topics and is the host of the UK’s leading policing podcast, Protect and Serve where he explores the lives of police officers throughout the UK and abroad.