Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98074 total results. Showing results 19921 to 19940 «99399499599699799899910001001Next ›Last » Stratford Police Service Board announces contract agreement CANADA: The Stratford Police Services Board and the Stratford Police Association have announced the completion of contract negotiations. Blue Line (Canada) 27/10/2023 News CEO of new policing body to be recruited REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Public Appointments Service has launched a competition to recruit a Chief Executive Officer designate for a new agency to be set up under legislation on the oversight of An Garda Síochána (AGS). Law Society Gazette Ireland 27/10/2023 News Recruitment competition for CEO designate of the new Policing and Community Safety Authority REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Minister for Justice Helen McEntee TD has today welcomed the launch of a competition to recruit a Chief Executive Officer designate for the forthcoming new agency - An tÚdarás Póilíneachta agus Sábháilteachta Pobail, the Policing and Community Safety Authority (PCSA) which will be established following the enactment of the Policing, Security and Community Safety Bill, which is currently before the Seanad. Government of Ireland 27/10/2023 News Two day awareness raising initiative on law against female genital mutilation to take place in Dublin airport this weekend REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An Garda Síochána and the Border Management Unit of Dublin airport will this weekend run ‘Operation Limelight’ to raise awareness around the practice of Female Genital Mutilation in Ireland, including the law and the very serious risks to the long-term health of women and girls subjected to it. Government of Ireland 27/10/2023 News International rural crime study calls for shift of ‘urban-centric’ police focus and stronger industry partnerships New international research on the approach by policing and industry to rural crime has highlighted the multi-million-dollar impact on farms and countryside communities often overlooked by law enforcement; Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons spoke to Dr Kyle Mulrooney of the University of New England and Inspector Oliver Fisher of Sussex Police about the steps that can be taken to improve prevention and response for farmers and rural communities. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/10/2023 Analysis, Feature, Interview “For the Record”: applying linguistics to improve evidential consistency in police investigative interview records The “For the Record” project (FTR) is a collaboration between a team of linguistic researchers and police in the England & Wales jurisdiction (E&W). The aim of the project is to apply insights from linguistics to improve evidential consistency in police interview transcripts, which are routinely produced by transcribers employed by the police. The research described in this short report is intended as a pilot study, before extension nationally. For this part of the project, we analysed several types of data, including interview audio and transcripts provided by one force. This identified key areas where current transcription practise could be improved and enhanced, and a series of recommendations were made to that force. This pilot study indicates that there are three core components of quality transcription production in this context: Consistency, Accuracy, and Neutrality. We propose that the most effective way to address the issues identified is through developing new training and guidance for police interview transcribers. Frontiers in Communication 27/10/2023 Research article Acting President of Supers Association elected An acting president has been elected to lead the Police Superintendents’ Association (PSA) following the retirement of Chief Superintendent Paul Fotheringham. Superintendent Nick Smart of West Yorkshire Police was elected as acting president at a meeting of the association’s National Executive Committee (NEC) on the 25th October 2023. Police Superintendents' Association (PSA) 27/10/2023 News Barlinnie boss calls for new law to punish corrupt prison officers The governor of Scotland’s largest jail is calling for tougher laws to be introduced to help hold corrupt prison officers to account. Holyrood Magazine 27/10/2023 News Ex-Police Scotland officer who abused colleagues must wear electronic tag Kyle Cruickshank was found guilty of “appalling” racism and sectarianism while working in Glasgow’s Maryhill police Office. The Times - Subscription at source 27/10/2023 News Police in Canada look into tech that accesses your home security cameras CANADA: Police in U.S. say technology is helpful but researchers say Canada should hesitate before using it. CBC News (Canada) 27/10/2023 News Researching organised crime and county lines: Steps to improve community relationships and understanding Tackling county lines and organised crime has become a key area for academic research in recent years, but not all research studies have been a positive experience for local residents or police; GLEPHA Associate and postgraduate researcher Janine Ewen has seen several such studies in her home city of Aberdeen, and shares her experiences as well as steps that researchers can take to improve outcomes and build better relationships with communities. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/10/2023 Analysis, Feature, Opinion NT police and firefighter staffing numbers down over three years as emergency services fail to meet key targets AUSTRALIA: Three years ago in the Northern Territory, there were more police officers, a triple-zero call was answered quicker and people felt significantly safer in their homes, a new report has revealed. The Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services (PFES) annual report 2022-23 showed police failed to meet a number of key performance indicators. ABC News (Australia) 27/10/2023 News Legal challenge to automated plate recognition NEW ZEALAND: Police use of footage from high-tech automated number plate recognition cameras is being challenged in court by defendants. At least 5000 cameras in two private networks provide footage of vehicle licence plates that police use to prosecute people. SunLive (New Zealand) 27/10/2023 News Rape convictions more than double in Scotland Convictions for rape and attempted rape in Scotland have more than doubled in 12 months according to the latest criminal proceedings statistics. Police Professional 27/10/2023 News Police dispatcher didn’t realise mosque threat was genuine – inquest NEW ZEALAND: The police dispatcher on the day of the Christchurch terror attack says she would've sent armed units to Linwood Islamic Centre if she had been aware of the threat contained within the gunman's manifesto. A police call taker was told of the threat eight minutes before the terrorist began shooting, but the inquest heard today the dispatcher allocating police officers didn't learn of the information until days after the attack. Timothy Brown was in court. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 27/10/2023 News Northumbria Police: Drones ready to ‘catch criminals and improve safety’ Northumbria Police is about to start using eight drones as "eyes in the sky" to tackle crime. BBC 27/10/2023 News New Zealand gangs may be forced to cover facial tattoos with makeup, incoming government says NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand’s gangs may have to cover up offensive tattoos with makeup if the incoming government’s crackdown on gang activity goes ahead. On Thursday, the National party’s police spokesperson, Mark Mitchell, told the national broadcaster RNZ that if its proposed ban on gang patches – large insignia sewn on to jackets, for example – does not work, then it would consider making gang members apply foundation over their facial tattoos, or face arrest. The Guardian 27/10/2023 News Calls for Queensland police union chief to resign over ‘outward racist ideology’ expressed in Courier Mail AUSTRALIA: More than 30 community leaders – including a prominent former judge, lawyers, Indigenous elders, academics and others – have called on the president of the Queensland police union, Ian Leavers, to resign over an opinion piece they say expressed “outward racist ideology”. The Guardian 27/10/2023 News Garda Band costs taxpayer to tune of €3 million REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Band has cost taxpayers to the tune of €3 million since the beginning of last year, new figures have revealed. The ensemble performed at around 220 events during that time, almost half of which were official Garda engagements such as the funerals of deceased members, graduations or award ceremonies. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 27/10/2023 News Promotion and progression for sergeants and inspectors We're working with forces to design a new promotion process for sergeants and inspectors that is simpler to understand and apply for, provides an equal and fair opportunity for all and provides more consistency across forces. College of Policing 27/10/2023 News «99399499599699799899910001001Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events