Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98090 total results. Showing results 19761 to 19780 «985986987988989990991992993Next ›Last » Finnish neo-Nazis used 3D printer to make guns in preparation for ‘race war’ FINLAND: Three Finnish men who embraced neo-Nazi ideology have been found guilty of committing crimes with terrorist intent including plotting attacks against immigrants, critical infrastructure, and their perceived political opponents. The Guardian 31/10/2023 News Government urges police to step up facial recognition The UK government is urging police authorities to amplify their use of retrospective facial recognition (RFR) software in the pursuit of offenders. In a letter to police chiefs, policing minister Chris Philp has recommended a target of more than 200,000 searches of still images against the Police National Database, using this technology, within the next six months. Computing 31/10/2023 News Police open fire after alleged threats by woman on Paris train FRANCE: French police have shot and wounded a woman who was allegedly making threats at a train station in Paris, in the latest security incident as the country remains on heightened anti-terrorism alert after a fatal stabbing at a school this month. A police source told AFP that a woman wearing a Muslim headscarf made threats and shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is the greatest). “Police fired because they feared for their safety,” the source said. A passenger on the suburban train had called the emergency services and said the woman was making threats. The Guardian 31/10/2023 News Victorian government scrambling to prepare for long-planned end of public drunkenness laws AUSTRALIA: Sobering-up facility not completed, emergency workers unclear about their role in new scheme – and it begins on Melbourne Cup Day The Guardian 31/10/2023 News NT man charged over potent opioid mail import, prompts warning AUSTRALIA: The AFP has charged a Northern Territory man for allegedly importing metonitazene, a potent opioid, through the mail from the United Kingdom to the Northern Territory. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 31/10/2023 News Homicide in Scotland, 2022-23 A National Statistics Publication for Scotland. Scottish Government 31/10/2023 Report Police Scotland maintains world leading homicide detection rate Police Scotland maintains world leading homicide detection rate Police Scotland 31/10/2023 News Letter from Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner to Hikvision, 25 October 2023 Having been contacted by local authority and police representatives in relation to your latest correspondence in which you announce your company’s ‘recommitment’ to the UK surveillance market, I would once again invite you to address the concerns that have continued to be widely and loudly expressed by surveillance partners across the UK. Home Office 31/10/2023 Report ‘UK’s smallest police station’ has just opened – and the public immediately let rip A new police station in Crawley, West Sussex that measures just 6ft by 8ft 4in and barely fits a table and chair has been ridiculed despite claims from Sussex Police it will help to stop knife crime Mirror 31/10/2023 News UK policing minister urges doubling down on face-scanning tech 'No question' it will solve more crimes, Tory MP claims The Register 31/10/2023 News National force boasts 100% murder detection rate since formation The number of incidents and wider trends are in the latest homicide figures published by the Scottish government, with detection information provided by the force. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 31/10/2023 News New Deputy Chief Constable selected in North Wales DCC Nigel Harrison has worked in all policing areas across North Wales Police, the force said. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 31/10/2023 News West Mercia improves victim contact but investigative shortcomings remain HMICFRS revisited the force in July to undertake a victim service assessment after a number of issues were identified in its previous PEEL inspection in 2021. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 31/10/2023 News MAPPA population keeps rising There are more offenders being managed under MAPPA arrangements than there are in prisons. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 31/10/2023 News New deputy chief constable appointed at North Wales Police North Wales Police Chief Constable Amanda Blakeman has confirmed the appointment of a new deputy. Police Professional 31/10/2023 News London police want $171M over 4 years to reverse ‘dangerous city’ trend and poor response times CANADA: London is the third most dangerous city in Ontario, with one of the least staffed police forces, warned Chief Thai Truong. It's the message he hopes city council hears when it reviews a four-year $171 million dollar budget presented to the public for the first time Monday. CBC News (Canada) 31/10/2023 News London police seek budget mega-hike, 189 new hires as pressures mount CANADA: London police have the lowest rate for laying charges in violent and property-related offences in Ontario. The London Free Press (Canada) 31/10/2023 News Career Expo West 2023: Expanding horizons for emergency services and aviation professionals CANADA: After years of success in the Greater Toronto Area, the Security · Police · Fire Career Expo made its first foray out of Ontario. Blue Line (Canada) 31/10/2023 Feature Minister for Justice Helen McEntee publishes Criminal Assets Bureau Annual Report 2022 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Minister for Justice Helen McEntee has published the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) Annual Report for 2022 which can be found here. Government of Ireland 31/10/2023 News Criminal Assets Bureau Annual Report 2022 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: In accordance with the provisions of section 21 of the Criminal Assets Bureau Act 1996, I am pleased to present to you the 2022 Annual Report of the Criminal Assets Bureau. Government of Ireland 31/10/2023 Report «985986987988989990991992993Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events