Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98090 total results. Showing results 19721 to 19740 «983984985986987988989990991Next ›Last » London’s police chief explains why it takes 4.5 days to respond to your 911 call CANADA: London's Police Chief Thai Truong said officers are in "reactive" mode from the moment they start their shift, working to respond to emergency calls that can take days to attend to. CBC News (Canada) 1/11/2023 News ‘Freedom Convoy’ trial continues with testimony of police liaison officers CANADA: The testimony of police liaison officers is set to continue in the trial of two high-profile “Freedom Convoy” organizers Wednesday. Global News (Canada) 1/11/2023 News Justice Minister says tougher sentencing and “zero tolerance” criminal offences to take effect today REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Minister for Justice Helen McEntee TD has today announced that a range of new criminal offences, as well as tougher sentences for existing offences, come into effect from today, November 1 2023. Mayo Live (Republic of Ireland) 1/11/2023 News Gardaí used force 254 times this year REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai in Donegal Division deployed force more than 250 times up to August this year. Donegal News (Republic of Ireland) 1/11/2023 News New criminal offences and tougher sentences take effect from today, Minister McEntee announces REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Minister for Justice Helen McEntee TD has announced that a range of new criminal offences, as well as tougher sentences for existing offences, come into effect from today, November 1 2023. Government of Ireland 1/11/2023 News Is Australia in the grips of a youth crime crisis? This is what the data says The apparent increase in youth crime has been the subject of intense media focus and community campaigns over recent months; Bond University’s Dr Terry Goldsworthy, Dr Gaëlle Brotto and Dr Tyler Cawthray explore the data behind the headlines, as well as public perception on what constitutes a crime crisis. Policing Insight 1/11/2023 Analysis, Feature, Opinion HMICS Thematic inspection of police response to missing persons in Scotland – Terms of Reference The aim of this thematic inspection will be to assess the state, efficiency and effectiveness of the police response to missing persons in Scotland. It will examine this from the perspective of Outcomes, Delivery and Leadership & Vision, which are the key indicators outlined within the EFQM framework. It will consider the role of partners and key stakeholders in respect of the planning and delivery of services for missing persons. The inspection also aims to achieve an insight into the views and experiences of people who have been missing and those of parents, carers and families who have had involvement with police and other missing persons services. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 1/11/2023 Report Met Police to reduce time spent on mental health calls under new initiative with NHS The Metropolitan Police will reduce the amount of mental health calls officers attend in the capital, as part of a new initiative with the NHS. The scheme – known as Right Care, Right Person – will introduce a threshold for police response to tackle the amount of time officers are spending on policing mental health. From 1 November, police will not attend medical calls where a healthcare professional is more appropriate, and will no longer attend welfare checks for people who have missed a planned health appointment or have not taken their medication. The Independent 1/11/2023 News Domestic violence crisis: Number of women allegedly killed in family violence incidents soars AUSTRALIA: A spike in the number of women dying as a result of domestic violence in Australia has sparked urgent calls for action, including establishing a national list of offenders. Six women have been killed across Australia in 10 days — five allegedly by violence inflicted upon them by men. ABC News (Australia) 1/11/2023 News Law reform puts teens ‘at mercy of crime groups The passage of new ACT legislation increasing the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14 has triggered new warnings that children could be manipulated by organised crime groups The Australian - Subscription at source 1/11/2023 News WA’s new state-of-the-art courthouse and police complex in Armadale opens AUSTRALIA: WA has a new state-of-the-art courthouse and police complex. The $88.5 million Armadale courthouse and police complex was officially opened in front of about 100 people on Wednesday morning. The multi-million-dollar facility brings WA Police and Department of Justice staff under one roof. The new facility includes state-of-the-art video-conferencing amenities, five courtrooms, a pre-trial conference room, along with separate and secure facilities for victims of crime. General duties police officers and detectives, as well as district forensic investigators, prosecutors and family violence unit officers will also be based out of the new facility. The West Australian (Australia) 1/11/2023 News Queensland launches statewide digital driver licences after three-year trial AUSTRALIA: Motorists across Queensland can now carry a digital version of their driver licence, bringing the state into line with New South Wales and South Australia. But the application’s roll-out is already facing delays. Drive (Australia) 1/11/2023 News NSW Police officer sustains ‘significant injuries’ during training exercise involving stun grenades AUSTRALIA: A critical investigation is underway after a NSW police officer sustained significant injuries during a training incident in Goulburn. NSW Police said an officer from the Tactical Operations Regional Support Unit was struck by a flash bang, a type of stun grenade, at a Goulburn training facility about 1.30pm Tuesday. The officer sustained a “significant leg injury” and was taken to Goulburn Base Hospital for treatment. 7 News (Australia) 1/11/2023 News Londoners can no longer rely on the police to handle mental-health emergencies As the Met takes a step back, what will happen to people in distress? The Economist - Subscription at source 1/11/2023 Feature Christchurch terror attack inquest: Paramedics did not enter Al Noor Mosque until 30 minutes after shooting NEW ZEALAND: No handover was given by the police officer who provided first aid to badly injured victims at Christchurch's Al Noor Mosque before he took off to Linwood Islamic Centre, an inquest had heard. The Armed Offenders Squad (AOS) member told the coroners court on Wednesday afternoon that he was the first person to administer first aid to worshippers in the main prayer room after an initial clearance of the mosque had been completed. A total of 51 people were killed and many others injured as a result of the terror attacks at the two mosques on 15 March 2019. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 1/11/2023 News Frontier artificial intelligence: The good, the bad, and the ugly With the UK’s first artificial intelligence (AI) safety summit taking place this week, Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at some of the risks posed by ‘frontier AI’, as well as efforts by the UK Government and counterparts in Europe to identify and minimise potentially harmful threats from the cutting-edge technology. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/11/2023 Analysis, Feature, Innovation NSW police response to people in mental distress ‘has failed’ in some instances, mental health minister says AUSTRALIA: The New South Wales mental health minister, Rose Jackson, has flagged significant reforms to the way police respond to people in acute distress as she conceded there were instances in which the current system “has failed”. The Guardian 1/11/2023 News Armadale Courthouse and Police Complex officially opened AUSTRALIA: The multi-million-dollar Armadale Courthouse and Police Complex has been officially opened, bringing the Western Australia Police Force and Department of Justice staff under one roof. Government of Western Australia 1/11/2023 News Murder trial aborted over police mistakes to be reheard NEW ZEALAND: A police botch-up that derailed a murder trial has been looked into and the trial is set to be reheard. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 1/11/2023 News Hike in number of children removed from family home for their safety REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A 30% jump has been recorded in the number of cases where gardaí removed a child from the family home for their own safety, official figures show. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 1/11/2023 News «983984985986987988989990991Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events