Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98090 total results. Showing results 19661 to 19680 «980981982983984985986987988Next ›Last » PC dismissed after lying during radio update at ‘snake’ premises PC Alex Marshall had attributed his lie to a 'pathological fear of snakes'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/11/2023 News Force apologises for historic over-policing LGBT+ communities Chief Constable Sarah Crew is calling on all forces to do the same. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/11/2023 News Leading police improvement: Violence against women and girls, digitalization, and public protest The 5th International Police Education Conference on 10th November 2023, hosted by the London Policing College and supported by Policing Insight, explores the critical themes of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), digitalization, and public protest. We delve into key insights from five workshops that gathered experts, academics, and professionals from around the world to address the challenges and opportunities in modern policing. Policing Insight 2/11/2023 Advertisement, Feature Interpersonal Violence Disclosure Protocol Act Proclaimed CANADA: Today, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador proclaimed into force the Interpersonal Violence Disclosure Protocol Act, commonly known as Clare’s Law, which is aimed at increasing the safety for individuals in intimate relationships who are at risk of violence from their partners. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada) 2/11/2023 News Greater Sudbury Police Services Board greenlights proposed 14.3 % budget increase over two years CANADA: The 2024-2025 budget for the Greater Sudbury Police Service (GSPS) was finalized at a board meeting on Wednesday evening. CBC News (Canada) 2/11/2023 News Frustration at ‘boiling point’ over Garda CCTV REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: After almost a decade of fundraising and surveys to provide camera systems to assist Gardaà police the streets of Tipperary, the communities which led the campaign have become disillusioned due to the lengthy wait for progress. Offaly Live 2/11/2023 News An Garda Siochana ordered to pay €65,000 for discriminating against Cork sergeant REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An Garda SÃochána has been ordered to pay €65,000 compensation to a Garda sergeant based in Co Cork for discriminating against him on the grounds of disability. The Nationalist (Republic of Ireland) 2/11/2023 News Youth Justice Strategy Implementation Statement for 2022 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Developed under the guidance of an expert Steering Group which had been in place since early 2019, the Youth Justice Strategy 2021 – 2027 was published in April of 2021. Government of Ireland 2/11/2023 Report QPS research highlights need to instil confidence in female officers and address selection biases As with many other police forces, Queensland Police Service (QPS) is looking to improve the representation of female officers across the workforce; new research from QPS Detective Chief Inspector Mike Newman suggests that instilling more confidence in female officers, and addressing inherent biases in selection processes, will be crucial in ensuring female officers progress through the ranks at the same rate as their male counterparts, as he explained to Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/11/2023 Analysis, Feature, Interview Facial Recognition – Delivering More Precise Policing Facial recognition technology has become an important tool for many police forces worldwide, including the Metropolitan Police Service (Met). To gain a better understanding of how the technology has been implemented and its potential impact, we spoke to Lindsey Chiswick, Director of Intelligence at the Met and the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Lead on Facial Recognition. According to Chiswick, the operational use of live facial recognition technology in London follows extensive research and development over a number of years. Close working with South Wales Police has enabled knowledge and learning to be shared, enhancing our ability to tackle challenges as they emerge. Science & Technology in Policing (Police Science Council) 2/11/2023 Feature Devolving Justice: Insights from four case study areas Since Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) were first introduced in 2011, justice devolution to local areas in England has continued to progress. With this report, we aim to look back on some of the areas that have been involved in justice devolution efforts, and share the lessons they have learnt along the way. The four case study areas discussed in this report are: London, Greater Manchester, the West Midlands and Avon and Somerset Crest Advisory 2/11/2023 Report Entry routes and leadership on the agenda at College of Policing summit Improving police constable entry routes and developing leadership across the service were on the agenda at the College of Policing’s Leadership and Workforce Summit. Police Professional 2/11/2023 News Ulez: Met Police records nearly 1,000 camera-related crimes Nearly 1,000 Ulez camera-related crimes have been recorded across London over the past seven months, according to Met Police figures. In October, 192 cases of cameras being stolen or damaged were recorded - a 32.6% drop compared with September. BBC 2/11/2023 News Avon and Somerset Police apologise for historic over policing of LGBT+ communities Chief Constable Sarah Crew has today apologised to Peter Tatchell, in response to his Apologise Now campaign, calling on all British police forces to say sorry for their role in over policing and under protecting LGBT+ people. Avon & Somerset Constabulary 2/11/2023 News Victims wait up to 13 hours for police response, new figures reveal Victims of burglaries and domestic incidents are waiting more than 13 hours for police to attend, according to figures obtained by the Lib Dems. BBC 2/11/2023 News Bikies to be stripped of colours in plan to target organised crime AUSTRALIA: Bikie gangs would be banned from wearing club colours and tough new anti-association laws put in place for convicted criminals under a proposed crackdown on organised crime. The plan for the new powers, among the toughest in the nation, comes after an admission that current legislation targeting serious criminal gangs in Victoria is failing. The Age (Australia) - Subscription at source 2/11/2023 News Queensland’s forensics lab failed to pinpoint almost a third of blood samples in 2008 due to automated DNA testing system Queensland's forensics lab was failing to pinpoint almost a third of blood samples in 2008 — more than five times the figure from just two years prior, an inquiry has heard. The inquiry is examining Project 13, a 2008 report by seven scientists recommending the use of an automated DNA testing system, rather than extracting it manually. This was despite the automated method yielding up to 92 per cent less DNA than the manual option. ABC News (Australia) 2/11/2023 News Corrections changes community notifications after review into murder of Juliana Bonilla-Herrera NEW ZEALAND: Corrections has changed its community notification policy to include adult sex offenders, after a Christchurch woman was killed by her neighbour while he was on parole for rape. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 2/11/2023 News Manchester student PC sacked for lying about being sick A student police officer who admitted lying about being sick when he was on holiday has been sacked. BBC 2/11/2023 News Slowest police force takes 13 hours to attend priority calls Data reveals dramatically different response times across England and Wales The Times - Subscription at source 2/11/2023 News «980981982983984985986987988Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events