Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98146 total results. Showing results 19181 to 19200 «956957958959960961962963964Next ›Last » ‘Defensive’ police missed opportunity in gay hate probe AUSTRALIA: A landmark inquiry into possible gay hate-related deaths should ensure lessons are learned, hard truths are told and previously voiceless people are heard. But NSW Police might have missed an opportunity to improve its relationship with the LGBTQI community as a result of an “adversarial” approach to the 18-month probe. Led by commissioner John Sackar, the state inquiry has examined the unsolved killings of LGBTQI people that might have been hate crimes between 1970 and 2010. Australian Associated Press (AAP) 14/11/2023 News Christchurch mosque attacks: Former top cop says there should be more police, ambulance interagency training NEW ZEALAND: Christchurch's former top cop has told the coronial inquest into the March 15 terror attack that there should be more inter-agency training between first responders. He resigned from police seven months ago, but believes little has been done between the emergency services to better prepare for a future terrorism attack. Newshub (New Zealand) 14/11/2023 News Matt Ratana’s partner criticises ‘catalogue of failings’ Su Bushby says there must be improvements in searches of suspects and security arrangements at police stations. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/11/2023 News Leicestershire Police’s Academy approach to the ‘unprecedented churn’ caused by Uplift In 2020, as Leicestershire Police prepared to greatly increase its officer numbers as part of the Uplift recruitment programme, leaders within the force set about trying to change attitudes, consideration of and delivery of training through the creation of the Team Leicestershire Academy; Policing Insight’s Ian Weinfass spoke to its head Sarah Taylor, and Chief Constable Rob Nixon, about the force’s new methods. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/11/2023 Analysis, Feature, Interview Queensland Police recruitment builds as Police Academies hit record high AUSTRALIA: The Queensland Police Service (QPS) is continuing to boost frontline police numbers with recruitment incentives on offer attracting a significant number of applicants to join the Service. Queensland Government (Australia) 14/11/2023 News ‘Defensive’ police missed their opportunity, NSW gay hate inquiry told AUSTRALIA: New South Wales police might have missed an opportunity to improve its relationship with the LGBTQ+ community as a result of a “defensive” and “adversarial” approach to an 18-month inquiry into possible gay hate-related deaths, the senior counsel assisting the commission has said. The Guardian 14/11/2023 News Christchurch terror attack inquest: Specialist paramedic admits he should have done more to acquire information NEW ZEALAND: A senior policeman has told the Christchurch mosque inquest that there is always a risk of attacks at New Zealand places of worship. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 14/11/2023 News The UK is perilously close to complete disorder – so let’s back the police to do their job A thin blue line separates us from the disintegration into complete disorder i News 14/11/2023 Feature, Opinion ‘My little boy is facing a long, hard year of recovery’ – mother of delivery rider who lost leg after garda crash wants ‘full and rigorous’ probe into incident REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The mother of a Brazilian delivery rider who lost part of his leg after being struck by a patrol car has requested the garda watchdog carry out a “full and rigorous” investigation into the incident. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) - Subscription at source 14/11/2023 News Senior officer would have been dismissed misconduct hearing finds A senior officer who resigned ahead of a gross misconduct hearing would have been dismissed without notice after allegations of drug use were proven against him. Metropolitan Police Service 14/11/2023 News The cost crisis and crime in Scotland Within the context of the ongoing cost crisis, this occasional paper explores the relationship between macroeconomic performance and crime in Scotland. Scottish Government 13/11/2023 Report County Lines Programme GUIDANCE: Information about the government's County Lines Programme. Home Office 13/11/2023 Report Evidence submissions to NCA Remuneration Review Body, 2023 to 2024 RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS: Evidence from the NCA and Home Office to NCA Remuneration Review Body (NCARRB), to help with its consideration of the 2023 to 2024 pay award proposal. Home Office 13/11/2023 Report ‘One size doesn’t fit all’ when it comes to victim satisfaction Superintendent Ben Clark discussed the findings of his research at the Society of Evidence Based Policing conference last Thursday. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/11/2023 News PSNI sickness list the ‘size of a police force’ says chief constable MLA Joanne Bunting told the Public Accountability Session that PSNI officers and staff currently face an 'unacceptable' six/eight month waiting list to be seen by occupational health. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/11/2023 News Partner of shot sergeant criticises officers’ ‘catalogue of serious failings’ Matt Ratana was murdered by Louis de Zoysa at Croydon custody suite in south London. Express & Star 13/11/2023 News Tougher measures aimed at sex offenders REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: New legislation that introduces tougher laws to manage and monitor sex offenders comes into effect today (13 November). Law Society Gazette Ireland 13/11/2023 News Pro-Palestinian marches every week until Christmas ‘unsustainable’, police warn Met Police Federation chairman says combined impact of demonstrators and Just Stop Oil protests would strain force’s day-to-day resources The Telegraph - Subscription at source 13/11/2023 News Third National Action Plan to combat and prevent Human Trafficking REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The first National Action Plan to Prevent and Combat Trafficking of Human Beings in Ireland was published in June 2009. The Second National Action Plan, published in 2016, built on the work of the first. A key component of any response to human trafficking is a victim-centred approach: that is the approach Ireland is taking with this plan and its corresponding policies. As Ireland’s Third National Action Plan to Prevent and Combat Human Trafficking, this plan aims to build on the progress achieved under the first and second action plans. [PDF] Department of Justice (Republic of Ireland) 13/11/2023 Report Third National Action Plan to prevent and combat human trafficking is published REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Image: HumanTrafficking Minister Helen McEntee launched the Third National Action Plan to prevent and combat human trafficking. The Plan aims to work towards ending human trafficking in the State as a key element of building stronger, safer communities. Department of Justice (Republic of Ireland) 13/11/2023 News «956957958959960961962963964Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events