Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98180 total results. Showing results 19021 to 19040 «948949950951952953954955956Next ›Last » New Garda figures: Very few “hate incidents” are actually crimes REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The statistics released by An Garda Síochána on the level of “hate crime” in the state for 2022 make for interesting reading, particularly given that the alleged high and increasing number of such incidents are often cited as a justification for the proposed “hate speech” legislation. It seems that in a year where 389 incidents were reported to and recorded by the Gardaí as a possible “hate crime,” just 11 of those processed to the end of September that year were categorised as actual “hate crimes.” Gript (Republic of Ireland) - Subscription at source 17/11/2023 News Senior officer accused of accessing staff info cleared of misconduct The misconduct panel had earlier thrown out DAC Matt Home's application to stay proceedings on the basis that he had initially been treated as a witness in the case. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/11/2023 News PCC attacks ‘obsession with public health approach’ to drugs The enforcement of laws around class B and C drugs has been "pathetically weak" for years says Devon and Cornwall PCC. Tougher action needs to be taken nationally against cannabis, a police and crime commissioner has said. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/11/2023 News Officer put on barred list for sending victim messages despite warning A former Met officer who sent inappropriate messages to a victim of crime, despite previously being warned not to, has been placed on the barred list. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/11/2023 News ‘Inaccessible’ prosecutors working from home causing frustration DPP Stephen Parkinson believes communication between the CPS and policing is improving, pointing to the frequency of early conversations around advice and case surgeries. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/11/2023 News Quebec man alleges racial profiling, police brutality at Edmonton International Airport CANADA: A Quebec man who says he was abused by RCMP officers at Edmonton International Airport — and racially profiled by security staff — is calling for independent investigations into his allegations. CBC News (Canada) 17/11/2023 News ‘Heavy-handed’: Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke reacts to decision to suspend police board CANADA: Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke did not mince words in her response to the news that the province has suspended the city’s police board. Global News (Canada) 17/11/2023 News Some progress made on probation and prison staffing levels Some better news but the number of probation officers in post still represents a shortfall of 2,129 FTE against the required staffing level of 6,780 FTE. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/11/2023 News Police will only arrest protesters if they damage war memorials 150 pro-Palestinian rallies planned across the country but officers have claimed they are powerless to detain people who climb on monuments The Telegraph - Subscription at source 17/11/2023 News Senior police officer accused of accessing staff info cleared of misconduct A senior Metropolitan Police officer accused of accessing police information in a bid to help his defence in a bullying investigation has been cleared of misconduct. The Independent 17/11/2023 News Saanich police deploy all-female constable team CANADA: The Saanich Police Department reached a historic milestone Sunday night when it deployed an all-female constable team. Saanich is committed to the 30×30 initiative that aims for 30 per cent female recruitment by the year 2030. The initiative is driven by the fact that women are significantly underrepresented in law enforcement. Global News (Canada) 17/11/2023 News ‘It’s just not safe’: Edmonton police chief says encampments shouldn’t be tolerated CANADA: Edmonton police Chief Dale McFee said he wants to send a message that encampments shouldn't be tolerated in the city. At a police commission meeting Thursday, he said the city can no longer "do nothing" about clusters of tents where people are sleeping rough through the winter, because it isn't safe. CBC News (Canada) 17/11/2023 News Saskatoon Board of Police Commissioners wants additional $200K for alternative response officers CANADA: Saskatoon Police Service (SPS) Chief Troy Cooper spent his last Board of Police Commissioners (BPC) meeting — after announcing his retirement in the previous one — addressing the force's desire for more alternative response officers (ARO's) and talking about a report detailing SPS's involvement with people with complex needs. AROs work with vulnerable people to help them connect with support services. CBC News (Canada) 17/11/2023 News Province funds expansion of Regina police and mental health crisis team CANADA: The Saskatchewan government announced Thursday $6.6 million in funding for Regina police initiatives. Part of those funds are going toward expanding the Regina Police Service's police and crisis team (PACT), which teams police officers with mental health workers. CBC News (Canada) 17/11/2023 News Russia files lawsuit to crack down on LGBTQ+ community Supreme court to consider justice ministry request to outlaw ‘international LGBT public movement’ as extremist The Guardian 17/11/2023 News Two more men charged with murder of gang member in Auckland NEW ZEALAND: Police have charged another two men with murder after the death of Head Hunters gang member Charles Pongi in Pt England in August. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 17/11/2023 News Do not approach this man – high-risk violent sex offender Leslie Peter Ross cuts off ankle bracelet NEW ZEALAND: Police have warned people to not approach a dangerous, high-risk violent and sexual offender who cut off his ankle bracelet and went on the run. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 17/11/2023 News Man arrested for allegedly wielding an axe, injuring a police officer at Karama shopping centre AUSTRALIA: A man has reportedly threatened members of the public with an axe and injured a police officer in an incident at a Darwin shopping centre. ABC News (Australia) 17/11/2023 News NT police officer Virginia Read found not guilty of assault during attempted roadside arrest AUSTRALIA: A Northern Territory police superintendent has been found not guilty of aggravated assault after attempting a roadside arrest in July last year while off duty. ABC News (Australia) 17/11/2023 News Police officer shot dead in South Australia named as Brevet Sgt Jason Doig AUSTRALIA: A police officer has died after being shot during a violent confrontation in South Australia. Brevet Sgt Jason Doig and his colleagues Michael Hutchinson and Rebekah Cass went to a property in the rural community of Senior near the Victorian border about 11.20pm on Thursday The Guardian 17/11/2023 News «948949950951952953954955956Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events