Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98180 total results. Showing results 18961 to 18980 «945946947948949950951952953Next ›Last » Queensland man to face court over more than 200 child offences NEW ZEALAND: A man accused of the indecent treatment of children has been charged with more than 200 additional offences. The 35-year-old initially faced a total of five charges when recently arrested in far north Queensland, police said. 1 News (New Zealand) 20/11/2023 News Lincolnshire Police chief to step down in 2024 The Chief Constable of Lincolnshire Police has announced he will step down from the role next year. BBC 20/11/2023 News Nottinghamshire Police inspector sacked over abusive and targeted posts A police inspector who posted abusive messages concerning a woman involved in a vigil for murder victim Sarah Everard has been sacked. BBC 20/11/2023 News Can’t miss event: Improving real-time response to large-scale events, natural disasters and more To save lives and better serve the public, police forces need to receive and share information with internal teams, partners, neighboring agencies and their communities as quickly and efficiently as possible. A global pandemic, social unrest and tightening budgets have exacerbated this need, making it vital for forces to adapt now. Join Hexagon’s Klaus Dalgaard on a webinar to learn how improving collaboration and real-time data sharing can help police forces. Policing Insight 20/11/2023 Advertisement, Feature Information Commissioner seeks permission to appeal Clearview AI ruling The Information Commissioner is seeking permission to appeal the decision of a tribunal to overturn a data privacy fine handed out to facial recognition firm Clearview AI. Police Professional 20/11/2023 News Policing Productivity Review INDEPENDENT REPORT: Independent review into productivity in policing, with recommendations on how to improve it. Home Office 20/11/2023 Report Seizing productivity gains will improve trust and confidence in policing, review finds Policing’s attempts to improve its productivity are “currently hampered by the quality and consistency of data”, according to the Policing Productivity Review published on Monday (November 20). Police Professional 20/11/2023 News Met Police officer who shot dead prison-break gangster to face misconduct hearing Marksman ‘lawfully killed’ 28-year-old who was attempting to spring two men from prison van but 2015 operation saw numerous police failures The Telegraph - Subscription at source 20/11/2023 News Give some charging decisions to high performing forces says review This review, announced in August 2022, set about looking at productivity in every aspect of policing. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/11/2023 News Met rejects IOPC request for outside force to hold W80 misconduct Met says its support for officer W80 and better legal protections for operational firearms officers 'does not impinge' on holding misconduct hearings. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/11/2023 News When, not if, for police body cameras: councillor CANADA: Proponents say technology helps improve transparency, accountability, public trust. The Free Press (Canada) 20/11/2023 News Saskatoon police board asks for $200K more for alternative response officers CANADA: Saskatoon’s board of police commissioners has voted to ask city council for another $200,000 to fund five more alternative response officers next year. 650 CKOM (Canada) 20/11/2023 News Circles of Understanding: Surrey Police take part in new Indigenous cultural training CANADA: In the spring of 2023, the Indigenous Relations Unit of Surrey Police Service (SPS) hosted their Circles of Understanding. You may be asking yourself, “What is that?” Blue Line (Canada) 20/11/2023 Feature Gardaí detected 9% of sexual offences reported in 2022 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaí detected 9% of sexual offences reported to it last year, a decrease of 3% on 2021, but the detection rate increases with time according to the latest CSO crime figures published today. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 20/11/2023 News ‘Do we still even have a Garda Traffic Corps in this country?’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Would somebody please explain to me why we’re having to listen to all this kvetching about the need for greater enforcement of traffic laws and more focus on the behaviour of motorists? Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 20/11/2023 Feature, Opinion Ben Burr: ‘The right people having access to the right data at the right time to tackle SOC is essential’ In the latest in a series of interviews with leading figures involved in the research and investigation of organised crime, Policing Insight’s Dr Chris Allen spoke to Ben Burr, a Borders, Immigration and Intelligence Specialist with Viable Data who has more than 20 years’ experience in the Home Office, about the challenges of ‘burglary tourism’, the need for real-life policing experience in academic research, and why a global database of wanted, suspected and missing person biometrics could be game changing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/11/2023 Feature, Interview Garda Commissioner invited to Cavan to discuss merger plans REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Councillor John Paul Feeley has called on the Commissioner "to reverse the decision". Northern Sound (Republic of Ireland) 20/11/2023 News The police data challenge: Maximising the potential of automation and AI The difficulties policing faces around the scale and complexity of digital data are widely acknowledged, but what about the potential for new technology to overcome some of those challenges? In the second in a series of five features looking at the police use of data, Policing Insight’s Keith Potter looks at some of the ways new tech – including automation, artificial intelligence and machine learning – are being employed in both investigative and preventative approaches. Policing Insight - Registration at source 20/11/2023 Analysis, Feature, Innovation Diversity and inclusion within police firearms teams Seeking to better understand the underrepresentation of minority groups and to encourage more female officers to consider joining firearms teams, the Diversity and Inclusion in Firearms National Group (DIFAG) of the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) commissioned a Liverpool John Moores University research team to examine: (i) cultural perceptions of armed units; (ii) the ways in which those perceptions impact diversity within firearms roles; (iii) barriers to recruitment to firearm roles; and (iv) the extent to which issues associated with uniforms, equipment, or training have an impact on achieving an inclusive and representative armed workforce. The research team framed those requirements in the research question, ‘Why are minority groups underrepresented in police firearms teams'? The team collected research data in three ways. First, via a comprehensive review of relevant literature. Second, using an online survey, advertised across the PSEW and other police forces/agencies with armed officer capability, to collect officers’ views and experiences. Third, via focus groups that allowed the team to engage with AFOs and to delve deeper into the survey responses. All data were sorted and coded to enable them to be analysed thematically. The study found that a high proportion of the sworn police workforce would never, under ordinary circumstances, consider joining a firearms team. Realistically, the pool from which firearms teams can draw, probably is less than half the size of the operational police workforce. AFOs, believe they deserve greater financial rewards for performing the role. A particular concern for Female AFOs. Many have had or are still having to make do with ‘hand me downs’ or Male kit and uniform that does not meet their needs. This is not just a performance issue; it is a matter of officer safety and well-being. It also is a negative indicator of the value a force puts on a member of its staff. Female AFOs left or did not consider applying for the role because they could not reconcile performing it with fulfilling their family or caring responsibilities. Macho culture is endemic in firearms teams. It has a corrosive effect on the team dynamic; on relations between Male AFOs and AFOs who identify with other groups; and on relations between the teams and officers in mainstream policing. There is an urgent need both for cultural and behavioural change in the firearms environment. Liverpool John Moores University 20/11/2023 Research article How dedicated police teams are driving down robbery offences Dedicated teams of officers are continuing to drive down the number of robberies on our streets and bring offenders to justice. Nottinghamshire Police established proactive teams four years ago to investigate the most serious robberies and burglaries in the city and county. Nottinghamshire Police 20/11/2023 News «945946947948949950951952953Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events