Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98238 total results. Showing results 18601 to 18620 «927928929930931932933934935Next ›Last » Gloucester officer charged with driving police cars while disqualified A police officer is to appear in court charged with driving police vehicles while disqualified. BBC 29/11/2023 News Over 40,000 Assaults on Police Officers in a Single Year: Unveiling the Stark Reality Of Policing In England & Wales The latest statistics released by the UK Government provide a comprehensive overview of assaults on police officers in England and Wales, including the British Transport Police, for the year ending March 2023. This report includes a breakdown by individual police forces, offering insights into regional variations and trends in these serious incidents. Emergency Services News 29/11/2023 News South Wales Police officer asked women for nude photos A police officer asked vulnerable women to send him naked pictures and to have sex with him, a misconduct hearing has been told. BBC 29/11/2023 News High court challenge to ‘constitutionally unprecedented’ UK anti-protest law National Council for Civil Liberties brings civil case to quash ‘back-door’ regulations making it easier for police to stop protests The Guardian 29/11/2023 News Introduction of AI a ‘significant step forward’ in force contact management Humberside Police has successfully integrated artificial intelligence (AI) technology into its contact management processes, acting as an assistant to call handers focusing on transcription, data mapping and risk analysis. Police Professional 29/11/2023 News City of Stirling and WA Police to curb violence and antisocial behaviour with CCTV this summer AUSTRALIA: The Scarborough beach precinct will have a greater police presence who will use CCTV this summer as temperatures begin to rise. Perth Now (Australia) 29/11/2023 News Police warn of social media scam preying on desperate Melbourne renters AUSTRALIA: Victorians looking to rent new homes are being warned to be wary of a social media scam that is convincing renters to hand over thousands of dollars in fake bonds. 9 News (Australia) 29/11/2023 News NSW police officer Kristian White charged with manslaughter over taser death of Clare Nowland at nursing home AUSTRALIA: Charges against a police officer accused of fatally tasering a 95-year-old woman in a regional New South Wales nursing home have been upgraded to manslaughter. ABC News (Australia) 29/11/2023 News Humberside custody visit scheme recognised with national award The ICVA has developed a quality assurance framework to assess compliance with the code of practice that governs custody visits. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/11/2023 News Lightweight, gender-specific body armour will improve health outcomes for officers Body armour is essential kit for police officers, but ill-fitting vests that now carry additional equipment weight are causing significant health problems for those on the frontline; Zac Mader of the Police Federation of England and Wales argues that new lightweight, gender-specific body armour could address many of the lower back pain issues associated with existing equipment, a problem highlighted by physiotherapist Patrick Hoyte Policing Insight - Subscription at source 29/11/2023 Feature, Innovation, Opinion Missing persons unit officer wins recognition award for supporting families PC Keely Copland supports neighbourhood policing teams and CID officers with their daily enquiries for missing people. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/11/2023 News Government moves on IPP sentences Three years after their release, a person serving an IPP will be automatically referred to the Parole Board for a review of their licence. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/11/2023 News As overtime costs rise to $1.7M, Montreal police chief says patrols in Jewish, Muslim communities will continue CANADA: With the number of hate-motivated incidents rising in Montreal, the chief of police says protection for Jewish and Muslim communities will continue to make them feel safe from violence. CTV News (Canada) 29/11/2023 News The Active Club network CANADA: In past columns, I have explored the psychology of conspiracy theories and extremism, as well as focusing on extremist groups such as the Boogaloo Boys and QAnon. Blue Line (Canada) 29/11/2023 Feature Homicide trends in Canada, 2022 CANADA: In 2022, police services across Canada reported 874 homicides, 78 more than in the previous year. Statistics Canada 29/11/2023 Report Garda chief superintendent says action is being taken in Waterford to reduce drugs REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: At the latest meeting of the Policing Authority held in Waterford, Chief Superintendent Anthony Pettit was asked about the “widespread epidemic presence of drugs in the community, not just here in Waterford City, but in rural areas as well”. Waterford News & Star (Ireland) 29/11/2023 News Dáil focuses on Garda resources for Roscrea REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Concerns over the opening hours of Roscrea Garda Station and policing manpower and resources in the town were discussed in the Dáil again this week. Offaly Live 29/11/2023 News Dublin riots: Drew Harris tells TDs that garda public order units will get tasers as new ‘tactics and equipment’ needed to tackle disorder REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda Commissioner Drew Harris will lay out a timeline of last Thursday’s riots in Dublin to politicians at the Justice Committee this afternoon. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 29/11/2023 News Changes to misconduct regulations to be rolled out in three stages The Home Office has confirmed that changes to misconduct and vetting processes will begin to be implemented from next April. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/11/2023 News WA Police Union members vote in favour of running candidates at 2025 State election AUSTRALIA: WA Police Union members have voted in favour of running candidates at the 2025 State election, following on from the Australian Nurses Federation deciding to set up its own political party. The motion was among dozens debated behind closed doors at the WA Police Union’s annual conference on Monday, with the results publicly released on Wednesday. The West Australian (Australia) - Subscription at source 29/11/2023 News «927928929930931932933934935Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events