Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98254 total results. Showing results 18461 to 18480 «920921922923924925926927928Next ›Last » Statement AFP’s undercover program AUSTRALIA: Statement attributable to AFP Deputy Commissioner Ian McCartney. The AFP’s undercover program (UCP) is an effective, proven and necessary function of the AFP. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 3/12/2023 News Garda prohibited from driving a motorcycle because of a hearing problem loses discrimination case REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A detective garda who was not allowed to drive a motorcycle at work because of a hearing condition was not discriminated against, the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) has ruled. The officer had sought compensation for the alleged discrimination on grounds of disability under the Employment Equality Acts over the decision by the Garda’s assistant chief medical officer that he should not be given access to a motorcycle while carrying out his duties. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 3/12/2023 News Domestic abusers freed from jail early to tackle overcrowding Releases on ‘compassionate grounds’ contradict claims by justice secretary that anyone guilty of serious violence would be ineligible. Prisons are being allowed to release domestic abusers early to deal with chronic overcrowding, leaked government guidance has revealed. The document was sent to 21 prisons across England and Wales as part of an early release scheme launched last month by the justice secretary, Alex Chalk. It confirms that convicts guilty of a range of domestic abuse offences, as well violent offenders sentenced to less than four years, can be freed early. The government has made tackling domestic abuse and violence against women a pillar of its criminal justice reforms. Chalk announced the release scheme on October 16 after it emerged that the prison estate was about 500 places away from reaching its full capacity of 88,782, with more than half of prisons already full. The Times - Subscription at source 3/12/2023 News At least 1,700 serious organised criminals from Albania are walking free in Britain, police fear Police fear at least 1,700 serious organised criminals from Albania are walking free in Britain. Drug bosses, people smugglers, fraudsters and sex traffickers are believed to be among the individuals currently at large. Officers from the Metropolitan Police and National Crime Agency (NCA) have requested records on each of the suspects from authorities in Albania in a bid to bring them to justice. It is believed all the suspects arrived illegally in the UK on small boats and lorries. Mail Online 3/12/2023 News Soaring number of cops quitting Police Scotland as union warns force at breaking point COPS are increasingly quitting Police Scotland for “personal reasons” or pursuing other jobs outside of the national force, according to figures. Official stats show droves of fresh-faced officers also leaving before the end of their two-year probationary period. The Scottish Sun 3/12/2023 News Head of police training body is at the centre of a Whitehall power struggle over his ‘woke’ beliefs The head of the police training body was last night at the centre of a Whitehall power struggle over his 'woke' beliefs. The Mail on Sunday understands that Lord (Nick) Herbert was due to be removed as chairman of the College of Policing by ex-Home Secretary Suella Braverman after they clashed over his opposition to a crackdown on environmental protesters. However, Mrs Braverman was sacked by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak following a row over the policing of pro-Palestinian marches before the decision could take effect. Mail Online 3/12/2023 News Stronger on-water drug and alcohol laws set to take effect AUSTRALIA: Skippers navigating dangerously, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, face significantly higher penalties this summer following the successful passage of new laws through State Parliament. Government of Western Australia 3/12/2023 News Queensland cop Kym took her own life at work. Former officers say it exposes a deeper problem AUSTRALIA: A major push is underway to ensure police officers receive more support, as former cops lift the lid on the rarely seen dark side of the force. 7 News (Australia) 3/12/2023 News The Australian Federal Police’s statement on its undercover program AUSTRALIA: Being a police officer can often be dangerous. But within the Australian Federal Police there's a special division of cops whose role is so constantly treacherous that every day is a matter of life and death. They're undercover operatives who work at the very front line of crime fighting in Australia and internationally. 9 Now (Australia) 3/12/2023 Feature Victoria Police reveal speed camera locations amid industrial action AUSTRALIA: Victoria Police have revealed the location of revenue-raising speed cameras to drivers amid an ongoing pay dispute with the state government. The industrial action kicked off today after the union and Victoria Police failed to reach an agreement on pay and improved working conditions. Although police can't strike, they are warning drivers about speed cameras in an effort to block revenue from being generated for the government in the form of fines. 9 News (Australia) 3/12/2023 News Victoria Police staff begin industrial action amid protracted dispute over pay and conditions AUSTRALIA: Victorian police and protective services officers have begun industrial action as part of an escalating pay dispute with the state government. The Police Association Victoria (TPAV) secretary Wayne Gatt said members were "burnt out, stressed out and suffering" and wanted an end to the protracted negotiations. The association has been in talks with Victoria Police over pay and conditions for more than six months. Among the sticking points are the association's request for a 4 per cent pay rise and nine-hour shifts. Treasurer Tim Pallas has repeatedly said the state's debt-laden budget could not afford the pay rise. ABC News (Australia) 3/12/2023 News Controversial cold case DNA tool: Privacy Commissioner asks police to suspend use pending legislative reform NEW ZEALAND: The Privacy Commissioner has asked police to pause future use of a controversial DNA tool being trialled to solve two cold-case murders until there is legislative reform. The Herald earlier revealed police were trialling a genetic investigative tool for two of the country’s most high-profile cold cases - the murder of Alicia O’Reilly in 1980, dubbed Operation Sturbridge, and Operation Dallington, the inquiry into the murder of Mellory Manning in 2008. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 3/12/2023 News Gardai tool up with €1.7m of new Tasers REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The gardai have spent €1.7 million on Tasers in the past three years as Drew Harris, the commissioner, announced the purchase of 200 more of the non-lethal weapons. Harris revealed last week that the public order unit, or riot squad, would be equipped with the new Tasers and stronger pepper spray after the riots in Dublin on November 23. To tackle potential public order incidents of a similar scale in the future, Harris announced an expansion of the unit’s armoured vehicle fleet and the possible acquisition of two water cannons. The Times - Subscription at source 3/12/2023 News Far right now a bigger threat than dissidents, gardai say REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Violent far-right extremists pose the biggest threat to the security of the state and to public safety, senior gardai warned last night. Sources said that the extremists were considered a more serious threat than dissident republican groups following the riots in Dublin on November 23. The Times - Subscription at source 3/12/2023 News Frontline officers need the full protection of proper oversight REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: in all of the vivid, terrifying images streaming out of the Dublin rioting, one in particular has disturbed, not to say alarmed, viewers. It is that of a lone garda sergeant on O’Connell Bridge, desperately fighting off half a dozen thugs who are kicking and punching him, clawing at his uniform and hurling objects at his head and back. The Times - Subscription at source 3/12/2023 Feature, Opinion ‘They need more units in town. What the f**k are they waiting for?’ – WhatsApp messages reveal garda panic at Dublin riot REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Messages from a garda WhatsApp group reveal gardaí did not wait for management orders before rushing to their colleagues’ aid. Messages from an internal garda WhatsApp group reveal how rank-and-file members rushed to support their colleagues as the riots broke out in Dublin, in the absence of direction from management. The extraordinary messages were exchanged between up to 60 gardaí attached to one division over four hours on Thursday, November 23, when the earlier stabbings of three children and their carer in Parnell Square triggered far-right protests that spiralled into violence. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 3/12/2023 News Proactive release of the TNOC Strategy year two implementation report NEW ZEALAND: In November 2019, Cabinet approved the Transnational Organised Crime Strategy 2020-2025 (the Strategy). New Zealand Police 3/12/2023 Report Domestic abuse calls trebled in a decade as gardai respond to over 41,000 incidents this year REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaí responded to over 41,000 callouts for domestic violence so far this year – a 209% increase since 2013. (Republic of Ireland) 2/12/2023 News Ex-Met officer sentenced over unlawful searches on police systems A former Metropolitan Police officer who used its computer systems to carry out illegal searches has avoided jail. BBC 2/12/2023 News Hampshire police constable Jed Osmond avoids prison after pleading guilty of possessing more than 100 child abuse images A police constable has avoided being sent to prison after he downloaded child abuse images of youngsters as young as one year old on to his phone The News (Portsmouth) 2/12/2023 News «920921922923924925926927928Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events