Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98280 total results. Showing results 18341 to 18360 «914915916917918919920921922Next ›Last » Niagara Police board whittles budget increase to 6 per cent CANADA: The Niagara Regional Police services board has trimmed its 2024 operating budget by $2 million, but some still want more specific answers. Thorold Today (Canada) 6/12/2023 News Infusing trust and inspiration into organizational leadership CANADA: One never knows when a true gem of a resource will come their way. Blue Line (Canada) 6/12/2023 Feature Cleveland pilot will offer drug-drivers the first UK post-conviction rehabilitation course Drug-drivers convicted in the South Tees area (policed by officers in Cleveland) will become the first in the UK to be offered an educational course to reduce reoffending – similar to the drink-drive rehabilitation scheme – under a pilot programme which, if successful, could be rolled out nationwide, as Policing Insight’s Thomas James reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 6/12/2023 Feature, Innovation Calls for Garda fitness test to be made easier REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There’s a call for the fitness test used during the recruitment of new Gardaí to be made easier. [AUDIO] Highland Radio (Republic of Ireland) 6/12/2023 News Town’s CCTV network goes offline as no one is willing to operate it REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A community-based CCTV system with 16 cameras in Tullow, Co Carlow has not been operational since the end of October as no one can be found to operate it. Breaking News (Republic of Ireland) 6/12/2023 News Minister James Browne hosts National Missing Persons Day at Croke Park REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Minister of State at the Department of Justice, James Browne, TD, will today, Wednesday 6 December, host the annual ceremony to mark national Missing Persons Day. Government of Ireland 6/12/2023 News No 10 finally to respond to 2017 report on Hillsborough injustices Families pushing for ‘Hillsborough law’ to outlaw police cover-ups after major incidents The Guardian 6/12/2023 News West Midlands Police officers ‘attacked seven-times-per-day’ in soaring number of assaults West Midlands Police officers are facing around seven-attacks-per-day by members of the public in the line of duty. Shocking new figures reveal force responders are facing more assaults than ever before in the region. Police faced 2,520 attacks between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023 - a rise of 250 incidents on the previous year. That works out at an average of 6.9 assaults every day. Birmingham Live 6/12/2023 News Public safety fears over lack of Jersey police funding There is a "very real possibility" that community safety could be affected by a lack of funding for the States of Jersey Police. The warning comes from the Jersey Police Authority, the independent body which reviews its work. It said the force did not have "enough people or funds" to fulfil its objectives over the next four years. BBC 6/12/2023 News WA Police demand sweeping alcohol bans in revealing memo AUSTRALIA: A “bombshell letter” stating WA Police are demanding wide-ranging liquor restrictions across WA has potentially outlined a rift between police and the State Government on how to deal with ongoing alcohol abuse and connected violence. 6pr (Australia) 6/12/2023 News Police Minister Mark Mitchell sets out expectations of commissioner NEW ZEALAND: The new police minister, Mark Mitchell, has set his expectations of the police commissioner, laying out the government's direction and priorities in a letter. Mitchell has repeatedly refused to declare his confidence in Andrew Coster, whose term ends in 2025. "Our New Zealand Police organisation and frontline staff are working in a far more complex, demanding and dangerous environment that requires focused, strong and supportive leadership. My expectation is for that leadership to be evident," Mitchell said in a statement. The letter was released by the public service commissioner, who helped draft it. Mitchell and Coster met on Wednesday, and agreed to the terms. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 6/12/2023 News More than 100 gardai currently suspended and under investigation REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Alleged offences include corruption, assault, theft, harassment, domestic violence, drink-driving, forgery, and perverting the course of justice. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 6/12/2023 News PEEL 2023–2025: An inspection of Surrey Police This report sets out the findings for Surrey Police [pdf]. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 6/12/2023 Report Former Sussex DCI is playing a lead role in establishing sexual and gender-based violence centre in Jordan Former Sussex Detective Chief Inspector Alison Eaton, now an international sexual and gender-based violence expert and trainer, is playing a key role in setting up SARC-style services for refugee and local community victims in Jordan, in a project which could become international best practice, as she explained to Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 6/12/2023 Analysis, Feature, Interview Annual Report 2023 NEW ZEALAND: Police's Annual Report for 2022/23 has been tabled at Parliament. The Report details our performance during 2022/23 against our strategic goals and the Commissioner’s three priorities New Zealand Police 6/12/2023 Report Surrey Police response to public is inadequate, inspectorate says Surrey Police needs to improve how it responds to the public, the police inspectorate has said. BBC 6/12/2023 News NSW Police urged to review pursuit police after Andrew Stark’s crash death at Gunnedah AUSTRALIA: A coronial inquest has recommended NSW Police review their safe driving policy and better educate officers after the death of a Gunnedah man during a high-speed pursuit in 2022. ABC News (Australia) 6/12/2023 News Inspection finds Thames Valley Police need to do more for vulnerable people A police force needs to improve how it protects vulnerable people, an inspection has found. BBC 6/12/2023 News Concerns about Surrey Police’s response to the public Surrey Police needs to improve how it responds to the public, including how quickly it answers emergency and non-emergency calls, the police inspectorate has said. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 6/12/2023 News School Community Policing NEW ZEALAND: This policy outlines how Police partner with schools and their communities to prevent crime and victimisation, and to take every opportunity to prevent harm. New Zealand Police 6/12/2023 Report «914915916917918919920921922Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events