Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98284 total results. Showing results 18201 to 18220 «907908909910911912913914915Next ›Last » 670 garda vehicles broke down in Dublin region last year REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Tender documents show that Garda vehicles required recovery services 2,330 times during 2022 Dublin Live (Republic of Ireland) 9/12/2023 News International cooperation leads to 92 children removed from harm in 2023 AUSTRALIA: Child exploitation and abuse investigations by the AFP and international partners have resulted in 92 children being removed from harm in the Philippines in 2023. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 9/12/2023 News More than 1,200 Police Scotland officers ‘unable to attend crimes’ Around 7.5% of officers can't be deployed to deal with crimes due to reasons such as ill health, injury or disciplinary action. STV News 9/12/2023 News 75% of people say they feel safer seeing gardaí on the streets REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Three out of four people said the presence of gardaí on the street would make them feel safer, rising to 84% for those living in disadvantaged areas Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 9/12/2023 News One in three has little or no confidence in Garda ability to solve crime REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A new Criminal Justice Public Attitudes Survey was published today by the Department of Justice Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 9/12/2023 News Court decision on Garda roadside drug tests could shape hundreds of pending cases REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Mr Dorrian questioned the use of roadside drug tests taken on the Gardai's hand-held Drager Drugs Test device when the outside temperature is less than five degrees celsius. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 9/12/2023 News Prevalence of viewing online child sexual abuse material among Australian adults AUSTRALIA: Based on an online panel survey of 13,302 adults, this study examines the common demographic characteristics of those who have intentionally viewed child sexual abuse material (CSAM) in the past year. Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 9/12/2023 Research article National Crime Agency calls on parents to help young people recognise the signs of money muling The National Crime Agency is asking parents and carers to help young people avoid being persuaded or manipulated into laundering criminal cash. National Crime Agency (NCA) 8/12/2023 News County Policing Command model will exploit knowledge about crime Suffolk has very knowledgeable traditional communities 'who know what is going on,' says chief Rachel Kearton. A new operating model rolled out this week by Suffolk Police uses the traditional values of community policing but through a more modern facing organisation according to the force's chief constable Rachel Kearton. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/12/2023 News Man who stabbed officers jailed for life with minimum 20-year term A number of officers responded to urgent calls for assistance after two were seriously stabbed trying to arrest suspect. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/12/2023 News Naming victims would keep women safer, police board vice-chair says CANADA: A member of London's Police Services Board said the force needs to take a second look at what information it chooses to disclose about death investigations, with an eye to surfacing the widespread problem of male violence against women. Megan Walker is vice-chair of the board that provides civilian oversight over police. She's also the former director of the London Abused Women's Centre. CBC News (Canada) 8/12/2023 News Vancouver police pilot with body-worn cameras launching in January CANADA: A number of frontline Vancouver police officers will be equipped with body-worn cameras (BWCs) starting in January — an important safety and accountability tool, according to supporters of the six-month pilot program. Global News (Canada) 8/12/2023 News Critics question Edmonton police response methods after 2 deaths in 4 days CANADA: A pair of fatal encounters with Edmonton police in the past week have prompted calls for greater transparency and a different response to mental health emergencies. In separate incidents days apart, a man and woman were shocked with stun guns and shot by police. Both died at the respective scenes in the Oliver and Laurel neighbourhoods despite receiving medical attention, according to the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT), the oversight agency that investigates incidents causing death or serious injury that involve police. CBC News (Canada) 8/12/2023 News Dave Haye named interim chief of Saskatoon police CANADA: Acting Deputy Chief Dave Haye — who has been a member of the force in Saskatoon for 39 years — will serve as the city's interim police chief. Saskatoon Star Phoenix (Canada) 8/12/2023 News Police disrupt major steroid and prescription drug syndicate, six people arrested in raids AUSTRALIA: Police have made what they believe is the largest seizure of illegal steroids in Victoria and the ACT, disrupting a multi-million-dollar national distribution network. Six people have been arrested across three jurisdictions and millions of dollars worth of steroids and prescription medications have been seized. ABC News (Australia) 8/12/2023 News Queensland’s youth justice strategy will expire before it’s replaced Queensland’s overarching youth justice strategy is now set to expire before it’s replaced with a new one. A spokesperson for Youth Justice Minister Di Farmer has confirmed an update to the 2019-2023 strategy now won’t be finalised until “early next year”. WA Today (Australia) 8/12/2023 News Garda Commissioner appears at industrial tribunal involving part-time PSNI officers REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has denied seeking to limit the role of part-time officers following legal claims when he held a senior role within the Police Service of Northern Ireland. He appeared at an industrial tribunal in Belfast on Friday to give evidence in a claim by part-time police officers that they had been discriminated against in terms of how they were treated compared with full-time colleagues. Breaking News (Republic of Ireland) 8/12/2023 News A machine learning approach to police recruitment: Exploring the predictive value of social identity measurement instruments Existing research on police recruitment is eclectic, with examples of multiple methodologies in multiple police-related settings. These methods often resemble psychological measurement of individual traits yet neglect the potential recruits’ social resources or network-based influence. More recent research has utilised social identity and social network theory to understand the route to a police candidate’s eventual recruitment, but this is underdeveloped. This literature indicates that further research utilising social identity theory could assist with understanding what was before for police recruits and whether that matters. This study explores the use of random forest machine learning to analyse one partial and two full self-report social identity measurement instruments completed by 886 police recruit applicants. It aimed to explore whether the results of these instruments completed by potential police recruits were predictive of their success in the recruitment process. The results reveal that the combined use of these validated social identity instruments offers a reliable predictive base for successful and unsuccessful applicants, with an overall accuracy rate of 86% across the model’s performance metrics. The implications from this study highlight the significance of perceived social identity in the context of police recruitment, emphasising the potential impact of using its measurement to gain improved understanding of candidate selection. Social identity measurement instruments could be incorporated into recruitment processes, allowing police departments to enhance their ability to identify individuals who are more likely to succeed at an earlier stage via machine learning. Practically, this could reduce the need for multiple, expensive recruitment stages. Theoretically, it illustrates that a police recruit’s social identity is of importance to whether a candidate is successful or not, presenting police forces with both challenges and opportunities. The Police Journal: Theory Practice and Principles - Subscription at source 8/12/2023 Research article Police Federation welcomes ‘no-nonsense’ pay commitment from chief constable The chief constable’s “no nonsense commitment” to secure a 7% pay rise for PSNI officers has been welcomed by the police federation (PFNI). News Letter (Northern Ireland) 8/12/2023 News Some Northland police leaving the job as burnout and stress bites NEW ZEALAND: Police in Northland say their blue line is thinning after more than 40 officers left the district in the first nine months of this year. NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Subscription at source 8/12/2023 News «907908909910911912913914915Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events