Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98288 total results. Showing results 18101 to 18120 «902903904905906907908909910Next ›Last » New campaign to prevent alcohol-fuelled violence on night out ‘Help your mates to walk away’. That is the message of a new campaign being launched by forces around the UK to prevent deaths and serious injuries caused by a person being assaulted on a night out. Police Professional 12/12/2023 News More than 400 robbers arrested during national crackdown More than 400 arrests were made in a national police crackdown on personal robbery last month. Police Professional 12/12/2023 News Tributes and memorial fundraiser for ‘much-loved’ Hertfordshire Constabulary officer Family and friends have paid tribute to a “much-loved” Hertfordshire Constabulary officer who died suddenly last month. Police Professional 12/12/2023 News Former Whitby PCSO sentenced over misuse of police computer A former police community support officer (PCSO) who used work IT systems to carry out unauthorised searches has been sentenced. BBC 12/12/2023 News Inspection of The Chief Constable of Merseyside The Chief Constable of Merseyside is an employer provider that trains apprentices in emergency service call handling for Merseyside Police. Ofsted 12/12/2023 Report The police data challenge: Ethics, governance, and policing legitimacy The investigative opportunities and challenges offered to policing by the huge growth in digital data bring with them a much wider debate around the ethical use of such data, the importance of transparency and governance, and the need to ensure that policing maintains legitimacy with the communities it serves – issues which Policing Insight’s Keith Potter explores in the latest in a series features looking at the police use of data. Policing Insight - Registration at source 12/12/2023 Analysis, Feature, Innovation Ofsted inspect Merseyside Police Force control room apprenticeships for the first time and rate provision as ‘Good’ in all areas Ofsted inspectors carried out their first assessment of the quality of apprenticeship training provided by Merseyside Police to their call handling staff in their force control room in October. Merseyside Police 12/12/2023 News Trauma from dog bites puts spotlight on Saskatoon police’s policy on using dogs in arrests CANADA: Lawyer says policy gives officers 'maybe too much discretion'. CBC News (Canada) 12/12/2023 News Charlottetown council votes to add 6 more police officers — but dozens more are needed, chief says CANADA: Mayor hopes to find money in next year's budget to keep 6 officers. CBC News (Canada) 12/12/2023 News Sale of decommissioned police vehicles in CBRM did not break law, say Cape Breton police CANADA: Law professor says legislation needs to be stricter, police vehicles should not be sold. CBC News (Canada) 12/12/2023 News Christmas crackdown on retail theft crime in Ireland launched by Gardai REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A major crime crackdown has been launched by Gardai aimed at stamping out thefts from retail outlets across the country this Christmas. The Irish Post (Republic of Ireland) 12/12/2023 News Twice-raided house was targeted by garda drug unit REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A house, raided twice in recent months, was part of garda efforts to police drug-dealing and anti-social activity in Clondalkin. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) - Subscription at source 12/12/2023 News CC Mark Webster: ‘There’s determination and drive in the staff to do their absolute best, which is humbling and impressive’ In September HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services confirmed that Cleveland Police was out of special measures for the first time in more than four years; Cleveland Chief Constable Mark Webster spoke to Policing Insight’s Keith Potter about the turnaround process, the importance of engaging both staff and public, and what he hopes will be the long-term legacy for the force. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/12/2023 Feature, Interview Historic Data Wash of Police Workforce Nominal Records against the Police National Database (PND) V3 (December 2023) On 18th January 2023, the Home Office announced that police forces in England and Wales must check their workforce against national databases to identify if anyone had ‘slipped through the net.’ That phrase essentially means that forces need to provide assurance, by checking their workforce against national databases, to satisfy themselves that where police officers, staff and volunteers have (a) been convicted of a criminal offence and / or (b) been otherwise indexed to adverse information or intelligence e.g., as a suspect, both (i) an appropriate vetting security clearance decision has been made and (ii) proper criminal and / or disciplinary investigations have been undertaken. . In response to the announcement by the Home Office, a decision was taken by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) that all police officers, staff and volunteers in England and Wales will be checked against the Police National Database (PND) to identify any intelligence or allegations that need further investigation. The PND includes information from Custody records, crime records, intelligence records, domestic and child abuse records and known criminal entity records (OCGS, County Lines Investigations and Modern Slavery Information). [PDF] National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 12/12/2023 Report Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/12/2023 News Why crime is rising in the Humber as police ‘well ahead’ in tackling it Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner and the force's chief constable explained the figures were a marked improvement on pre-coronavirus pandemic levels because they had gone on the front foot to tackle crime Grimsby Live 12/12/2023 News Calls for police to investigate mental health deaths in Norfolk and Suffolk Campaigners have written to the chief constables of Norfolk and Suffolk to request an investigation into thousands of mental health deaths in those areas. They say coroners are raising safety issues but no improvements are being made. A report by independent auditors found as many as 8,440 patients had died unexpectedly over three years. BBC 12/12/2023 News Police commissioner Stephen Mold and friend in new job row Northamptonshire's police commissioner is being called on to explain how a friend obtained a job at a publicly funded company he chairs. Nicci Marzec landed the role at the Police Digital Service, which is overseen by Stephen Mold. It comes after Ms Marzec stepped down as Northamptonshire's Chief Fire Officer days after Mr Mole appointed her to that role in July. Mr Mold told the BBC he did not play a role in her recruitment. BBC 12/12/2023 News Police in schools: A protective, relationship-building role, or part of the ‘school-to-prison pipeline’? The role of police officers in schools is an often-controversial topic, with some viewing their presence as essential to help divert young people from a criminal future or protect them from being victims of crime, while others argue that police involvement risks criminalising young people – especially those from ethnic minority backgrounds; Policing Insight’s James Sweetland explores all sides of this contentious debate. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/12/2023 Analysis, Feature The police officers dealing with a surge in mental health call-outs Less than an hour into the backshift at Edinburgh's Howdenhall police station, a call comes through about a man armed with an axe and knife and in a state of distress. The police race to the scene and within minutes the immediate threat is safely resolved. BBC 12/12/2023 News «902903904905906907908909910Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events