Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98289 total results. Showing results 18041 to 18060 «899900901902903904905906907Next ›Last » Budget crisis could end PSNI providing support to other police forces, MPs told The PSNI will have to stop providing assistance to other police forces and looking after people with mental health issues in hospitals if a funding crisis is not resolved, Chief Constable Jon Boutcher has said. Mr Boutcher told a Westminster committee that if the number of officers in the region falls below 6,000 by 2025, then the policing situation would become “untenable”. The Irish News 13/12/2023 News Human rights watchdog urges Portugal to address dysfunctional police complaints system PORTUGAL: The Portuguese authorities' system of investigating allegations of police violence is dysfunctional and should be subject to an independent review, human rights guardian the Council of Europe said. The body's anti-torture committee (CPT) published a report on Wednesday following its visit to Portugal last year to look into allegations of ill-treatment of detainees, primarily slaps, punches, strikes with a baton and kicks to the body. Reuters 13/12/2023 News Police say nearly 90 per cent of intimate partner violence goes unreported in the region CANADA: After intimate partner violence was deemed an epidemic in Waterloo region, police say as many as 90 per cent of victims never come forward to police Cambridge Today (Canada) 13/12/2023 News ‘Community and police working together’: Calgary police roll out community outreach van CANADA: The Calgary police are using a new tool to have more friendly conversations with members of the public. The CPS mobile community engagement vehicle was introduced on Wednesday outside a grocery store in Sunnyside. “We were seeing how it was increasingly harder and harder for people to come and talk with us. District offices are famously not exactly the most inviting places for people to come and interact with us,” Acting Sgt. Anthony Thompson said. “So we thought, let’s flip this on its head and let’s get out to the community and start engaging them a little more. It’s critically important that we intersect people where they live their daily lives.” Global News (Canada) 13/12/2023 News Opinion: When calling the police does more harm than good CANADA: “To serve and protect” sums up the mandate of the police for many people. But what if some routine police activities are unnecessarily taking lives, rather than saving them? Edmonton Journal (Canada) 13/12/2023 Feature, Opinion Police allege man threatened officers and paramedics with a knife before being shot AUSTRALIA: Police allege a 56-year-old man armed himself with a large cane knife before he was fatally shot by police in North Queensland today. ABC News (Australia) 13/12/2023 News Victoria police union flags possible ban on issuing speeding tickets as pay dispute escalates AUSTRALIA: Officers will no longer penalise most speeding drivers and stop taking on extra duties if ballot succeeds The Guardian 13/12/2023 News Six instances of excessive force by police during 23-day occupation of Parliament in 2022, IPCA finds NEW ZEALAND: Police used force against protesters that was at times unlawful, excessive or unreasonable during the 23-day occupation of Parliament in 2022, the Independent Police Conduct Authority has found. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 13/12/2023 News APCC leads respond to the independent review on taser disproportionality published today Alison Lowe, APCC Joint Lead for Equality, Diversity and Human Rights and West Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Police and Crime: “It is hugely concerning that the disparity that sees Tasers used more by the police against Black people, and for longer, than any other demographic group persists. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 13/12/2023 News The APCC welcomes the government response to the fire reform white paper and consultation, 12th December, 2023 In 2022, the Association of Police & Crime Commissioners (APCC) submitted its views to government on how best to reform our fire and rescue services in England. Within our response we called for the establishment of a College of Fire to support consistency and sector modernisation; and, in support for HMICFRS’s State of Fire report, the need to review the national pay negotiation mechanism. The APCC response also highlighted the benefits of directly elected governance models (e.g. Police, Fire and Crime Commissioners model) which the White Paper consultation identified as key to ‘effective political oversight’ to maintain and enhance public accountability. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 13/12/2023 News Eight in 10 convicted in UK over child abuse images avoid prison, NCA says National Crime Agency calls for tougher sentencing and a new offence of running abuse websites The Guardian 13/12/2023 News Derbyshire’s rural crime team ‘most proactive’ in the UK against machinery theft Derbyshire Constabulary’s rural crime team has been recognised as the UK’s most proactive in tackling machinery theft. Police Professional 13/12/2023 News New strategy to tackle organised crime A new strategy has been launched to tackle the domestic and international threat of serious and organised crime. Home Office 13/12/2023 News New strategy launched to tackle threat of serious and organised crime A new strategy aimed at tackling the growing threat of serious and organised crime has been announced by the Home Secretary as the Government steps up action to clamp down on criminal gangs operating in and against the UK. Police Professional 13/12/2023 News Thousands of illegal wildlife products seized by Border Force Thousands of products containing endangered plant and animal species have been seized by Border Force as part of an intensive international operation to target the criminal networks behind wildlife crime. Police Professional 13/12/2023 News Officer dismissed for drink-driving on duty An officer who admitted drink-driving while on duty has been dismissed without notice. Police Professional 13/12/2023 News UK unprepared for large-scale ransomware attack, report warns The Government should invest “significantly more resources” in the National Crime Agency’s (NCA) response to ransomware attacks, a new report says. Police Professional 13/12/2023 News Tributes paid to ‘much-loved’ Hertfordshire officer who died suddenly last month PC Luke Fuller joined the force in 2016, working in the FCR before starting his training to become a police officer in January 2021. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/12/2023 News Derbyshire’s Rural Crime Team ‘most proactive’ in the UK on tracking thefts The CESAR database helps forces track visible identification labels, microdots, forensic DNA markers and electronic transponders which are fitted in hidden locations. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/12/2023 News Anti-racism training is the ‘best CPD’ that’s challenging thinking Chief inspector Rob Budden says that while Merseyside's programme is not something which will be a 'lift and a shift into other forces', it is an effective blueprint to follow. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/12/2023 Analysis, Feature «899900901902903904905906907Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events