Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 17781 to 17800 «886887888889890891892893894Next ›Last » West Midlands Police inadequate at investigating crime and protecting vulnerable, inspectorate says The police inspectorate raised concerns about how the police force investigates crime, protects vulnerable people and manages offenders and suspects. Sky News 22/12/2023 News Prague shooting: Czech police seek motive behind country’s worst mass attack CZECH REPUBLIC: Czech police are working to uncover the motive behind the country's worst-ever mass shooting, which saw a student open fire at a university in central Prague, killing 14 and wounding 25 others. BBC 22/12/2023 News ‘Moving towards violence’: Authorities alert to radicalised sovereign citizens AUSTRALIA: The Australian Federal Police have revealed they’re targeting sovereign citizen groups who pose a risk of violence, while experts on anti-government extremists warn the threat must be balanced with the sensitive handling of mental health. Sovereign citizens generally believe every human is born “free”, the government is illegitimate or corrupt, and they do not have to follow laws unless they sign a contract. There are fears some have become increasingly radicalised due to spending more time online since the COVID-19 pandemic. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 22/12/2023 News Concerns over West Midlands Police’s performance There are serious concerns about the performance of West Midlands Police, the police inspectorate has said. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 22/12/2023 News Police officers cleared over death of Black man beaten and restrained face down UNITED STATES: Lawyers argued Manuel Ellis, 33, died from a lethal amount of methamphetamine that was in his system as well as a preexisting heart condition, not from the officers’ actions Mirror 22/12/2023 News HMIC sheds light on decision to move West Midlands into special measures While huge improvements are needed, HM Inspector of Constabulary acknowledged the presence of 'acute environmental factors' such as decreasing officer numbers and reduced funding. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/12/2023 News PEEL 2023–2025: An inspection of West Midlands Police PEEL is HMICFRS’s assessment of police forces in England and Wales. PEEL stands for police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy. This report sets out the findings for West Midlands Police. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 22/12/2023 Report HMICFRS raises ‘serious concerns’ over West Midlands Police’s performance Serious concerns have been raised about how West Midlands Police investigates crime, protects vulnerable people and manages offenders and suspects. Police Professional 22/12/2023 News NZ fast-track approach to youth offending cuts crime and improves community relations A joint approach between New Zealand Police and multi-agency partners to fast track action plans for young offenders and provide wrap-around support has led to significant reductions in some crimes, stronger police-community relations, and improved youth engagement, as Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/12/2023 Analysis, Feature, Interview West Midlands Police officers under-reported use of force – report West Midlands Police (WMP) officers' use of force in the course of their work was under-reported thousands of times in a year, inspectors have said. BBC 22/12/2023 News NSW Police must no longer stonewall on gay hate investigations AUSTRALIA: Their sons and brothers and fathers died lonely, terrifying violent deaths, yet their families' grief was cruelly prolonged by a stonewalling NSW Police Force that resisted acknowledging the hostility experienced by LGBTQI people as they investigated a four-decade swathe of unsolved murders across Sydney. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - Subscription at source 22/12/2023 News First squad of international police recruits join WA’s frontline AUSTRALIA: The first group of qualified international police officers has graduated from an intensive 13-week transitional training course. Government of Western Australia 22/12/2023 News NZ’s new government is getting tough on gangs – but all the necessary laws already exist NEW ZEALAND: The new coalition government has made its campaign promise to crack down on gangs a priority in its 100-day action plan. But whether the new “get tough” policy genuinely plugs gaps in existing legislation is very much open to question. Stuff (New Zealand) 22/12/2023 Feature, Opinion Emails reveal Queensland police had detailed information about Nathaniel Train almost a year before Wieambilla attack AUSTRALIA: Sent to Queensland Police at 11:57am on December 20, 2021, this critical email from Goondiwindi council officer Andrew Leach revealed an unstable teacher had just committed several offences before going on the run in the state carrying weapons. ABC News (Australia) 22/12/2023 News AFP’s world-leading Forensics Intelligence capability keeping Australians safe AUSTRALIA: The AFP’s world-leading Forensic Intelligence Team has identified hundreds of persons of interest relating to illegal firearm activity across Australia resulting in the seizure of illicit firearms, drugs and cash. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 22/12/2023 News South Wales Police officer caught with cocaine banned from force A police officer caught with cocaine has quit his job to avoid being kicked off the force. BBC 21/12/2023 News Frontline gardaí strength drops to six-year low REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda numbers are expected to rise this month, with the early attestation of 151 new recruits. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 21/12/2023 News Taoiseach disputes Garda Comissioner’s claims Gardaí not notified about Roscahilll asylum seeker housing plans REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has disputed claims that Gardaí were not notified about the housing of 70 asylum seekers at the Ross Lake House Hotel in Roscahill. [AUDIO] Galway Bay (Republic of Ireland) 21/12/2023 News Violence Reduction Units year ending March 2023 evaluation report This report presents the findings of an evaluation of Violence Reduction Units (VRUs) in their fourth year of Home Office funding. Home Office 21/12/2023 Report Force road safety staff jailed for conspiring to delete speeding offences The conspiracy came to light after a burglary in Cheshire when detectives examined a mobile phone with messages traced back to police staff. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/12/2023 News «886887888889890891892893894Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events