Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98368 total results. Showing results 17681 to 17700 «881882883884885886887888889Next ›Last » New unauthorised entry offence and police collaboration needed to boost sport fan safety at home and abroad, MPs say The creation of a new criminal offence of unauthorised entry to a football match and bolstering collaboration between UK and overseas police are among recommendations from MPs on how to improve safety at sporting events at both home and abroad. 29/12/2023 News Threema: How Australia’s underworld is quaking in fear that detectives have cracked another messaging app AUSTRALIA: Australia's criminal underworld has been rocked by rumours another secure messaging app used by bikies and gangsters may have been compromised by police. Threema is an easily available Swiss-designed encrypted messaging app which runs on almost any device, with versions available for iPhones, Android phones and desktop and laptop computers. Mail Online 29/12/2023 News Online child abuse a key focus for AFP Central Command in 2023 AUSTRALIA: Online child abuse offences remained a key focus in 2023 for the AFP’s Central Command, which covers South Australia and the Northern Territory, along with engaging migrant communities, aviation safety and targeting the activity of serious and organised crime. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 29/12/2023 News Police Scotland recruits Romanian officers to help trafficked women Police Scotland is seconding officers from Romania to help women trafficked for sex work. The force has long investigated the southeastern European gangsters behind many of the country’s underworld brothels. Last month three Romanians were convicted of running an off-street sex business in Motherwell. But Police Scotland’s elite national human trafficking unit reckons there is more abuse and exploitation to be uncovered. The team has secured funding from the UK Home Office to second two officers from Romania in the new year. The Times - Subscription at source 28/12/2023 News Major shift revealed: Police charging half the drug users they used to, though numbers creeping up again NEW ZEALAND: The number of police prosecutions for recreational drug use appears to have halved since a pivotal law change, though police are still sending more than 60 people a month to court. NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Subscription at source 28/12/2023 News Tipperary gardaí introduce new collaborative model to solving repeated incidents of crime REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An Garda Síochána has introduced a new model for investigating groups of incidents. Outgoing Crime Prevention Officer Garda Tom O’Dwyer gave a presentation on the SARA Problem Solving model at a recent Tipperary Joint Policing Committee meeting. Garda O’Dwyer said it will be the model the gardaí will use going forward. It is envisioned that the model will help to find long-term solutions to repeated problems by addressing “underlying factors.” Tipperary Live (Republic of Ireland) 28/12/2023 News Toronto Police officer has been charged CANADA: A Toronto Police Service officer has been arrested and charged by the Toronto Police Service’s Professional Standards Unit. It is alleged that on Dec. 20, a man and a woman were involved in a dispute, and the man assaulted the woman. Blue Line (Canada) 28/12/2023 News Greater Manchester Police is the only force to improve its crime investigation record Back-to-basics approach by Chief Constable Stephen Watson has dramatically lifted charging rates and response times. A “back-to-basics” approach has helped Greater Manchester Police become the only force to improve its performance ratings for investigating crime this year. The Telegraph 28/12/2023 News New Garda community engagement vans ‘will also operate as mobile clinics’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Ten new vehicles added to the Garda fleet this month "will also operate as mobile Garda clinics”, according to the Justice Minister Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 28/12/2023 News Half of police forces not investigating crime properly More than half of police forces are failing to investigate crime properly, according to official watchdog reports. Of the 43 forces in England and Wales, 22 were judged by inspectors to be “inadequate” or “requiring improvement” in investigating crime – the two worst performance ratings. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 28/12/2023 News Interview: An independent body needs to look at misconduct and grievances The President of the National Black Police Association has highlighted the importance of tracking grievances through policing. The President of the National Black Police Association has said that an independent department, either the IOPC or another, should be looking at internal misconduct and grievances. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/12/2023 Feature, Interview HMICFRS discharges one of two causes of concern in Staffordshire HMICFRS has discharged one of two accelerated causes of concern in Staffordshire – responding to the public. The force received a letter last week from HM Inspector, Wendy Williams, within which she identified a number of improvements including clear governance Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/12/2023 News Rural policing faces new challenges as ideological conflict grows between countryside and urban communities New research to be undertaken by Dr Kyle Mulrooney and Dr Alistair Harkness of the University of New England will explore how the combination of limited resources and deep-rooted community connections is leaving rural policing ill-equipped to deal with the growing ideological and political conflict between urban and rural communities, as Policing Insight’s Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/12/2023 Analysis, Feature Feelings of the Five-O: Emotion Regulation and Quality of Life in American Police Policing is an occupation that entails strong negative emotional experiences, and stereotypes suggest that police suppress their emotions and become emotionally detached. However, less is known about the emotion regulation strategies that police officers employ and how these strategies are associated with their well-being. Past work in non-police samples demonstrates that cognitive reappraisal is more beneficially associated with quality of life, whereas expressive suppression is more detrimentally associated with quality of life. This study hypothesized that the use of these two emotion regulation strategies would show similar patterns in a sample of American police officers from the northeast USA. Police officers (N = 118) completed self-report measures of emotion regulation strategies and multiple subjective well-being indices. Cognitive reappraisal was positively correlated with job satisfaction, satisfaction with life, and some but not all of the quality of life indices. Expressive suppression was negatively correlated with job satisfaction, satisfaction with life, and some but not all of the quality of life indices. These results could potentially be used to inform early intervention trainings that emphasize emotion regulation. Further research is needed to explore the implementation of emotion regulation-based programs in police officers to enhance their quality of life. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 28/12/2023 Research article Nottinghamshire Police held 10 misconduct hearings in 2023 – but only 2 officers were named An off-duty officer, while under the influence, tried to force his way into licensed premises in Nottingham in June 2022. A total of 10 police misconduct hearings have taken place this year in Nottinghamshire, which have resulted in disciplinary action taken against officers. Nottinghamshire Live 28/12/2023 News Police chiefs tells officers they MUST attend burglaries within an HOUR… after nearly 75 per cent of home invasions went unsolved last year Police must attend all burglaries within an hour, new guidelines state - after nearly 75 per cent of break-ins went unsolved last year. The National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) says investigations carried out within the 'golden hour' lead to more arrests and increase the likelihood of recovering stolen property. Mail Online 28/12/2023 News West Yorkshire Police make 1,000 arrests in wanted people blitz West Yorkshire Police has arrested more than 1,000 people in a campaign to detain people wanted by the force. Officers targeted wanted criminals for a number of offences in a crackdown funded by proceeds of crime. BBC 28/12/2023 News Windsor’s 2023 crime rate on track to exceed last year, police say CANADA: In 2023, Windsor police investigated 11 targeted shootings, two homicides from intimate partner violence, and a new program was introduced – pairing officers with nurses on the street to try and veer people away from the emergency room. CTV News (Canada) 28/12/2023 News Sask. police watchdog launched 12 investigations in 1st year CANADA: Saskatchewan's police watchdog has been fully up and running for less than a year but has been called in to investigate 12 separate cases involving deaths or serious injuries where police were involved. CBC News (Canada) 28/12/2023 News HMICFRS update: Significant improvements made in responding to the public Last week we received a letter from HM Inspector, Wendy Williams CBE, informing us that HMICFRS has discharged one of our two accelerated causes of concern: responding to the public. Staffordshire Police 28/12/2023 News «881882883884885886887888889Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events