Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98413 total results. Showing results 17261 to 17280 «860861862863864865866867868Next ›Last » Tobacco wars: Victoria police ‘turning the corner’ in battle against arson attacks as more arrests made AUSTRALIA: Police arrest four men and a boy alleged to be connected to the Finks motorcycle gang and a series of arson attacks on tobacco stores The Guardian 13/1/2024 News NSW police fail to deliver mental health crisis review amid scrutiny over latest shooting death AUSTRALIA: Review ordered by police commissioner Karen Webb after string of fatalities last year is more than two months overdue The Guardian 13/1/2024 News ‘Trojan horse’ bus tackles anti-social behaviour One person was arrested and 29 others issued with dispersal notices in a week-long trial of "Trojan horse" bus services aimed at reducing anti-social behaviour. Undercover Northumbria Police officers acted as passengers on special Stagecoach buses in South Shields, South Tyneside, before Christmas. BBC 13/1/2024 News Police say a man waved a terror group’s flag. Here’s why it may be difficult to prosecute as a hate crime CANADA: Prosecuting man who allegedly waved flag of group deemed a terrorist entity an 'uphill battle,' expert says, The charge of public incitement of hatred against a Toronto man alleged to have held up what police called a "terrorist" flag during a demonstration last weekend could be difficult to prosecute and highlights the challenges of defining hate crimes, some experts say. CBC News (Canada) 13/1/2024 News GMP outline year of success tackling domestic abuse Greater Manchester Police has made considerable progress in addressing domestic abuse across Greater Manchester, highlighting achievements throughout 2023. Over the year (2023), GMP handled over 67,500 reports of domestic abuse and saw a 21 percent increase in arrests compared to the previous year. The Bolton News 13/1/2024 News Legal experts warn naming and shaming alleged criminals on social media can itself be a crime AUSTRALIA: Posting on social media about neighbourhood crime has become an increasingly popular trend, however experts have warned it can be risky. ABC News (Australia) 13/1/2024 News PC dismissed after contesting gross misconduct despite criminal conviction On September 22, 2023, PC Mohammad Sardar pleaded guilty and was convicted of five charges under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. A Met PC who denied his breach of professional standards amounted to gross misconduct despite being criminally convicted has been dismissed without notice. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/1/2024 News Additional Wiltshire Police failure identified following yesterday’s update on urgent review of Clare’s Law applications After identifying critical failures in Wiltshire Police's service under the Clare’s Law scheme, the police Thursday confirmed that they had now risk assessed all 3,582 applications made. Swindon Link 12/1/2024 News 3 Vancouver police officers acquitted of assault in 2017 arrest CANADA: Constables Brandon Blue, Beau Spencer and Gregory Jackson were charged in connection with 2017 arrest. Three Vancouver police officers have all been acquitted of assault charges in connection with a 2017 arrest that left a suspect with multiple broken ribs. CBC News (Canada) 12/1/2024 News Two more convictions in £100 million ‘cash in suitcases’ conspiracy Two men from London have become the fifteenth and sixteenth members of a £100m+ money laundering network to be convicted, following a major National Crime Agency investigation into cash smuggling from the UK to the UAE. National Crime Agency (NCA) 12/1/2024 News Gardaà launch probe as Blanchardstown gang linked to late night Meath raids REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaà in Meath are on the hunt for a gang who carried out a number of burglaries in Kells that included the theft of cars during the early hours of yesterday (Thursday) morning. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 12/1/2024 News Pressure to withdraw overtime claims remains despite Federation’s complaints The Scottish Police Federation (SPF) raised this issue last May and received 'supportive comments' in response from former Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone. Police Scotland officers reportedly remain under pressure to withdraw overtime claims, despite complaints made last year about a practice that Federation members report has actually increased. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/1/2024 News Former police officer who attempted to murder ex-partner at hotel jailed A former police officer who attempted to murder his ex-partner at a hotel before fleeing the scene has been jailed for 16 years. James Riley, 28, was a serving police officer with Lancashire Constabulary when the offence took place in November 2022. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 12/1/2024 News Vetting Appeal Panels recognised as good practice under new proposed APP Updated Vetting guidance is currently open for public consultation. Vetting appeal panels have been highlighted as good practice in new Vetting APP that is currently out for consultation Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/1/2024 News New officer training to better assist those in crisis Officers and staff will have access to new online training and guidance which will help them to better understand when and how best to apply Right Care Right Person and make sure vulnerable people are receiving the specialist health support they need. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 12/1/2024 News Met officer to appear in court over Croydon fare evasion arrest incident A Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer will appear in court following an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) into the arrest of a woman on suspicion of fare evasion in Croydon, south London in 2023. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 12/1/2024 News Northants Police and OPFCC recognised for night-time economy op Having started out as a pilot, Operation Kayak patrols have since been adopted as a core operational activity after proving effective as a deterrent and safeguarding measure. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/1/2024 News Toronto police chief reverses course, identifies ‘terrorist flag’ waved at demonstration CANADA: A day after refusing to identify the "terrorist flag" held at a demonstration last weekend that led to charges being laid against a man for public incitement of hatred, Toronto's police chief said the flag belongs to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. CBC News (Canada) 12/1/2024 News Watchdog calls body cams an imperfect ‘eye’ into B.C. police interactions CANADA: Police chiefs tout the effectiveness for investigations with timelines, evidence gathering Kelowna Capital News (Canada) 12/1/2024 News Cocaine use in NZ reaches record high as drug cartels and gangs flood market NEW ZEALAND: Cocaine has been consumed in record amounts in New Zealand in 2023, according to national drug use data, as overseas cartels and motorcycle gangs continue to flood the market. NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Subscription at source 12/1/2024 News «860861862863864865866867868Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events