Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98458 total results. Showing results 17181 to 17200 «856857858859860861862863864Next ›Last » Cabinet signs off on giving CAB more power to tackle criminals’ assets REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Criminal Assets Bureau will be given new enhanced restraint and asset detention and disposal powers under plans approved by the Cabinet. Justice Minister Helen McEntee received sign-off from her Ministerial colleagues on Tuesday for the Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Bill. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 17/1/2024 News Accidental deaths: Tackling the drowning epidemic Drowning in the UK accounts for more accidental fatalities annually than fire deaths in the home or cycling deaths on the road, and in many of these incidents the police are the first responders on scene; Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at the UK’s Drowning Prevention Strategy, the police response, and the work of the RNLI and others in reducing deaths in and around water. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/1/2024 Analysis, Feature Met officers bait luxury watch thieves in crime hotspots Undercover police officers have caught 27 luxury watch thieves by baiting them in crime hotspots in central London. The Times - Subscription at source 17/1/2024 News Met police say covert operation has halved luxury watch thefts Commander praises officers who ‘volunteered to stand alone in dark streets in the middle of the night, waiting to be robbed’ The Guardian 17/1/2024 News Accelerated police recruitment on track AUSTRALIA: Plans to attract up to 200 experienced, international police officers have been buoyed by strong early interest, as dozens submit applications and hundreds register for SAPOL’s online seminars. Government of South Australia 17/1/2024 News Queensland Police Academies hit record high as recruit pipeline grows AUSTRALIA: A record-breaking number of recruits are being trained at Queensland Police Academies with the commencement of 144 new recruits commencing this week. Queensland Government (Australia) 17/1/2024 News Record low trust in police explains small firearm registry turnout NEW ZEALAND: COLFO’s latest Trust and Confidence Survey, conducted in 2023 after the introduction of the new firearm registry, shows rock bottom levels of confidence in Police and the new Firearms Safety Authority. Scoop (New Zealand) 17/1/2024 News More than £20 million lost to fraud in NI in the last 13 months In the last 13 months, there were 5,412 reports of fraud made to the Police Service of Northern Ireland, with reported total losses of approximately £23.1 million. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 17/1/2024 News Number of family violence incidents attended by ACT police jumps 20 per cent in 2023 AUSTRALIA: A glance at Canberra's crime statistics appears to tell a good story. Overall, reports of crime — including things like sexual assault and motor vehicle theft — fell last year compared to 2022. ABC News (Australia) 17/1/2024 News Gisborne cop sanctioned over lost taser NEW ZEALAND: A Gisborne police officer has been sanctioned for failing to promptly report a missing taser. According to a notice published last month on the Independent Police Conduct Authority Gisborne Herald (New Zealand) - Subscription at source 17/1/2024 News Donegal welcomes 11 new trainee Gardai REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: As part of a new intake of Gardai, aimed at increasing the force towards the government target of 15,000 members, 11 trainees arrived in Donegal this week. Donegal Live (Republic of Ireland) 16/1/2024 News Violence Reduction Partnership to expand service for families with new babies More parents in Merseyside will be able to access a ‘Building Attachment and Bonds Service’. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/1/2024 News Greater Manchester Police constable in court over alleged attack on girl, 6 A police constable has appeared in court to face a charge of sexually assaulting a young girl while on duty. BBC 16/1/2024 News Northamptonshire Police write to XL bully owners about new laws Northamptonshire Police have sent letters to XL bully owners to tell them it would be illegal to own their dog unless they had an exemption certificate. BBC 16/1/2024 News Policing Authority and An Garda Síochána jointly fund well-being research REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An Garda Síochána and the Policing Authority have announce funding for a research project focused on the well-being of An Garda Síochána personnel. Longford Leader (Republic of Ireland) 16/1/2024 News Nikki Allan: Northumbria Police investigated over girl’s murder inquiry Northumbria Police is being investigated over its handling of the murder of a seven-year-old girl, which remained unsolved for 31 years. BBC 16/1/2024 News Force overhauls approach to 999 response after admitting it ‘simply was not good enough’ West Midlands Police says that it is now one of the best performing police forces in answering calls for help within just 10 seconds after spending the past 11 months transforming the way it answers 999 and 101 calls. Police officers are now arriving at the most serious incidents in an average of 12 minutes which is two minutes faster than in March 2023. Emergency Services Times 16/1/2024 News Police spending has ‘no consistent correlation’ with lower crime rates, new Canadian study says CANADA: There is “no consistent correlation” between police spending and crime rates in Canada, a new study has found. The paper, published in the journal Canadian Public Policy, examined a decade of data from Canada’s 20 largest municipalities, finding no clear relationship between higher police budgets and crime, and no association between increasing spending and reducing crime rates. This, even as spending on policing increased steadily over the study period. Toronto Star (Canada) 16/1/2024 News WA man jailed over proceeds of crime offence AUSTRALIA: A West Australian man, 26, has been sentenced to four years’ imprisonment for his work as an illegal courier - moving large amounts of cash, which police believed to be the proceeds of crime, around Perth. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 16/1/2024 News Devon and Cornwall Police officer guilty of sexual assault A Devon and Cornwall Police Officer has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a woman he met through social media when he was off duty. BBC 16/1/2024 News «856857858859860861862863864Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events