Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98467 total results. Showing results 17081 to 17100 «851852853854855856857858859Next ›Last » MoJ changes to indefinite jail sentences do not go far enough, says UN expert Changes to imprisonment for public protection scheme in England and Wales ‘do not tackle the cases of nearly 1,250 prisoners’ The Guardian 19/1/2024 News Former PCSO pleads guilty after searching cadets’ records A former Essex police community support Officer (PCSO) who looked up details of teenage cadets on police systems has been convicted in court following an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). Police Professional 19/1/2024 News Review of State’s laws on threats and incitement to violence AUSTRALIA: The NSW Government has today announced that former Chief Justice of the NSW Supreme Court, the Honourable Tom Bathurst AC KC will conduct a review of state laws regulating incitement to violence. New South Wales Government 19/1/2024 News Victoria Police want more money to safeguard footy, festivals AUSTRALIA: Victoria Police is seeking hefty fee increases for attending major events and running criminal history checks to cover a shortfall in the cost of securing sports and festivals. Brisbane Times (Australia) - Subscription at source 19/1/2024 News Victim care roles in RASSO investigations need to be valued more says Soteria research Dr Emma Williams shared some observations from her work with the annual Problems and Solutions in UK Policing conference held at Canterbury Christchurch University this week. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/1/2024 News Man who died in custody wasn’t properly searched or monitored says IOPC An inquest, which concluded on January 18, determined that Andrzej Kusper died as a result of foreign body airway obstruction. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/1/2024 News Concerns greater Garda presence in Dublin city will be allowed ‘slip’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Shop owners on Talbot Street say area has felt safer due to increase in Garda patrols. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 19/1/2024 News WA government announces overnight space to help at-risk youth roaming Broome streets AUSTRALIA: The West Australian government says a new space for at-risk youth will open in Broome by the start of the dry season, after local police picked up more than 800 children roaming the streets of the tourist town. ABC News (Australia) 18/1/2024 News Watchdog launches investigation into police over tragic death of Bronson Battersby Review of authorities’ actions also triggered as toddler reportedly found starved to death weeks after he was last seen alive The Independent 18/1/2024 News Queensland lawyer raises concerns of police surveillance of pro-Palestine demonstrators AUSTRALIA: Exclusive: legal observer for volunteer group Action Ready says police were recording number plates of cars displaying Palestinian flags The Guardian 18/1/2024 News Vulnerable teen ‘left with headaches’ after Essex Police officer hit her A teenage girl was left with severe headaches after being struck by a police officer, a hearing was told. BBC 18/1/2024 News Two men jailed on word of corrupt BTP officer posthumously cleared The families of British Rail workers Basil Peterkin and Saliah Mehmet have called for a new law that would allow for the automatic independent review of cases involving police officers who are jailed. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/1/2024 News Police officer suspended after sex offences charge A police officer in the Highlands has been suspended after being arrested and charged with sexual and communications offences. BBC 18/1/2024 News Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Act 2020: Annual Compliance Assessment for Statutory Code of Practice 2023/24. On 16 November 2022, the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner’s statutory Code of Practice took legal effect after being approved by the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Ministers. The Code covers the acquisition, retention, use, and destruction of biometric data for criminal justice and police purposes by Police Scotland, the Scottish Police Authority (SPA), and the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC). The Code is designed around twelve guiding principles and ethical considerations to which Police Scotland, the SPA, and the PIRC must comply [pdf]. Scottish Biometrics Commissioner 18/1/2024 Report Former PCSO and cadet leader pleads guilty after searching cadets’ records The former Essex PCSO looked up details of teenage cadets on police systems. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/1/2024 News Statement following conclusion of policing operation for today’s (Thursday 18th January) industrial action Speaking at the conclusion of the police operation for today’s industrial action, Police Gold commander Temporary Assistant Chief Constable, Melanie Jones said: “I am very pleased with how today’s public safety operation went. Our officers were in attendance at parades and rallies across Northern Ireland to keep everyone safe. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 18/1/2024 News Men falsely imprisoned by corrupt, racist policeman have convictions overturned Two men who were framed for a crime they didn’t commit by a corrupt, racist police officer have had their convictions posthumously overturned. Metro 18/1/2024 News Police Scotland compliant with Scottish Biometrics Commissioner’s Code of Practice The Commissioner has today published the first annual assessment on compliance with the Scottish Code of Practice by Police Scotland. The Code of Practice relates to the use of biometric data under the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Act 2020 and therefore solely to matters within the devolved competence of the Scottish Parliament. Scottish Biometrics Commissioner 18/1/2024 News High visibility garda presence in Dublin to be maintained – McEntee REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The high visibility garda presence in Dublin city centre over the last few months will be maintained, the Minister for Justice has said. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 18/1/2024 News Met Police officer sentenced for stalking ex-girlfriend A Metropolitan Police officer has been sentenced for stalking his ex-girlfriend after the couple split up. BBC 18/1/2024 News «851852853854855856857858859Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events