Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97187 total results. Showing results 101 to 120 «2345678910Next ›Last » PSNI must use ‘fast-track’ approach in conduct complaints – ombudsman The ombudsman in Northern Ireland said a "gap in the legislation" means cases can take longer to conclude. The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) must use a “fast-track” approach when it comes to concluding complaints after it took four years to dismiss an officer found to have committed gross misconduct, the nation’s ombudsman has said. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/2/2025 News Drug driving becoming more prevalent than drinking driving, SPF says Over 500 positive drug wipe tests were gathered between December and January - more than breath test samples. Drug driving is becoming more prevalent than drink driving across the border as cases increased over the festive period, the Scottish Police Federation’s vice chair, Brian Jones, has said. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/2/2025 Analysis, Feature Lack of respect driving assaults on police officers, says Scottish Superintendents Association president The president of The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents says a “decline in the level of respect for policing” is a factor behind the “staggering” number of assaults on officers. Police Professional 4/2/2025 News Call for Police Ombudsman fast-tracking powers after officer’s dismissal takes four years A case where a police officer was dismissed more than four years after the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland completed an investigation into his conduct, has led to a renewed call for fast-tracking powers for the Ombudsman’s Office. Police Professional 4/2/2025 News Met offices so poor ‘people are working in stairwells’ claim striking staff Police Oracle talked to PCS members as they joined the picket line outside the Met Police’s administrative hub in London. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/2/2025 News Britain’s illiberal, two-tier justice system is now impossible to deny Trust in police will continue to sink to record lows when justice is not seen to be fairly given The Telegraph - Subscription at source 4/2/2025 News Better pay crucial to recruiting more officers Police chiefs have issued a joint statement calling for an increase in officer pay across all ranks as well as raising the starting salary for constables and reviewing pay scales to match skills and experience. Police Professional 4/2/2025 News Delay in sacking police officer ‘unacceptable’ A police officer's sacking four years after a misconduct investigation is an "unacceptable delay" which requires a change to legislation, the Police Ombudsman's Office has said. BBC 4/2/2025 News Digital public contact leads call for collective working across the service and more courage on data sharing The continuing development of digital and multi-channel public contact is a key issue for policing across England and Wales; in the first in a new series of police technology webinars produced by PolicingTV, Digital Public Contact Programme SRO DCC Simon Megicks, NPCC National Contact Management lead ACC Catherine Akehurst, and Simon Hall, Chair of techUK’s Justice and Emergency Service Interoperability Forum, shared their views on the importance of closer working between forces, budget challenges, and the potential for more effective data sharing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/2/2025 Feature, Innovation Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/2/2025 News Met Police looking to ‘disband’ Royal Parks unit as charity warns of ‘serious consequences’ Senior Metropolitan Police officers have held talks with the Royal Parks Charity Board to discuss "key considerations and risks". LBC 4/2/2025 News Better pay crucial to recruiting more officers, say police chiefs Police chiefs have released a joint statement calling for an increase in officer pay across all ranks, adding that officers do not currently believe their reward package is fair. Emergency Services Times 4/2/2025 News Bedfordshire Police’s chief constable says officers face ‘extreme trauma similar to military personnel in combat situations’ Police officers and staff face extreme trauma similar to that experienced by military personnel in combat situations, Bedfordshire's chief constable has said. Recognising the toll this takes, the force has dedicated resources to wellbeing and mental health support, despite financial pressures, he added. The chief constable, Trevor Rodenhurst KPM, said: “We’re one of the few forces that has a dedicated wellbeing offer. Luton Today 4/2/2025 News Met Police staff go on strike for first time ever as 300 walkout after ‘being told to they would be docked pay for working from home’ Metropolitan Police staff have gone on strike today for the first time ever to protest over the right to work from home. More than 300 members of the force will walkout for two weeks - starting on Tuesday - after bosses gave them an ultimatum to reduce remote working or face pay cuts. Staff including PCSOs and child protection experts began working from home more regularly following the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021, with some spending as few as two days out of five in the office. Mail Online 4/2/2025 News “Perplexing” Victorian bail law review slammed by Indigenous leaders, opposition AUSTRALIA: Proposed bail law changes flagged by Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan have been criticised by Indigenous groups as proof she cares "more about polling numbers than keeping our communities safe". National Indigenous Times (NIT) (Australia) 4/2/2025 News Police officer drove into e-bike ‘to protect teen rider from serious harm’ A court hears PC Timothy Bradshaw rear-ended a 17-year old in Portsmouth after he made ‘unpleasant hand gestures’ The Telegraph - Subscription at source 4/2/2025 News Summary of outcomes: police response review Floreat murder/suicide AUSTRALIA: This Summary of Outcomes is provided for public release. The investigation report remains confidential as it contains sensitive and third-party information. The investigation report has been provided to the Corruption and Crime Commission and to the WA Ombudsman, for them to carry out their oversight functions. The report has also been provided to the Deputy State Coroner, who may choose to exercise her authority to convene an inquest into this matter. Additionally, the investigation report has been presented to and discussed with the PETELCZYC and BOMBARA families. Western Australia Police Force 4/2/2025 Report Improving the measurement of nonfatal shootings: a crosswalk study of NIBRS and law enforcement agency internal records Law enforcement agencies play a critical role in collecting data on firearm violence through the National Incident-based Reporting System (NIBRS). Managed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, this system stands to replace the Uniform Crime Reporting Program’s Summary Reporting System (UCR-SRS). Despite its advantages, NIBRS lacks dedicated reporting criteria for nonfatal shooting injuries, creating a measurement challenge. Our crosswalk study assesses the extent to which NIBRS can be used to accurately measure incidents involving nonfatal shooting injuries, relying on known incidents identified by the Detroit Police Department from 2017 to 2020. Our findings underscore the importance of establishing dedicated reporting criteria in NIBRS to capture such incidents. They also support two current approaches available to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers for measuring nonfatal shooting incidents using law enforcement records. The first approach involves deriving estimates from NIBRS by identifying aggravated assaults committed with a firearm and resulting in an ‘other major’ injury to the victim. The second approach relies on agency-specific procedures and processes for recording nonfatal shooting injuries. Journal of Crime and Justice 4/2/2025 Research article Government drops ‘redundant’ ram raid bill NEW ZEALAND: The government is dropping Labour's proposed legislation aimed at reducing ram raid burglaries. The Ram Raid Offending and Related Measures Amendment Bill allowed ram raid sentences of up to 10 years in jail, and gave police the power to prosecute children as young as 12. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 4/2/2025 News Officers used excessive force while arresting car-stealing children – IPCA NEW ZEALAND: Two police officers ruled to have used excessive force in the arrest of a group of children have escaped further punishment and will keep their jobs. Five youths aged between 10 and 14 were apprehended on 26 September 2022, after police trapped the stolen vehicle they were travelling in. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 4/2/2025 News «2345678910Next ›Last » Upcoming events June 17 TCCA Critical Communications World 2025 July 13 International Conference on Law Enforcement & Public Health (LEPH) 2025: Towards a healthier and more equitable state August 19 The Nordic Police Research Seminar September 17 The Emergency Tech Show 2025 September 18 Emergency Services Show 2025 View all events