Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 99230 total results. Showing results 99001 to 99020 «494749484949495049514952495349544955Next ›Last » Smaller, smarter, more flexible: Policing for the future Elizabeth Crowhurst, a commentator on criminal justice reform argues that despite some progress, policing still requires radical reform over the next five years to meet the challenges of reduced resources and new types of crime. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/6/2015 Opinion Speech: What does a one nation justice policy look like? Rt Hon Michael Gove, Lord Chancellor, to the Legatum Institute Ministry of Justice (MoJ) 23/6/2015 Feature, Opinion National Strategic Assessment – latest analysis of UK crime threats National Crime Agency (NCA) 23/6/2015 Report LAST CHANCE TO BOOK: free workshop seeking improvements to the victim and witness experience Your invitation to a free CoPaCC / IPSCJ Workshop: Developing work to improve the experience of victims and witnesses Policing Insight 22/6/2015 News Target-hunting or hunting targets? A hunt for fool’s gold Academic and former Thames Valley Police chief constable, Peter Neyroud argues that policing needs to move beyond the debate of targets v no targets. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/6/2015 Opinion FoI: Living Wage South Yorkshire OPCC 22/6/2015 Report Superintendent direct entry attracts just seven successful applicants The Telegraph 22/6/2015 News Decision: YouGov Survey Nottinghamshire OPCC 19/6/2015 Report Police and Crime Panels: Scrutiny challenges ahead Miranda Carruthers-Watt, former OPCC Chief Executive and author of the Local Government Association "Good practice for police and crime panels" guidance document, examines likely future scrutiny challenges for Panels Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/6/2015 Analysis Cumbria Constabulary replaces officers’ notepads with mobiles ComputerworldUK 18/6/2015 News FoI: Payment of the Living Wage "I insist on a living wage being paid within my office, but do not currently oblige contractors to do the same." Warwickshire OPCC 18/6/2015 Report Police Widows Pension Campaign: A call for your support Kate Hall's campaign for fairer treatment of police widows has attracted over 75,000 signatories to her online petition. She needs 25,000 more signatures to bring the issue formally to Parliament's attention. Kate sets out how police widows are unfairly treated, notes that changes have already been made to police pension rules in Northern Ireland, and asks for your support for her petition. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/6/2015 Opinion Chief Constable Chris Sims to leave West Midlands Police Birmingham Live 17/6/2015 News Victims’ Commissioner’s speech to open new victims and witnesses’ support facility A transcript of the Victims' Commissioner, Baroness Newlove's memorable, moving and informative speech at the opening of Compass House, a new victim and witness support facility in Kent. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/6/2015 Opinion Interview with Ann Barnes PCC for Kent PCC for Kent Ann Barnes looks back over a stormy tenure in office but says she has come through it more resilient and committed than ever. But is she prepared to run again in May 2016? Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/6/2015 Interview, Opinion Cambridgeshire’s police chief to retire in July Peterborough Telegraph 16/6/2015 News Crime levels: Apologies and explanations Gary Mason reviews the week’s national and local police news. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/6/2015 News Analysis of “Terror Watchdog” report on investigatory powers Policing Insight analyses the report for the Prime Minister by David Anderson QC, the independent reviewer of surveillance legislation, which makes a compelling case for replacing the current “fragmented” legislative position. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/6/2015 Analysis Decision: Chief Constable – contract extension Humberside OPCC 15/6/2015 Report Decision: Restorative justice delivery partner – award Awarded to Merseyside Community Rehabilitation Company at a cost of £49,914 Merseyside OPCC 15/6/2015 Report «494749484949495049514952495349544955Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events