Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98504 total results. Showing results 98421 to 98440 «491849194920492149224923492449254926Next ›Last » City devolution plans for policing Announcement of city devolution plans raises questions about policing governance. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/5/2015 News Police Post in Blythe Bridge could be put up for sale to help boost force funds Read more: Follow us: @leeknews on Twitter | LeekPostandTimes on Facebook A member of the Staffordshire Police and Crime Panel said “It concerns me that losing all buildings which are not in the centre of Hanley or Stafford may leave our neighbourhood policing vulnerable”. Policing Insight 13/5/2015 News Kent Police rejects lost property ‘because of budget cuts’ A member of the Kent and Medway Police and Crime Panel, said the panel was not informed about the change in policy and it had provoked a lot of concern. BBC 13/5/2015 News “PCCs and Partnership”: Latest CoPaCC Thematic published The latest in the CoPaCC Thematic Report series presents, and provides analysis of, submissions from nine OPCCs and ten stakeholder organisations. Policing Insight 13/5/2015 News Police and Crime Commissioner David Lloyd reveals his five-year plan for Herts The final plan will be presented to the Police and Crime Panel which meets on June 11th. The News (Portsmouth) 13/5/2015 News New hub set to track criminals ANPR Hub based in North Yorkshire Police's Force Control Room will focus on vehicles identified as being connected to criminality Gazette & Herald 13/5/2015 News CoPaCC Thematic Report – “PCCs and Partnership” – May 2015 Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/5/2015 Report FoI: Details of OPCC employees charged with any criminal offence "Neither the Police and Crime Commissioner or any employee of the PCC’s office have been charged with any criminal offences since 1 January 2014." West Mercia OPCC 13/5/2015 Report CoPaCC Thematic Report APPENDIX A – “PCCs and Partnership” – May 2015 Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/5/2015 Report CoPaCC Thematic Report APPENDIX B – “PCCs and Partnership” – May 2015 Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/5/2015 Report Neighbourhood policing: Death by a thousand cuts? Gary Mason reviews the week’s national and local police news. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/5/2015 News Force in “biggest local policing shake-up for years” South Yorkshire Police this week started a new neighbourhood policing system, which uses changes in shift patterns and mobile technology to try and provide 24-hour policing cover while reducing costs by more than £8 million. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/5/2015 News Decision: Invest to Save Proposals 2015/16 Merseyside OPCC 12/5/2015 Report Decision: Regional IT Transformation Programme Resourcing Nottinghamshire OPCC 12/5/2015 Report Interview with Adam Simmonds PCC for Northamptonshire Nick Alatti interviews the Conservative PCC for Northamptonshire examining progress on his crime plan, value for money and some notable controversies. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/5/2015 Interview, Opinion The first and last precept referendum? Gary Mason argues that the serious shortcomings of the Bedfordshire police precept referendum may preclude their use in future. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/5/2015 Opinion Precept referendum defeat for Bedfordshire PCC Olly Martins Pressure is mounting on Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner Olly Martins after voters overwhelmingly rejected his plans to increase the council tax precept by 15.8%. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/5/2015 News Ten key lessons from Bedfordshire’s police precept referendum Bernard Rix, CEO of CoPaCC, shares his experience of the referendum as a resident taking part. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 11/5/2015 Opinion New Wiltshire Police Chief Constable confirmed by Police and Crime Panel The panel backed the appointment subject to a medical and a security check. There was some concern amongst the PCP that there was only one candidate for the post. Policing Insight 11/5/2015 News Bedfordshire police funding referendum: residents vote against increase Luton on Sunday 11/5/2015 News «491849194920492149224923492449254926Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events