Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 97341 to 97360 «486448654866486748684869487048714872Next ›Last » Apple refuses police calls for access to mobile data The Times - Subscription at source 30/9/2015 News Andy Burnham to outline Labour’s ‘change of tone’ on police cuts Shadow home secretary prepared to cut 5-10% of police budgets, and will target wage protection in EU renegotiations The Guardian 30/9/2015 News Cheshire Police and Crime youth ambassador not being replaced BBC 30/9/2015 News Nick Gargan: ‘Backing’ over call for misconduct chief to quit Moves by a PCC to force out her suspended chief constable have been backed by the chief inspector of constabulary, the BBC understands BBC 30/9/2015 News Watchdog could launch investigation over PC’s alleged fraudulent claim The IPCC confirmed it received a complaint in relation to Simon Hayes' expenses Get Hampshire 30/9/2015 News Police will turn ‘blind eye’ to new smoking ban in cars From 1st October it will be illegal for a motorist to smoke with someone under the age of 18 in their car, but few drivers are expected to be prosecuted. The Telegraph 29/9/2015 News ‘Madness’ of cuts that could send officer numbers below psychological 100,000 barrier Police chiefs have been warned that draconian cuts earmarked for the autumn are “nothing short of madness” as the service reaches a critical tipping point. Police Professional 29/9/2015 News Norfolk police boss vows to maintain effective service, despite funding cuts fear The chief constable of Norfolk Police has today insisted the force will continue to provide an effective service, despite fears over the potential impact of forthcoming funding cuts. Bury Free Press 29/9/2015 News Norfolk Police budget cuts ‘a game-changer’ Policing in Norfolk has reached a "critical point" and requires radical change to accommodate looming budget cuts, the chief constable has warned. BBC 29/9/2015 News Independent panel to examine police ‘facial recognition’ system An independent panel is to examine Leicestershire Police's use of controversial facial recognition technology. Leicestershire Live 29/9/2015 News Police and crime commissioners “here to stay”, says shadow home secretary Police and crime commissioners are "here to stay for the medium-term", according to the shadow home secretary. Plymouth Live 29/9/2015 News Building the knowledge, enabling the practice Presentation by Alex Marshall, CEO, College of Policing, on the College's Crime Reduction Toolkit Excellence in Policing (EIP) 2015 29/9/2015 Report From knowing to doing – what really enables best practice? Presentation by TIm Ellis of KBR Excellence in Policing (EIP) 2015 29/9/2015 Report Assessing the police contribution to policing Presenation by HMI Stephen Otter about "What can you expect from HMIC?" Excellence in Policing (EIP) 2015 29/9/2015 Report Adding public value Excellence in Policing (EIP) 2015 29/9/2015 Report West Midlands Police 2020: Creating a new era of policing for the West Midlands Presentation by Dave West of Accenture Excellence in Policing (EIP) 2015 29/9/2015 Report Different ways of working in Sussex Presentation by Sussex PCC Katy Bourne and DCC Olivia Pinkney Excellence in Policing (EIP) 2015 29/9/2015 Report Integrating public services in Greater Manchester Presentation by ACC Rebekah Sutcliffe, Greater Manchester Police Excellence in Policing (EIP) 2015 29/9/2015 Report Education Qualification Framework for Policing Presentation by Dr Sam Peach, Curriculum Assessment and Accreditation Lead, College of Policing Excellence in Policing (EIP) 2015 29/9/2015 Report Norfolk 2020 Norfolk’s Chief Constable is asking people to ‘think differently’ about policing ahead of further anticipated budget cuts. Norfolk Constabulary 29/9/2015 News «486448654866486748684869487048714872Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events