Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 97101 to 97120 «485248534854485548564857485848594860Next ›Last » Avon & Somerset PCC accepts Chief Constable resignation Temporary Chief Constable Gareth Morgan will continue to lead the Constabulary while a recruitment process takes place. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/10/2015 News PCC accepts Chief Constable resignation Avon & Somerset Chief Constable Nick Gargan resigns with immediate effect Avon & Somerset OPCC 16/10/2015 News Letter: West Midlands Police & Crime Panel recommends appointment of Chief Constable Panel supports PCC nomination of DCC Dave Thompson West Midlands PCP 16/10/2015 Report APCC CEO to leave by end of year Tracey Bleakley is to join Hospice UK Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/10/2015 News CEO to leave APCC to take over the helm at Hospice UK Tracey Bleakley to leave APCC at end of year to take up post Hospice UK 16/10/2015 News Police letting us down badly, Scots say The Times - Subscription at source 16/10/2015 Analysis, Feature Tom Watson had the police in his political thrall – that is the real scandal The Labour MP's crusade against VIP child abuse has exposed a chilling lack of independence whose roots go back two decades The Telegraph - Registration at source 16/10/2015 Feature, Opinion Chief warns force will become ‘a pale shadow’ if cuts go ahead CC Graham says the force will have to start cutting frontline services if the changes to the funding formula go ahead Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/10/2015 News Abuse inquiry accidentally deletes victim submissions BBC 16/10/2015 News Police chief in threat to sue over funding cuts The Times - Subscription at source 16/10/2015 News Offer of £60k to keep beat officer is rejected by PCC Basingstoke Gazette 16/10/2015 News £800,000 of mobile phones and tablets will help ‘bobbies stay on beat longer’ Hull Live 16/10/2015 News Devastating cutbacks will make Wiltshire Police ‘no longer viable’ according to senior figures in force Standard (Wiltshire & Gloucestershire) 16/10/2015 News UKIP names candidate for PCC Daily Echo (Southern) 16/10/2015 News How many police officers are harmed in the line of duty? The Home Office estimates there were 23,000 assaults against officers in 2014/15, and since 1945 more than 250 officers have been fatally shot The Guardian 16/10/2015 Analysis, Feature Crime levels soar as millions of cyber crimes included for first time More than seven million fraud and cyber crimes are being committed a year The Independent 16/10/2015 News ‘Something has to give’, says police chief facing £54m cuts Plymouth Live 16/10/2015 News Why it’s time for our PCC to resign Rossendale Free Press 16/10/2015 Feature, Opinion Councillor Will Windsor-Clive selected as Conservative PCC candidate Gloucestershire Echo 16/10/2015 News Cuts make policing Cardiff’s pubs and bars ‘more difficult’ BBC 16/10/2015 News «485248534854485548564857485848594860Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events