Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 97061 to 97080 «485048514852485348544855485648574858Next ›Last » Policing ‘entering uncharted waters’ in face of fresh cuts, says watchdog Report warns continued reductions to public spending threaten ‘financial sustainability and operational viability’ of some forces in England and Wales The Guardian 20/10/2015 News Some police forces ‘too inefficient to cope with more cuts’ BBC 20/10/2015 News HMIC publishes report on force efficiency Five forces rated outstanding, 29 as good, 8 as requiring improvement and one - Humberside - as inadequate. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/10/2015 News Forces’ future efficiency must improve to meet financial pressures HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 20/10/2015 News Anti-extremism drive puts British values at risk, says police chief Greater Manchester chief constable Sir Peter Fahy says government strategy could alienate Muslims and damage free speech and religious freedom The Guardian 20/10/2015 News Tories pick their candidate for Derbyshire PCC Derbyshire Live 19/10/2015 News The police ‘super-recognisers’ putting names to faces BBC 19/10/2015 News Severance could be on the cards at the Met Force has warned of struggle to keep up in numbers in face of cuts - and may introduce voluntary scheme to cull managers Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/10/2015 News Force will cease routinely sending officers to do welfare checks Fire brigade will take over bulk of the work, confirms Chief Constable Simon Byrne Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/10/2015 News Senior police officer hits back in row over crime responses The Press (York) 19/10/2015 News Matistrates’ leader decries ‘last straw’ of court charge Financial Times - Subscription at source 19/10/2015 News Steep fall in cannabis offences points to silent relaxation of drugs policy Police cite shrinking budgets and reduced stop and search, as possession offences recorded in England and Wales drop by almost a third The Guardian 19/10/2015 News MP Meg Hillier criticises Home Office for crippling cuts to police forces Chair of Public Accounts Ctte accuses Whitehall of making swingeing cuts to policing with no real understanding of what’s going on at the ground. Hackney Gazette 19/10/2015 News Taxpayers facing £13million bill after NCA lauanched bungled raid Mail Online 18/10/2015 News Police force face a meltdown due to potential budget cuts THE evidence is clear and mounting: if something drastic does not happen in the next two years the police service as you know it will cease to exist. Express 18/10/2015 Feature, Opinion Cheshire Police get smarter with mobile fingerprint technology The Chester Chronicle 18/10/2015 News Tories select their candidate for Leicestershire PCC Leicestershire Live 18/10/2015 News Three forces agree to progress further collaboration proposals Collaboration across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire (BCH) took a step forward this week (13 October) when the three forces agreed to progress Full Business Cases (FBCs) for Custody, Criminal Justice and ICT. 17/10/2015 News Bedfordshire PCC petitioning Government "The Government must ensure Bedfordshire Police is adequately funded" 17/10/2015 News Cambridgeshire police will explore sharing more services with neighbouring police forces in bid to save cash Cambridgeshire police is to explore the possibility of sharing more services with colleagues in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire The Hunts Post 17/10/2015 News «485048514852485348544855485648574858Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events