Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 97001 to 97020 «484748484849485048514852485348544855Next ›Last » 24-hour booze mayhem: A&E staff, paramedics and police spend a quarter of their time dealing with drunks Mail Online 26/10/2015 News Sam Chapman: Police funding should not reward failure Conservative Home 26/10/2015 Feature, Opinion Police call for end to 24-hour licensing over alcohol-related violence Survey finds 75% of police and 50% of ambulance staff injured in drink-related incidents, which take up 53% of police time The Guardian 26/10/2015 News ‘Chiefs in shires should not be complacent about cuts’, says PCC for city area After Cheshire's Chief Constable said his force could safely make further savings, PCC for neighbouring Merseyside warns of domino effect Police Oracle - Subscription at source 26/10/2015 News Half of PCCs will not stand again The Times - Subscription at source 26/10/2015 News Britain’s police force is at BREAKING POINT: savage cuts risking public safety Express 25/10/2015 News Police in row over training Saudis The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 25/10/2015 News Police say they won’t visit stores to arrest shoplifters – and tell traders to send in their CCTV footage instead Mail Online 25/10/2015 News Closure of Truro police office branded a ‘waste of money’ West Briton 25/10/2015 News Cybercrime is Britain’s top offense Info Security 25/10/2015 News Reject calls to make officers redundant, PFEW tells Chiefs Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 25/10/2015 News We need the law to go on war on terror Home Secretary on why we must update spying powers The Sun 25/10/2015 Feature, Opinion Nottinghamshire Police prostitution call ‘appalling’ BBC 25/10/2015 News 500 officers face axe from Metropolitan Police as force looks to save £1bbillion The redundancies are the start of a programme of cuts that will remove 8,000 jobs, with homicide and serious crime units expected to be hit Mirror 25/10/2015 News ‘Inadequate’ Humberside Police ‘warned’ over operational changes BBC 23/10/2015 News Elected mayors for north-east of England as devolution deal announced The north-east of England and the Tees Valley are to each have an elected mayor to preside over regional issues BBC 23/10/2015 News Creative changes for Police Innovation Fund 2016/17 Policing Minister introduces revisions to this year's Police Innovation Fund, with submissions due by Friday 18th December 2015. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/10/2015 News Sir Peter Fahy’s last day as Chief Constable is spent on the beat in city centre Manchester Evening News 23/10/2015 News Katy Bourne re-elected as Conservatives’ Sussex PCC candidate Hastings Observer 23/10/2015 News Conservatives name PCC hopeful Tory candidate in Cumbria named as Peter McCall News & Star 23/10/2015 News «484748484849485048514852485348544855Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events