Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98621 total results. Showing results 96881 to 96900 «484148424843484448454846484748484849Next ›Last » Durham Police say 600 applied for 50 constable jobs BBC 6/11/2015 News Good and bad news for the county’s police enquiry desks Luton Today 6/11/2015 News Council tax rise could fund police cyber-crime specialists Chichester Observer 6/11/2015 News Crime-recording: Chief Inspector’s letter to the police service HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 6/11/2015 Report Labour calls to scrap Police Scotland officer number target Party also calls for PIRC to replace professional standards department in complaint handling Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/11/2015 News Suffolk Police chief constable retires after ‘year of sick leave’ BBC 6/11/2015 News PCC says Government cuts may mean Northants Police cannot sustain 1,220 officers in future years Northampton Chronicle & Echo 6/11/2015 News “Hypocrite” Tory MP posed with petition against police cuts but wouldn’t back move to amend them Mirror 6/11/2015 News Bedfordshire Police: Speed cameras and sponsorship ‘may fund police’ BBC 6/11/2015 News Zero tolerance speeding policy blasted by Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin says plans to use speed cameras to raise revenue for police forces is a breach of official guidelines The Telegraph - Subscription at source 6/11/2015 News ‘Fund your own police’ plan in Hampstead attracts £180k pledges in four weeks Ham & High 5/11/2015 News Force 7 ‘wind of change’ blows in biggest police collaboration Police Professional - Subscription at source 5/11/2015 News Retiring Caerphilly AM Jeff Cuthbert wants to be Gwent Police’s next £70k a year PCC Wales Online 5/11/2015 News Diversity: Good intentions and unintended consequences CI Simon Nelson, Chairman of the Sussex Police Disability and Carers Association, argues that the disabled must not be overlooked as police numbers fall Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/11/2015 Opinion “Mind the Gap”: Predicting the impact of police withdrawal from communities PC Rory Geoghegan, a frontline Police Constable in the Metropolitan Police, considers the positive effect of community policing Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/11/2015 Opinion Digest: November 2015 Detail on: Home Office report on the nature of online offending; follow up inspection of MAPPA; HMIC report on police efficiency; terms of reference for the review into deaths and serious incidents in police custody. Also examines: revised code of practice for victims’ of crime; evaluation of an alternative place of safety pilot; national risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing • counter-extremism strategy. College of Policing 5/11/2015 Report Chief constable candidate embroiled in spy row The Herald (Scotland) 5/11/2015 News Rape Monitoring Group: Criminal agency data on rape HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 5/11/2015 Report Political Police The police must stop grandstanding and accept cuts to funding The Times - Subscription at source 5/11/2015 Feature, Opinion Theresa May agrees to give extra funds to South Yorkshire Police The Yorkshire Post 5/11/2015 News «484148424843484448454846484748484849Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events